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XOIIO's avatar

What is the slow deep music that plays during slave scenes in some movies?

Asked by XOIIO (18359points) April 8th, 2011

There is this slow, deep song that I have heard play in a couple movies when people are being forced to do work, almost like slaves, and I am having trouble finding it.

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17 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

It’s been a long time since I’ve heard it, but my guess is either The Volga Boatmen or Old Man River.

XOIIO's avatar

@Brian1946 Both miss.

The song I am thinking of doesnt have any lyrics if that helps.

BarnacleBill's avatar

Is it the same music, or just similar? It may be scored just for the movie.

XOIIO's avatar

Something simmilar, but a lot deeper, kind of like

daah dum daah dah dum dah dum dahh dah

idk, i suck at songs in text

BarnacleBill's avatar

It was probably scored by one of the Newmans for a 1930’s movie, and recycled ever since.

Bellatrix's avatar

If you can think of a film that features this music, perhaps you could check IMDB and see what it has to say about the music.

XOIIO's avatar

@Mz_Lizzy I can’t remember where I heard it.

@mrentropy YES! It’s some version of that song! THANKS!

mrentropy's avatar

Your welcome. I wouldn’t have figured it out if it weren’t for your humming up there.

XOIIO's avatar

lol, i’m glad it worked.

diavolobella's avatar

They use that for slavery scenes? Wow, that explains why I constantly hear it being softly played over the intercom system at my office. :D

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Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@XOIIO Yes, I know that song! It goes: dum dum dum, dum dedum dedum dedum!

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Swing low, Sweet chariot?

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@Dr_Dredd No, it’s Chopin’s Funeral March.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@Skaggfacemutt I was close… not.

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