General Question

Jeruba's avatar

What's a good moisturizing lotion or cream for a face that's no longer young?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) April 10th, 2011

I’ve never gone in much for lotions and creams or paid attention to brands. My skin was richly oily and smooth long past its usual time and is not very wrinkled even now. (My mother tried to comfort me through teenage outbreaks by telling me I’d be grateful later on, but I couldn’t see it.)

But now it is dry and flakes a bit in places. What’s a good treatment?

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12 Answers

poment's avatar

I like to use aloe vera gel which also works as a sun blocker from harmful ultra-violet rays. Take Vitamin-C which aids in generating collagen which is a major factor in skin building/rejuvenation. Think happy thoughts!!!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I know that I have mentioned this before, but I swear by olive oil for my severely dry skin. I have a condition that causes my skin to be extremely dry and sensitive, and store bought lotions never seem to do the trick for me.
I put a nickel sized puddle of olive oil in my palm, rub my hands together until it is nice and warm, then massage it into my face.
After 5–10 minutes I take a soft, warm washcloth, and gently wipe my face clean. It really has made such a significant difference in the texture and health of my skin that other people comment on how nice my skin looks.

Jeruba's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf, “soft, warm washcloth”—water only? or water plus soap (or something else)?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

No soap. In fact, at this point I don’t use anything to cleanse my face at all, but the oil and water. I just gently wipe with a warm, damp cloth.
I’ve heard that adding castor oil to the olive oil can create a moisturizing facial cleanser, and is a bit less heavy than just the olive oil alone.

AmWiser's avatar

I have been using Weleda products for about 6 months and absolutely love them. You can find Weleda products on-line or in health stores.

Facade's avatar

You could start oil cleansing and use some tea tree oil to get rid of bacteria instead of soap, and also use shea butter (the real thing, not what’s in stores) to moisturize. Your skin will start looking younger in a couple weeks.

weeveeship's avatar

Sounds a bit gross (it really is not), but Udderly Smooth Cream works very well.

I have a middle-aged friend who uses it on a regular basis.

rooeytoo's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf & @Facade – the oil cleansing sounds very nice and good for your skin but it sounds like a full time occupation! How long does the process actually take you?

joaneorly's avatar

I think argan oil is also supposed to be good for the skin. Read somewhere it’s extra moisturizing and can reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Facade's avatar

@rooeytoo I don’t do the whole method, but I also have plenty of free time, so I have no idea how long it takes. Perhaps @Jeruba could try it on a weekend.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

5–10 minutes in the evening.

wilma's avatar

I like Oil of Olay, with sunscreen for daytime.

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