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MilkyWay's avatar

What's your favourite Gem stone?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) April 6th, 2011

Mine I don’t know but I would like to know yours. Onyx, Ruby, Saphire etc. What’s yours?

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35 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Ruby,then emerald.Keep that in mine Queenie, my birthday’s coming up! XD

KateTheGreat's avatar

Sapphire. It’s so beautiful!

MilkyWay's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I’ll start savin up today. Will try to get it to you for you’re 80th bday.
: P

chyna's avatar

Turquoise, saphire, onyx, and opals.
Throwing rubies at Lucillex3’s feet

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@queenie XD Thank you! I will be waiting… :)

Jude's avatar

Isn’t she pretty?

Cruiser's avatar

I love Sapphires and Opals.

Emeralds are my birthstone and as a kid I thought they were the coolest that reason.

faye's avatar

I also love sapphires. I have a lovely sapphire and diamond ring that I had made from my wedding rings.

chyna's avatar

@jude That is the stone I have in my classring. It was my favorite back then and not my birthstone, which I don’t really like, auquamarine.

shego's avatar

I love opals, and rubies, amethyst and emeralds. And not a single one is my birthstone.

augustlan's avatar

I’m a cheap date. I love peridot (my birthstone), aquamarine (which is what I have in my class ring, @chyna), and turquoise. Well, I like diamonds, too, so maybe I’m not that cheap.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Ruby and Amethyst are my favorites.

Pandora's avatar

Emeralds mostly
Moon Stones
Cats eyes

faye's avatar

@augustlan Mine is peridot, too. I was born Aug 4 and have always thought if mom had got a move on, I’d have ruby!

Seaofclouds's avatar

@faye My birthday is August 4th too! I was due in July though, but was late.

faye's avatar

Let’s have a party!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Blue sapphire and ruby.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar


Jeruba's avatar

Sapphires above all others. But I do love both amethysts and moonstones as well.

I’m also very partial to malachite, although I wouldn’t call it a gemstone.

Ruby is my birthstone, but red doesn’t have much of a place in my life. You can have my rubies.

gondwanalon's avatar

I have a bowl of polished pieces of petrified wood. They may not be worth a lot but they are all precious to me.

DominicX's avatar

Peridot is my birthstone and it may be my favorite (I love that chartreuse color), but emeralds
and rubies are close. Green gems are my favorite, followed by red ones. :)

Edit: August 24th ;)

augustlan's avatar

Lots of August babies. My birthday is August 18th.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

August 2nd.
With another vote for peridot.

cazzie's avatar

Peridot is my birthstone too and I’ve come to really like it. I love crystal opals. I have a very favourite ring with a crystal opal.

Hibernate's avatar

Yellow gemstones ^^

iphigeneia's avatar

Definitely alexandrite, as soon as I heard of it there was no question. Amazing the stuff humans have dug up.

MilkyWay's avatar

Thanks guys… my younger brother was born on 4th of August too ;)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I prefer emeralds and sapphires. I’m not really a diamond kind of girl.

TexasDude's avatar

Amethyst and garnet.

lemming's avatar

Rose quartz, I have a small one on a necklace on now.

peridot's avatar

<—- Wow, I chose a great avatar, going by some of these responses… LOL August babies are great!

How can I choose and stay with just one? So many pretty sparkly “earth flowers” (as I sometimes call them). Peridot was my most recent favorite. I’ve since been gifted with a beautiful moonstone pendant (in the firm belief it was Mom’s way of telling me she’d crossed over and was happy on the other side), so am a bit more inclined toward them right now. I’ve also had “crushes” on jade, garnet, emeralds, mother-of-pearl…... Diamonds are nice I suppose, but a good-quality CZ fools my philistine eyes and doesn’t hurt my bank account so much.

picante's avatar

Sooo many make my list. Showing uncommon restraint, my top five are tanzanite, fire opals, emeralds, diamonds and pink sapphires (yup!).

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Emeralds because it’s so rare to see them untreated and releatively clean. My favorite color is the Columbian slightly blue emerald.

augustlan's avatar

It’s interesting that none of us (I think?) claimed diamonds as our first choice. The way they’re marketed, you’d think everyone loved them best.

cazzie's avatar

Diamonds are evil.

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