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XOIIO's avatar

When formatting a DVD windows says "Windows was unable to complete the format?"?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) April 8th, 2011

I am trying to format a DVD but every time I click format a popup shows ans says “Windows was unable to complete the format.”, and that message is displayed in command promt too. What do I do?

I have 7

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11 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

You can only format rewritable dvds/cds (dvd-rw). I think.
Normal dvd-r can only be written on once. Multiple times if you use sessions. But a format goes for the entire disk, so if you did that, the disk would be useless afterwards.
dvds with content already present, can not be changed, unless it is a dvd-rw

XOIIO's avatar

@ragingloli I’ts a brand new DVD, and I always choose “Format like a USB drive”

ragingloli's avatar

what kind of dvd? a R or RW?

XOIIO's avatar

@ragingloli DVD R, but I’ve formatted them like I usually do before.

Thishappened with another DVD kind too.

ragingloli's avatar

hmm, if that actually works ( i haven’t burnt a disk in years), then the dvd was probably corrupt from the beginning. happened to me, too, in the past ( i was using a proper burning software), where it told me there was no space on a new disk.
throw it away and try another one.

XOIIO's avatar

@ragingloli Yeah, but i’ve done loads like this, now it’s fucked for no reason.

ragingloli's avatar

i don’t know why you even need to format them in the first place.
try putting files on them directly

XOIIO's avatar

@ragingloli Then it asks me to format it. It’s the same for CD’s too. You need to format it with a file system before you put files on it.

ragingloli's avatar

then i can’t help you whith that, without having the system before me. Other then recommending you get proper burning software.

Hibernate's avatar

Indeed. You just need to use a better burning soft and you won’t need to do that :P

And anyway most burning softs are self explanatory so they will be easy for an use.

Best one is Nero from Ahead ^^

XOIIO's avatar

Wierd, now it worked fine like it usually does. even retarting it didn’t work but leaving it in hibernate over night did lol.

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