What are some things that you have found yourself doing or thinking that make you ask yourself "I wonder if this means I'm getting old?"
Asked by
jca (
April 6th, 2011
“Old” being whatever you make it – have you done anything or felt or thought anything that made you ask yourself, “I wonder if this means I’m getting old?”
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72 Answers
What was the question? LOL
Can’t find the keys once a week ( usually on hook for keys ).
Go the mailbox twice.
I don’t know what you talking about !
I felt that way on the first day of my first job. What… like I have to go out & earn my money now?
I can’t pull a late, late, nighter (drinking) and function properly the next morning. I need a good day to re-coup.
I grunt when I get out of a chair.
Noticing tiny red pimples in my neck that I used to see in my grandfather’s…
I have gone downstairs only to forget what the heck I was going down there for…get upstairs, remember…go back down and have found myself sidetracked and forget again.
I have put things that belong in the freezer into the fridge & vice versa.
“Lost” the remote or the phone, only to find it in the oddest of places.
Walking into a store and hating all of the new trends.
Thinking that the new, popular music coming out is shallow and annoying.
I actually utilize the phrase “when I was your age…”
I listen to some pop music today and I know exactly which 70s-80s-early 90s song the band is ripping off.
Looking at certain outfits I can put together, but wondering if it’d be a case of “mutton dressed as lamb” if I wear it.
Catching myself saying, “When I was a kid…” to 20-somethings.
And reading today that Kurt Cobain’s remains were found 17 years ago yesterday.
Having no desire to go out for drinks on the weekend. I’d rather sit at home and watch movies or play games.
Teaching undergraduates and thinking, “man, they’re young.”
Getting my Social Security benefits, getting used to my silver hair, Seeing the wrinkles on my hands, and the loose skin on my arms.
Logging on to facebook and seeing pretty much everyone i know and grew up with is either posting family photos of their kids and/or are announcing they’re pregnant.
Makes me wonder if i’m not so young anymore and acutely aware that I’m still single.
Being scared and getting dizzy trying to climb a step ladder…when, 10 years ago, I could scramble up a 20 foot ladder without a second thought.
@sinscriven Wait till all your friends are posting pics of their grandchildren! And it WILL happen!
I know I’m not old; however, lately, it sure is catching up with me. I just celebrated my 40th birthday. We were kid-less for the weekend. We had plans, you know…plans. We were reminiscing about the all-night (anywhere we wanted to do it) nights. Yep, by 11p, we were both so tired that we couldn’t think straight. I fell asleep in the middle of a movie. He fell asleep not to long after me.
Oh yeah, comes with the territory.
Found myself bitching last year when the acorns were tripping me on my driveway.
Dang acorns, like to kill me! lol
It’s sad, realizing that your wild days of being all terrain person are being tested by a freaking Acorn!
Oooh, these acorns are DANGEROUS, quick, where’s the broom!
Obviously a moment of mid-life dementia, how the hell did I end up with the above weirdness?
ROFL!!! @Coloma! Could be your DUCK pooping ACORNS you know!!
Hesitating before climbing the ladder outside to pick fruit.
Planning drives that will take more than 5hrs at a stretch.
Noting I don’t listen to broadcast music on a radio.
Deleting most of the pictures of dresses I shop for myself when I realize they’d look great on me… 20yrs ago.
—Colma…youz done broke Fluther…You and your little acorns..—-
That’s not all!
Last fall an acorn flew into my car window and smacked me in the face while driving at about 50mph. I’m a tellin’ ya, the acorns are going to be the death of me, I just know it!
ROLF! I needed this! WELL! I have you beat! A meteor hit my car windshield a couple of years ago! So there!
@gailcalled I told you. Coloma done broked Fluther….
Damn it, wheres my spectacles?
Haha, wow, you got me beat with the meteor. That’s wild!
I asked some kids if I could ‘pet their dog’ which turned out to be a black backpack. :-/
@Coloma broke Fluther! I don’t think I’ve ever broke Fluther!
I will BOLDLY state that I feel old when I realize that very, very few of my friends have grandparents anymore.
Edit: Hey, I fixed Fluther!
Edit again: Nope.
I am mystified, whats with this alien experience? :-O
@Seelix me too. That’s a good point.
Get @Coloma She did it. Changed the font on the WHOLE internet
Hey…it’s in your HTML @Coloma. Ask the mods to go fits it…somehow, when you did everything all bold, it didn’t insert the /> end command, so everything after that is…. STILL BOLD!!!
OK, @Coloma I got that one too, and I wasn’t even old! I was early 30’s something but I had turrible, turrible eyesight. Legally blind and all. Seriously bad, ever since I was a kid. Like, as a kid, at the pool, without thinking about it, I’d memorize the color patterns of my friend’s swimsuits so I’d know who they were if they were more than 5 feet from me….(I had lasik about 10 years ago…wow..) Anyway, about 20 years ago I was resting on the couch and my 3-and 5-year olds were making a rucus of some kind. I sat up, saw the pattern of the green shirt of my youngest right in front of me and started hollering at her (both of them) to BE QUIET!!! A moment of silence, then I heard giggling coming from behind me. Turns out, the “green shirt” I saw was a green towel that had somehow got tossed over the branches of a small tree I had, and wasn’t my daughter after all. My authority was ruint—for the moment! (That tree is way taller than me now, btw….)
Should that be Internet ( large “I” ) ? It still jumping up and from bold and back.
Hello, what’s all this, then?
Hey, you kids get off my lawn!
Always wanted to say that.
That was my horse, @aprilsimnel! Too late and maybe YOU need glasses!!
[mod says] Ok, I got it fixed. Had to replace @Coloma‘s ‘comic book cursing’ (pound sign, question mark, star, exclamation point, etc) with “Dang”. Somewhere in that string of characters, a new code was accidentally made.
@Coloma If you object to “Dang”, just let me know. I’ll be happy to substitute the word of your choice. :)
Aw. They fits it! I knew it was up there somewhere in that initial comment, hence I started randomly typing characters….but I’m not magic, like @Coloma is, so it didn’t work…: (
When I disapprove of today’s teen fashions. Although I don’t know how much this means, since I used to disapprove of most teen fashion when I was a teen anyways. Still, it makes me feel closed minded. That’s not supposed to happen when you get older, right?
Another thing is, when my opinion of some Viking metal states that a lot of lyrics are retarded. With swords in hand they kill each and every man, who dares to invade their sacred land! Seriously that’s so lame. And historically inaccurate.
Also, I catch myself being offended by some things, or thinking other things are inappropriate. Nothing used to offend me before. It’s like I’m loosing parts of me. ’‘arm falls off’’ Aaaw godamnit.
@Symbeline Naw…we’re getting smarter is all…..
It’s not hard to disapprove of today’s teen fashions…they’re whorey.
Good job Sherlock! lol
Well…the absent minded coder strikes again!
I’m only 18, but it really hit me hard when I figured out that I wasn’t a kid anymore. You know you’re getting older when you use the phrase “Kids these days….” followed by a sigh of pity!
@KatetheGreat Sniff…I remembered the other day, for some reason, an evening when I was about 13 and, for whatever reason, cried and cried into my pillow because I realized I wasn’t a kid anymore, and I wasn’t ready for it to end…but it was like a freight train, out of my control. Don’t have the faintest idea what precipitated it….
All hail @Coloma! The Absent Minded Coder!
Singing along to the songs in the grocery store.
ABsolutely NO reason to ask myself that question… I AM old, 68 this May! LOL!
What was the name of that supplement that is good fro the memory?
Why did I go into this room?
What was it that I was going to say? It was something very profound if I could only remember what it was.
What is the heck was his/her name anyway?
I’m 60 now and of course I always knew that I was going to slow down. I just am surprised at how greatly I have slowed down. And who is this ugly bald headed old cuss who looks back at me in the mirror?
i would be feeling like one of the older flutherers here if I hadn’t visited my 96 + year-old mother today. She is still living independently and has a little home care for only two hours a day.
Additionally, she has the apartment that is the farthest away from the communal dining room. She hoofs it round-trip to both lunch and dinner (with a walker, but still.)
Hence I m feeling pretty frisky myself.
<—Would love to meet and Gail and Milo on of these days.
@augustlan: Sadly, he’s been six feet under for the past four years. But this face ages well…good bones. (Head shot for her career at Paramount Movies 1932, 1933).
Ma in a Busby Berkeley film… last row, far right.
@gailcalled – Wow, ladies were really beautiful in a different way back then, huh? P.S. The second link won’t work :(
Such a beauty! Second link doesn’t work for me, either.
Sorry. Try this link
Back row, far right.
And this. ideal weight was also very different. Note the plump thighs on Ma, front row, far left.
@SpatzieLover Yeah…had nothing to do with sex or hormones…it was something else that I’d….done the day before which…suddenly seemed inappropriate the next…something…
@gailcalled She’s beautiful.
My kids are listening to remakes of my music, my girls are backcombing their hair which was not at all the fashion when I was a teen, clothing styles are back in fashion that were in fashion!
I asked the doctor what the tiny red spots on my legs are and she said ‘just aging’.
I’d often rather have a cup of tea than a beer! However, wine is wine.
I am becoming more intolerant of stupid behavior and vulgarity in songs and movies. You go rent porn, I don’t need to see them going at it, I can understand what’s going to happen with a screen fad. And I really don’t need to see a man pee.
Looking down at the floor to make sure absolutely nothing is there to make me trip over, fall down and have a brain concussion;
Not being completely certain what the day of the week is;
Feeling that a movie and popcorn in bed meets the requirements for an exciting evening;
Having to take Aleve after mopping the kitchen;
And the worst: calling all younger women and all teenagers “honey.”
Roller skating. Ya’ll tried to roller skate recently? It used to be like flying for me. Now it’s like…living in terror of a train wreck….
Haha, I used to be a strong skater, now I just have a bad ankle that threatens to go out on me at any moment when I least expect it.
I like the failing eyesight though, it’s perfect fodder for humorous stories.
Another good one over here, a few years ago I was outraged at a sign on the gas pump that I THOUGHT said ’ we have no FEELING for the handicapped!”
It actually said ’ we have no FUELING for the handicapped’
I was livid, WHO would put such a mean sign up? lol
The other day I thought I spied one of my cats in a tree across the road, was sure I was seeing the white nose stripe of my one cat Marley, then, after realizing the ‘cat’ hadn’t moved for a few minutes I grabbed the binoculars I keep hanging in my garage for wildlife viewing and saw that I was actually mistaking a streak of white bird poo on the tree branch for my cats nose. hahaha
I was so fast on skates at the rink. Seven years ago I wouldn’t even put on a pair of skates. And now? Just call 911 and tell them to keep the engine running.
I feel that way about horses now.
A mere decade ago I was an accomplished rider with stamina and now, if I hit the ground I’d be shattered.
Good thing all of my worst accidents were in my 20’s. lol
@Aster Shoot yeah. Someone falls down in front of you in the skating rink? No prob….don’t decrease speed, just JUMP over them! You might wipe out the first couple of times (and give the downed skater a concussion fer a while…) but eventually you get the hang of it.
@Dutchess_III JUMP over someone in skates? Well, do they keep wheelchairs at roller rinks? I mean, to wheel me to the ER?
@Aster Wheelchair on standby. I’ll tuck a little canteen of something in the seat for you.
Well…my theme remains the same over here, the oak trees are blowing out and my allergies are killing me today. In the spring the trees try to kill me with their pollen and in the fall with their acorns. A fresh new hell is always on tap. lol
Oh goodness…I am having a bad “aging” night. I did my regular jump rope workout…I look down a couple hours later and there it is…water on my ankle!
@Aster Well, when it happens immediately in front of you, and you don’t have time to swerve or stop, what else are you going to do? It’s a good idea to practice on imaginary crashed people first because you never know when you’ll need it for real.
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