Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What is that unfullfilled dream you still want to pursue but needs inspiration from others?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29284points) April 11th, 2011

I feel there a more people out there with more unfulfilled dreams rather than those who have already gotten theirs and now enjoying it. If you are of the first group, what is your dream, what’s keeping you from pursuing it and what kind of help do you need so you could start on it?

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19 Answers

SamIAm's avatar

My own business! It’s a dream that will come true… but I’m totally lacking the motivation. I’m sure the guidance I need is out there but I just don’t have the drive to seek it out.

mazingerz88's avatar

@SamIAm I’m glad you know what you want but do you have an idea of what exactly kind of guidance and from whom it will come from? It seems this is the next step.

yankeetooter's avatar

My friends were encouraging me to go back to school for years before I actually buckled down and did it…

CaptainHarley's avatar

At this stage in my life, either I have achieved all ( or almost all ) of my dreams, or I may as well let them go, especially since I have cancer and diabetes. No one knows when they are going to die, but it’s highly unlikely I’ll live long enough to be rich or famous ( which I use as examples, although those have never been goals of mine ). All my life, I’ve had goals and objectives. It’s kinda strange trying to do without them, so I have made a few goals just to feel a bit better.

One of my few regrets is not having gone for my PhD! : ((

Seelix's avatar

@CaptainHarley – It may not be too late – a lot of universities offer free tuition to people over 60 or 65. :)

CaptainHarley's avatar


Oh, paying for it isn’t the problem, hon. I’m a 100% disabled veteran. FINISHING it and then doing something with it is the problem! : )

janbb's avatar

Writing a novel

Coloma's avatar

I’d like to be a published author, but, right now, being as humorist at heart I am stockpiling notes to write my own comedy routine and I hope to be brave enough to try my hand at an open mic night before the end of the year!

I’m a natural with flow and ad lib, improv, and not overly intimidated by speaking in front of a crowd, but…enough so that I am monitoring myself for sabbotage! lol

muppetish's avatar

I still want to fulfill my childhood fantasy of learning how to puppeteer.

yankeetooter's avatar

(Sound of tubas in background)

It’s time to get things started…

mazingerz88's avatar

@Coloma Interesting I just spoke to a guy last week who does stand up for fun and he said after a few attempts he became comfortable faster than he thought he could. Also he said he was rather thankful of those times when he bombed because once he get over that nothing could embarrass him anymore.

filmfann's avatar

I would love to finish that film script I have been ignoring for a couple years.
It really isn’t anything special, but it is exactly the kind of thing I think people would love.

mazingerz88's avatar

Alright @filmfann you and me could probably huddle in the back. I’m also finishing a screenplay and always curious as to how others go through the process.

ddude1116's avatar

I want to write a comic book. A gritty, noirish crime drama that completely ignores the majority of the parameters set by reality.

blueiiznh's avatar

Owning a Bed & Breakfast. Certainly with a Basil Fawlty sort of incompetence
This is a long range retirement plan.

SamIAm's avatar

@mazingerz88: Ya, I’ve started to reach out a little. I have a contact in one field who is(/was) willing to be a sort of mentor and another friend who can help out too! Kinda gotta figure out how badly I want this business! :) thanks

stardust's avatar

I want to act. I do plan on joining a theatre group soon. I’m still a bit nervous but I guess I need to bite the bullet. GQ!

mazingerz88's avatar

@stardust Oh my! Go,go,go! Act! Hope you don’t mind but you have got to see this movie with Andy Garcia, you might enjoy it and it could inspire you I think. The movie is City Island.

stardust's avatar

@mazingerz88 Thanks a lot for the encouragement! I’m going to check that movie out :-)

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