General Question

JLeslie's avatar

Can rough edges on a crystal piece be smoothed out?

Asked by JLeslie (65937points) April 10th, 2011

A relative gave me a crystal piece that has some minor chips on the edge, can a professional smooth them out somehow? How would I look up a person like that if they exist? What are they called?

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11 Answers

WasCy's avatar

I’m sure that if a jeweler can’t do it, then one could direct you to someone who could.

This is what jewelry is all about, isn’t it?

JLeslie's avatar

@WasCy Are you saying you know they can do it for jewelry? It’s a basket/bowl type of piece.

WasCy's avatar

Polishing jewels is the basis of jewelry. Surely one could handle crystal if it’s not badly damaged.

JLeslie's avatar

I think we are talking about two different things? You are talking about rock Crystals I think.

Buttonstc's avatar

You can do it yourself with a half round file called a Crystal Saver.

I’ve seen them in some of these mail order catalogs but can’t remember which ones or how much but they aren’t that expensive.

WasCy's avatar

No, I presumed that you meant glass, and that was the intent of my answer. Crystal (glass) should be easier to work than a diamond.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I think they can be buffed/polished out.A jeweler is who I would call for that.

JLeslie's avatar

I will try the jeweler that is near me, and see what they say. Thanks.

Buttonstc's avatar

I just googled it and here’s the company that makes it. They even have small ones that fit on a keychain.

Depending upon how much a jeweler charges, this might be cheaper and you’d have it for the future.

Just use the search section and it’ll take you to the right page. I tried writing out the link but it just wouldn’t cooperate.

JLeslie's avatar

Thanks again!

jerv's avatar

It is actually a pretty easy job if you have the right tools and a steady hand.

Jewelers are your best bet since they generally have the tools and the skill.
Some machine shops may also have the right type of files and a guy with the steady hand and attention to detail required, but that isn’t universal; it really depends on whether that shop does tool-and-die work (more precise than regular machining and with a lot of precision hand-filing) or not.
Some of your hard-core hobbyist model makers may also be able to help you.

However, I think the jeweler is the easiest to find and thus your best bet. At worst they should be able to point you to someone who can/will do it.

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