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john65pennington's avatar

Where do you draw the line on a family member using your personal bathroom toiletry items?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) April 7th, 2011

A long-lost cousin came to visit. He forgot his personal hygiene items, like deodorant, shaving gear, and his toothbrush. He stayed at my house for several days. After my cousin had taken a shower, I discovered he had used my deodorant, razor and my toothbrush. I am not sure, but I believe he also is wearing a pair of my underwear and socks! Question: am I wrong for now wanting to toss my personal hygiene items used by my cousin? What are the pros and cons against tossing or not tossing?

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18 Answers

AmWiser's avatar

They should definitely be tossed. Personal is personal and should only be used by you.

Cruiser's avatar

I would just give him what he used. IMO the subject of him not having these items should have come up the first day he was there and a quick run to the store should have been made. BTW…thanks for not sharing how you discovered the toothbrush was used!! X(

john65pennington's avatar

Cruiser, you caught that, good.

ucme's avatar

No one touches my little mermaid bubble bath, you hear me? No one!!
Having just read your details, I have but two things to add. He wore your underwear? Woah…skidmark alert!! Anyone ever used my toothbrush & they’d be picking those tootie pegs up off the floor….ain’t that the tooth, sorry truth!

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deni's avatar

I wouldn’t care about deodorant but toothbrush? really? Even the razor….come on. Who does that.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I would throw those things out.
Wearing your underwear too?? XD

marinelife's avatar

Toothbrush? Really out of line.
Razor? You can change the blade, can’t you?
Deoderant? Yuck!

The fact that he would do these things without even asking is really gross.

optimisticpessimist's avatar

I would not think twice about tossing them. I hope you figured out he used your toothbrush before you used it again. The deodorant… I would still toss it, but, hopefully since he had just showered, he was clean when he used it.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Ewww! What gall to use your things without saying anything! As if he couldn’t take a quick trip to Target or something! Eww! Ewww!

I’d ask if he was raised in a barn, but barnyard animals actually have more decorum.

Porifera's avatar

I would confront the guy and give him all the stuff he used. He had to explain the situation to you first and say that he had forgotten his own toiletries and asked if he could use yours or if you had stuff to spare. I would definitely make sure I point out to him how inappropriate that was so that maybe in the future he doesn’t do it to someone else.

Facade's avatar

No one but me and my SO uses my toiletry items.
#1 They’re expensive
#2 Gross

Then again, I don’t allow overnight guests, and my SO agrees so I doubt that will ever be a problem.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

That’s disgusting. I’d throw it all away and go to Walmart. Yuck.

Seelix's avatar

Ugh. Someone using my hairbrush wouldn’t bother me (someone I know to be liceless, that is), because it’s easily cleaned. I wouldn’t even bother to clean it, really.

Nail file, okay.

Other than that, get your own. There’s even a dollar store downstairs.

And that goes for everyone. Even Mr. Fiance. No one is sticking my toothbrush in their mouth. I don’t care if I stick my tongue in there, but not my toothbrush.

downtide's avatar

I would draw the line at toothbrush and razor. Most other things would be fair game for anyone else in my household but a visitor? Taking your underwear too? No way. Never mind tossing the things he used at him. I’d toss his ass out on the street first. Cheeky sod!

SpatzieLover's avatar

There are no cons to tossing @john65pennington. Sheesh! The nerve. Toss it and go buy new.

I’m sorry this happened to you while you’re grieving. Did he come in for the funeral? Or just to be a complete pest/mooch?

jca's avatar

what he should have done is gone to a local drug store or supermarket or big store like Walmart and picked up those things. He should have gone without brushing his teeth, or asked you if you had another one to give him. I have stayed places and not brushed my teeth for half a day until I got a toothbrush from a store or somewhere – it’s not pleasant, but I would never use someone else’s toothbrush – that’s just gross. As far as those items go, for you, I would throw them all out.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I don’t share toothbrushes.
Sharing razors can give you a skin infection as can deodorant/antiperspirant roll ons.

Get yourself some new gear and ask that he not use them, that you are very fussy about your personal hygeine items. It’s too bad if he thinks that’s weird or tries to argue some stupid article about germs… make him agree to respect your wishes. Gah.

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