What importance do you give dreams? Are they random, or do they have meaning?
I am trying to forget someone right now, since it seems things are not working out between us. During the six month period when it seemed things might work out, I only had one brief dream of this guy (early on, when I first started liking him). And believe me I tried…I thought about him every night before going to sleep, but never dreamed of him except that once.
Now, twice this weekend, after deciding that I have to give up any hopes of getting together with this guy, and try to think about him less so I don’t get depressed, I’ve dreamt of him twice. The first time I saw him from a little distance off, but, as far as I know, he did not see me. The second time he definitely saw me, and seemed delighted to see me…
I don’t know what to make of all this…it’s probably just my mind playing tricks on me. If anyone here puts stock in the dreams one has, I’d be interested in knowing what you thought…
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18 Answers
Dreams don’t “mean” anything. You’re dreaming about him because you’re thinking about him a lot and because he stirs emotions in you.
@Seelix Then why dream of him now, when I’m trying not to think of him? Why didn’t I dream of him before when I thought of him constantly? It doesn’t make sense to me…
Now, I’m not inside your head, but based on your posting over the last couple of days, you are thinking of him all the time. At least you’re posting about him all the time. I know that you’re sad and upset, but you really ought to think of something to occupy your mind so that you won’t keep dwelling.
There’s no “why” to dreams. Your brain just does what it does.
Dreams don’t really mean anything.
By deciding to forget him, you have him on your mind. thus, you are dreaming of him.
When you try to repress thoughts and feelings they usually bubble back up to the surface one way or another, often in dreams. The delight he showed when he saw you is how you would like him to be.
Yeah, that’s what I figured, @flutherother…I was so happy for a moment after waking up before I realized I had been dreaming again…looks like this is going to be a long process…
I’ve been trying @Seelix , but it’s very hard…apparently I have too much time alone with my thoughts…
Read a book. Watch a movie. Listen to music. Teach yourself algebra. Go for a walk. Have coffee with a friend. Go swimming. Go to the gym. Do something that’ll make you think of something else. Just please, stop sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. It’s obvious that you’re hurting, and it hurts me to see you that way. You deserve better, but you also owe it to yourself to do something about it.
I do not think dreams are preminitions or tell you what you should do in life. i do think dream represent what we are thinking about in our life, or symbolically playing out oue concerns, anxieties, and happy feelings, depending on what we are going through at the time. Dreams mirror reality, dream do not tell us what to do in real life.
Interesting question for me this weekend. Friday night I had highly inappropriate (yet deliciously enjoyable I feel so guilty) dreams about my brother-in-law. I have no idea why – I haven’t seen or thought about him in weeks. I give no meaning to that dream.
Last night I slept in my daughter’s bed while she was at her grandmother’s because my husband’s damn Blackberry kept going off and waking me up. (Seriously – is it so important you need to call at 2am?!) Anyway, I had a dream that some supernatural being was standing at the end of the bed and said “I can stand here and watch you or I can throw you against the wall” in a tone that indicated either one would be equally satisfying for him (it?) and terrifying for me. I kept trying to call my husband, feeling like I was screaming but nothing was coming out.
Probably meaningless, but I find that I am giving some thought to this dream because my daughter has night terrors. Is it something about or in her room? Is her room haunted – I semi-sorta believe in that.
@Supacase Mine were not inappropriate at all…just as well, I suppose. The first one was kind of funny because in it I was on campus, and was wearing shorts, but it suddenly occurred to me that I didn’t want to run into him because I had neglected to shave my legs (don’t laugh, y’all!) The whole dream was spent trying to keep him in my sight, while not allowing him to see me because I didn’t want him to see I hadn’t shaved my legs….Make of that what you will dream interpreters!
I don’t give most of my dreams much importance. I had this going on in a dream when I woke up on Thursday morning. If that has meaning, I’ve got problems.
If I’ve been really concentrating on a problem, sometimes I will dream about it. Unfortunately, I’ve never had a dream give me a solution. Nor are any of my dreams prophetic.
You dream about what is on your mind. Those thoughts can be distorted in strange or random ways, they’re just the way your brain processes things. So they’e not random, but they don’t have any special significance, beyond “you are thinking about this”.
@yankeetooter I realize I didn’t actually answer the question. I guess what I was trying to say is that I don’t have an answer since I seem to give importance to some and none to others.
I don’t really glean meaning from dreams. It’s all recall bias anyway.
honestly i really dont give dreams a second thought because half the time its about i barely know or about me winning the lottery which i know will only happen in a dream
Dreams….I can’t say some have a meaning but others don’t. But thinking too much to me! But I can’t seem to dream much…So…sorry! But I can’t say it means anything dreams are dreams. They can’t be your reality unless you make it yours!
Usually they are random but I have had dreams that have come true the next day or the day after. I hate it when this happens because everytime I have a bad dream I worry that it is going to come true. Thankfully it doesn’t happen too often.
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