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mazingerz88's avatar

If you can insert yourself in any movie to have fun or change its story what movie and how?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) April 10th, 2011

Is there any movie out there which you feel passionately about that given the chance to enter its world, you will gladly jump in and play around in just one of its scenes or maybe even the whole shebang? Attempt to change its outcome? If so which film, how will you do it and why?

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20 Answers

sakura's avatar

I think I’d lie to jump into any “naughty” scene in any movie with Brad Pitt!!


I’d be one of the burglars in “Home Alone”, and instead of getting snared by MacCaulay Culkin, I play insidious tricks on the kid and end up beating him up. A twist where the “villain” (me) gets his just desserts for a change. Besides, I hate that MacCauley Culkin! Lol.

filmfann's avatar

I could be Elmer, the happy hunter who shoots and kills Jar Jar, saving Episode I

mazingerz88's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES Yes! And if you allow me to join you I will go to that exact moment where he is about to scream after slapping that shaving cream and cover his mouth. :-)

mazingerz88's avatar

@filmfann Be there with you! I’ll pop in and hide kid anakin in an underground chamber so jedi master qui-gon never gets to meet him thus detroying all succeeding star wars prequels in history!


@mazingerz88 Most willingly! We can duct-tape the little brat up and slather the cream on his head, then shave all his hair off. And that would only be the beginning of his torment! Lol! ;)

mazingerz88's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES Ok how bout this, we go out when the sun is shining so fiercely and you reflect sunlight to his eyes using your shiny shoes? Too much?


@mazingerz88 Yeah, that would blind the little bugger for sure. Personally, I would rather have the kid shine my shoes and then plaster him all over with my black shoe polish! :D

Facade's avatar

Across the Universe was the first movie to come to mind, but now I think I would want Gabrielle Union’s role in Bad Boys. Will Smith is just gorgeous

mazingerz88's avatar

@Facade Because of the art direction? Nice segue to the Bad Boys movie! lol!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’d save Quint from Jaws. ;)
I love him,man

Facade's avatar

@mazingerz88 Because of that and the lifestyle the characters lived

MilkyWay's avatar

Go into Titanic and scream at Jack to get on the frickin floating thing with her. It was big enough to hold the two of them.

Joker94's avatar

Just to be a massive dick, I’d use the stall the gun was hidden in in the first Godfather.

Other than that, I’d want to be in Wallace in Grommit: The Wrong Trousers. This is mostly because A) I want to see myself as a claymation figure and B) I wanna wear those robotic pants and kick that penguins ass.

mazingerz88's avatar

@queenie Im with you! I’d probably do something more drastic like pop out from behind that watchman screaming ICEBERG IDIOT! a full 30 minutes before he spotted the damn thing! He will be driven insane as I scream non-stop, twirling, jumping around looking for the iceberg that isn’t there yet. There’s a good chance I’ll take over Jack’s drawing Kate’s naked body and after I save the Titanic, enjoy all the free food they would gladly give me access to. Lastly, I will request those classy musicians to play Betthoven’s Ode To Joy as I stand in the bow embracing the wind! Yeah that’s right King of the World!

ucme's avatar

I’d jump in right at the end of Cool Hand Luke & stop that sniper tw@ from blowing Luke away. Someone that cool deserves to live man. Oh & in the iconic shower scene from Psycho, i’d like to replace Janet Leigh please. The mad “mama” would fling open the shower curtain, big blade in hand, to be confronted by…....... well, let’s just say i’d beat “her” about the head & face with my, by now, fully erect pork sword!! I do love a fair fight don’t you XD

SavoirFaire's avatar

I’d save the father from Life is Beautiful. Gets me every time…

Berserker's avatar

Sleepy Hollow, for the sole reason of wearing those awesome puffy Victorian dresses and then getting my head chopped off. One more decapitation couldn’t hurt, and I’d be there to provide!
Otherwise, any Halloween movie where I could be just another random torso lying about for some bugger to find and freak out over.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline Nice one! Not sure if you are referring exactly to the Johnny Depp/Tim Burton version but that one was very well done indeed. Great atmosphere!

jonsblond's avatar

Everyone would finally know who The Blair Witch was.

Sarah Palin.

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