Who wants to play the five-worded Q & A game (part II)?
As requested by @ladymia69, I have started a second part to this game.
The Game:
– One person will ask a question with exactly five words
– The next will answer with exactly five words
– Then the next will ask a new question and so on…
The Rules:
– Questions can be vague or specific and they don’t have to relate to the previous question, but can if you want to
– Answers have to actually answer the question as best as possible. It can be funny, weird, truthful, or anything
– Try not to repeat a previous question or answer
– Think outside the box and have fun with it!
Observing members:
Composing members:
366 Answers
You did, you silly goose!
When reading the rules, it looks like you only ask or answer; you don’t do both. Since I answered, the next person should ask a new question.
Wow, we’re doing good, no?
We are learning; and yes!
Has anyone found my brain?
I didn’t know it’s missing!
Anyone wanna fold my laundry?
No thanks, I’d rather sleep.
Tied with a satin ribbon.
What are the ten commandments?
All times; right now, also.
I’m busy. Can I later?
(I fudged it a little, does it still count? )
Does mama know you’re here?
No, please don’t tell her.
What’s on the road a-head?
GAH! It’s a head, actually.
It is your head, obviously.
It was a-shakin and a-bakingl . .
Your martini – stirred or shaken?
Stirred, I’m not like Bond.
Both, erichw1504. I like both!
Where were we before this?
Chasing our own elusive dreams.
Who knows, it’s just rubbish.
Garbage in / garbage out—no??
Really Don’t Care very much.
No, it’s not very polite.
We can’t answer, then ask?
@WasCy OK, that would probably be a good idea.
Consider the rules changes from here forward! You must answer the previous question, THEN ask a new one!
I’ll start it off
Do you like the change?
Not very sure, perfectly honest.
I like the change now.
Do you think it’ll work?
Yes, I surely think so.
Does Britain have a King?
I couldn’t tell ya @queenie.
Does America have a president?
Magic, magic; I like magic.
Do we have a magician?
I hope! Let’s find out.
Can you search for one?
He was just on Stage.
Oh, where did he GO?
I like this better
He disappeared into thin air.
Now what will we do?
See his assistant, ask her.
Was that smoke I saw?
Yes, I had bad beans.
How bad is that smell?!
The paint is peeling off.
Where is the Lysol spray?
We ran out of it.
Are you gunna pass out?
When the drink gets stronger.
Does anyone have any Chartreuse?
No, I try no drinking
Who’s suffered depression in past?
I assume many people have.
Are you feelin’ lucky, punk?
lucky? me? Sure am, buster!
What about you beneath me?
I’m feeling plucky, not lucky.
How many jellies make pancakes?
Zero, Jellyfish don’t make pancakes
Can you bake a cherry pie?
Billy boy, Billy boy—-Yes
Does this make a pancake?
No pancakes for you Willie. ;-)
Where’s the big banana boat?
Day-O Day-o Dayay-O Wanta Go….
Who has the whip cream?
“Not I ” said the lady
‘Whip cream’ does it scream?
the cream does not scream
That would be too BAD.
Where is the next jelly?
That would be me again!
Do you want to boogie?
She’s a brick house, mighty….
Can you boogie back?
Nope, don’t like to boogie….
What is stun spelled backwards???
Nuts, that was so easy!
What time is it now?
It is twelve forty-four CST.
Why is the sky blue?
Because it is not Orange you peel and eat oranges.
Where is the next question?
It is coming up now!!!
What color is an emerald?
Aren’t emeralds blue or something?
Will you cut the grass?
No, not enough to cut
Do you like Gardening jelly?
Nah, jelly doesn’t grow here.
What’s your favorite ethnic cuisine?
Anything Mexican my fine jelly.
Have you had your shots?
Haven’t had my rabies yet.
Do you like to bite?
I’ll bite jello shots , YES.
What flavor would you like?
I would like mint taco.
Can you make handmade baskets?
No, nor baskets of hands.
Are Fridays special date nights?
Sometimes, but not for me.
Have you seen my ball?
@Seelix is playing with it.
Can you cheer me up?
Sure, what do you need?
Who wants a happy brownie?
A happy brownie, how nice.
Do you grow your own?
Yes, come down and see.
Want to take some home?
Why would I do that?
Do you ever wear orange?
Especially when the Orange play.
Are you going home soon?
Not soon enough – two hours.
Seen the Decorah eagles nest-cam????
What’s the eagles nest -cam?
I’m going to play now…
I’ve already done so…
How cool is this cam?
It soars like an eagle.
How has your day been?
It has been so-so…
Should I ask the same?
Good day here; great lunch.
Will Coloma hit 20K today?
I should absolutely say so…
What are people doing tonight?
I’m not doing anything interesting.
What about you? Any plans?
I’m watching the Oriole game…
Does anyone else watch baseball?
Hockey is my favorite game.
What’s the game for others?
Hockey is so very violent…
Any players left with teeth?
A little violence is good.
Who needs teeth for anything?
Teeth are good for biting…
Who likes the Twilight Series?
Just trying to be funny…
Did I scare everyone off?
I don’t watch that show.
Do you bite during sex?
I will never tell you…
Perhaps I’m a hockey player?
Then you’d have to gum.
Would that be a turnoff?
Depends on who you ask…
Can someone change the subject?
I would like to play
what time are we drinking?
Soon I hope it’s Five! somewhere
Where are the wet jellies.
I’ll be drinking at 7:05…
What the heck’s wet jellies?
wet jellies are sloshed jellies
Is talking dirty fun drunk?
I’ll have to try later…
Anyone available for an experiment?
Ya I’ll jump in here.
Call nekkid jellies over later?
No naked jellies are wanted…
Dirty talk and drinks, anyone?
Sounds like fun to me!
What will be first topic?
We’ll mutually agree on one…
Did you have a suggestion?
Yes, but it’s relatively tasteless.
Do slimy jellies need lubricant?
You are right about tasteless…
Should I change my tactics?
Change the subject while PG ! !
What will we have next?
I’m writing a song parody…
Why did @erichw1504 stump me?
He tried to trip me.
Would you fall down too?
No, no, with song title…
Should I still make attempt?
I lost the crowd maybe…
Change the topic once again?
(cue sounds of crickets chirping)
Does this girl like me?
Well, I don’t know yet…
Are you outside or what?
No, just setting the mood
Is it the weekend yet?
Not quite, but very soon.
Will you drink many shots?
I don’t do the shots…
Can you please say margarita?
Margarita margarita margarita margarita margarita.
Are you quite satisfied now?
I am very greatly amused…
Were you cheating just now?
No, not in the least.
Must they be different words?
Nobody said this at all…
I guess you’re okay then?
Sure, no problems here, pal.
So… where’s the crocodile gone?
Back into the murky pond…
And who is croc again?
This is the best croc.
Will we win the championship?
Don’t know-a baseball fan…
Should I be rooting for you?
I am a Yankee’s fan.
But will the Crocs win?
Crocs yes, but Yankees no…
How come a Yankee fan?
Not much of yankees fan.
Do you like Stephen Colbert?
My sister does, he’s okay…
Should he run for president?
If Jon Stewart is Vice.
Can we be frank here?
Sorry, I am already yankeetooter…
Do you like hot dogs?
I have to say yes.
Do you like them grilled?
Burnt crisp over a bonfire…
What toppings please you most?
Nothing but ketchup and mustard.
Are you having them tonight?
No, it’s pot roast instead.
Maybe mashed potatoes for side?
Too much cooking is involved…
How about chili and relish?
That’s also much too difficult.
How about cereal and milk?
Now that’s more my style…
Do you like Frosted Flakes?
Can’t stand the sugar rush.
How about fruit and museli?
Way, way, way too healthy…
Are Lucky Charms magically delicious?
Yep, how i turned queen…
What’s going on over here?
Same thing as over here…
Why am I so bored?
Because I am bored too…
Who else is bored here?
I am not board yet
Why no dirty talking yet?
It is still PG time.
Will it start real soon? ?
I have Absolutely No Idea
Maybe some one should start?
3 pigs fell in the mud
Are there any men here?
Alas, not I, I fear…
What movie to go see?
The one that starts now.
What’ll you do after that?
I don’t know…talk dirty?
Should I talk dirty now?
I don’t very much know…
Oh @creative1, where are you?
I am at your service
Difference between erotic and kinky?
IF you don’t know then…..
Where the rest of pigs?
Frying in the pan…. yummy
Don’t you like yummy bacon?
Sausage is good and bacon.
What else are we eating?
Warm Pancakes, oozing maple syrup.
Would you not like that?
yes with bluberries on top!
Would you like whipped cream?
I must pass for now.
Who likes some Mexican bacon?
I do, I do! Me!
The Jelly Below Me is?
It is I, I’m back
Which movie didst I see?
It was “Marvin the Martian”
Where did everybody go to?
We were all sound asleep!
What’s cooking for breakfast now?
Nothing on the stove yet…
Should I grab something out?
No, else you’ll burn yourself!
Who’s had their breakfast yet?
I have had cold pizza…
Anyone end up making pancakes?
No, not me. I wish…
Would someone kickitup a gear?
Dance like nobody’s watching you
How do you like to party?
No partying right now-sad…
Can someone cheer me up?
Of course I can. Here
you all Cheered up now?
Funny, but still kinda sad…
Should I go book shopping?
Only if you want to…
Does this cheer you up?
Funny but was not sad
Why not try dating online?
Don’t like the online dating…
Should I take a nap?
Yes,think I’ll join you.
Is the next jelly sleepy?
I’m friggin exhausted and sleepy.
Anyone else feeling the same?
Yes, as i said so ; P
Will you excuse me please?
Doubleheader’s on later this afternoon…
Think my team wins both?
The Yankee’s are pond scum
Did you see my Sabres?
No, no viewings of Sabres…
Who likes the stupid Yankees?
I got that from Yankeetooter.
Who is your team then?
The Orioles are my team!
Who else to root for?
The Orioles are not bad.
What lunatic started this thread?
I’m not sure right now.
What do the Sabres play?
The Sabres play ice hockey.
You familiar with the NHL?
No, and don’t wanna be.
Who had to work today?
I most definitely did not…
Why else quit second job?
That was a weird question.
Do you toot yankees, then?
No-Civil War and instrument….
Why am I so tired?
I know what would work…
Does loss of love ease?
yes in time it does
What do you think jellies?
Waiting despairingly for this easement…
Will Monday bring any hope?
Meet new ones it helps!
What are you afraid of?
Not talking to him again…
What if I meet nobody?
40 long years I am…
Why’d I dream of him?
Because he wants inside you.
Wasn’t that a short weekend?
Way too short for me!
When does Friday come again?
Only once a week , DARN.
Where did the Flutherbot go?
I don’t give a crap.
Who wants to make pie?
Not me, I am working.
What kind of tasty pie?
A jelly pie of course!
Who here has baking skillz?
Not I, I fear not…
Anyone use a crockpot much?
Yes, on occasion I do.
Do you speak Klingon, sir?
It’s ma’am, and no sir…
Which Star Trek is best?
None of them is best.
Do you like to party?
Not much the partying type…
Do you, I take it?
Occasionally, with pancakes and nekkidness.
Can you fly a plane?
A paper airplane, I suppose…
How to party with pancakes?
Make pancakes, invite people, party!
Not so hard, was it?
No, kinda sounds like fun…
Do you rent out IHOP?
No, but a good idea!
Which IHOP should we rent?
The largest one they have.
How much would renting cost?
More than I can pay.
Where is our IHOP located?
Mine is in Baltimore, MD.
Can everyone come to here?
It’s a drive to Maryland
Can you come down here?
I have too many classes…
And where are you located?
Just down I-95 six hours.
Maybe Richmond would be good?
Close, but not close enough…
Should we eat cyber pancakes?
Okay with you, okay me.
Blueberry or “hot” pancake syrup?
I really like blueberry syrup…
What mean you by “hot”?
They serve the syrup “HOT”
When was the last IHOP?
Today, I jump, I leap…
Why am I so happy?
Because your finally moving on
When is the last question?
Fate played a joke tonight…
Why am I so confused?
You starred in Twilight Zone.
Where is the Italian Dressing?
The Italian (?) was buying coffee…
What flirty thing sayest I?
Couldn’t tell you, my friend.
Where shall we begin today?
With a rainy, dreary morning…
Do you like drinking coffee?
Yes, especially if it’s iced.
Have you met your maker?
Then I wouldn’t be here…
Is that a threat, lol!?
Yes it is a threat!!!
Are you feelin’ lucky, punk?!
I have my scotchin’ knife…
Are you talkin’ to me?
Gunna need a bigger boat.
See the yellow brick road?
Yes, I’m taking it now…
Why need a bigger boat?
Jaws gunna eat ya up!
And what is the Matrix?
It is all around you.
Are you Neo, the one?
No, I can’t be me…
How to stop the machines?
Unplug them from the wall…
Will this break the circuit?
The circuit is already broken!
Should we start over now?
No, we must defeat them!
Who’s got a laser gun?
I don’t have a license…
Will a bazooka gun do?
No, dammit! Get a license!
How long will it take?
Watch your language please, sir…
Is there a waiting period?
I believe so, mother f*cker!
Why should I watch it?
The ladies are backing out…
Why is there a need?
Swearing exemplifies what I mean.
Don’t ladies swear as well?
Not this lady, no way.
Do gentlemen feel the need?
This gentlemen does, for sure.
Is Moon made of cheese?
Mostly rocks, dirt and sand…
Are you a cheese lover?
Not really, some are OK.
Will anyone else join us?
Looks like interest is gone…
Do you want to continue?
Surely, “Don’t call me Shirley.”
Where are all the players?
I think Jaws got them…
Maybe they’re all at work?
Nah, I’m just busy revising…
The next jelly hates exams?
Skipped class to avoid them.
Where’ll you be at 9:00?
When, tomorrow? Registering for classes.
Where were you at 9:00?
Downstairs, watching T.V, avoiding revision.
Is it 12 yet there?
In morning? Past, 4:00 afternoon.
Do you know military time?
Yes, but I don’t follow.
Where does @erichw1504 Alien live?
He lives around the corner…
Is that him coming along?
Why, yes. It is I!
Why am I an alien?
Because I started a rumour.
@erichw1504 you think I’m smelly?
Yes, by far the smelliest.
How you get so smelly?
Won’t answer-I’m not smelly…
From howling at the moon?
No, that’s actually quite refreshing ; )
Do you like to howl?
When I’m in the mood.
Do you like to scowl?
No, I usually like smiling.
Do you like eating pie?
Pie, pie. Yes, oh my!
Can you rap and rhyme?
Do that all the time…
Do you like to mime?
Miming is my favorite hobby.
Does my elbow look knobby?
Not as knobby like Dobby.
Does your bed feel soggy?
No accident last night @queenie.
Are you a big meanie?
No, I am really nice?
Is your heart of ice?
No, I think you’re nice
Do you like carrots,diced?
Okay, prefer in a stew…
Is your favorite color blue?
No, my favourite is indigo.
What is your favourite colour?
Green is how I do.
Want to smell my shoe?
Queenie -she made no rhyme…
Do you not have time?
Ooops, sorry about that.
Do you have a cat?
I once did have three.
Why can’t we all agree?
I’ll agree if I must.
Who is it you lust?
Hugh Jackman is my thing.
Don’t you love his Wolverine?
Yes, he does him justice.
Do you need more practice?
Yes, I think I do
Don’t you just hate flu?
It really puts me down.
Why are you wearing frown?
I sometimes act a fool
Does your small dog drool?
I have no dog, yo!
What’s wrong with your toe?
Nothing, my toe is fine.
Don’t you think cats divine?
Yes, I like me cats.
Why you wearing two hats?
Get your eyes checked buddy.
Do you like getting muddy?
No, I’d rather get wasted.
What beers have you tasted?
100% alcohol free, no kidding
Did you know they’re available?
Yes, O’Douls has they’re own.
Will you watch your tone?
oopsy daisy,my apologies again.
Do you like the rain?
No, I’d rather have sunny.
Are you ready, Easter bunny?
Not now, I must mend.
Ready for what my friend?
It’s almost that one holiday.
What you want to say?
Yes I say, I’m excited.
Have you ever been fighted?
Don’t know what that means.
Wow, did you eat beans?
No, not since last night.
You been in a fight?
I have most decidedly not…
Anyone like to do dot-to-dot?
LOL When I was small.
Have you eaten at all?
Just had a good lunch.
Why your panties in bunch?
They are not at all.
Why’d you make that call?
There were ghosts all over!
What’s your dog’s name, Rover?
No, don’t have a dog.
You ever sit on log?
Yes, when I am camping…
Why my feet are stamping?
Because you are stamping them.
Have you drank some rum?
No-I could only wish…
Drink you like a fish?
I wouldn’t drink a fish.
Would you kiss a fish?
Someone with a fish face…
Have you ever given chase?
I chase all the time.
Are you playing both games?
I’m playing four games…
Who are we to blame?
My thoughts exactly, kind jelly.
Do you have a belly?
I think everyone has such…
Do you eat jellybeans much?
Ack! Jellybeans aren’t that great.
Are you gunna be late?
No, I am never late…
Do you believe in fate?
No, fate I find overrated.
Am I just very jaded?
No, maybe just slightly cynical…
Do you need services clinical?
Perhaps, there is this lump…
Maybe it’s just a bump?
I hope you are okay…
Will doctors save the day?
I hope that they can.
What may be the plan?
We will have to operate!
Surely it isn’t too late?
Dunno, I’m feeling kinda woozy…
Aren’t I quite the doozy?
You should lay off drugs…
Are you seeing imaginary bugs?
Not only bugs, but stars.
Shall we go to Mars?
If you have a ship…
Could we survive the trip?
Not with my handy skills.
Do you have more drills?
I will in a “bit”.
Did you like my wit?
Your wit is quite amazing.
Have you ever witnessed hazing?
I declare I have not…
Have you done that alot?
No and doesn’t seem fun.
How long have you run?
I don’t run; I hike…
Do you ride a bike?
Occasionally I have to work.
Aren’t employee discounts a perk?
Yes, but none receive I…
Are not gas prices high?
Way too high, four dollar!
Doesn’t it make you holler?
Yes, and scream and shout!
Does it make you pout?
Yes, and yell and scream!
Would you like ice cream?
I would; I prefer vanilla…
Have you been to Manila?
No, I have not been.
Where’d you get that pen?
My mum gave gifted it.
You know where I sit?
Don’t know where’s your seat.
Can this game be beat?
Yes it can, I say.
Have you seen pugs today?
Don’t know this person pugs…
Do they give many hugs?
No, they have sad mugs.
Maybe they need some drugs?
Answer this question