Sex addiction, I believe, is different from love addiction. People can be addicted to porn, or going out and picking up strangers to go home with, or having multiple affairs, or just into the intrigue of getting away with it.
Some people can want multiple lovers (wanting love as much or more than sex), or can have serial dysfunctional relationships, or many codependent relationships where the woman (typically) will do anything for the man, even though he’s a jerk to her.
I think we would do well to be careful about buying into the concept of love addiction. Most “addicts” start working on love addiction when they get caught and they are trying to save their primary relationship.
If half of men and women cheat, then it seems likely that one could run into a series of men or women who cheat on you. We seem to be talking about why people cheat. Is it addiction? Is it porn? Is it a problem in the relationship? Is it fixable?
I believe a lot of people cheat because they aren’t getting any physical closeness at home. Others do because they aren’t feeling any love from their spouse. In either case, not all people who suffer these things cheat. I have seen people say they remain faithful in some of the worst relationships.
If you read the article @BhacSsylan pointed us to, it seems that pleasure plays a big role in why people decide to cheat. They are much more likely to cheat with someone they think will be a good lover.
I think there is so much that goes into the decision to cheat, that it is nearly impossible to sort out the motivations. I also believe that there are no innocent parties when one member of the couple decides to cheat. I think it is a good idea if people who have been cheated on ask themselves, as honestly as they can, if there is something they did that caused there to be more of a gap between the two of you.
I don’t believe cheating is necessarily just about fucking. It’s usually about finding a good connection with someone, because the connection you have with your spouse is not giving you what you need.
Many people honor their vows, and stay in a relationship that is not meeting their desires, or event making them absolutely miserable. Maybe they do this out of duty, or fear of what would happen if they get caught.
Others choose to work on the relationship. They might see a couples counselor. Some before the cheating, and some after. Mostly after. According to my counselor, counseling in a case where there has been cheating is rarely successful in keeping a couple together. It is a way of helping them come to a more amicable divorce, and even that goal isn’t achieved very much.
I believe that, to a large extent, we find the partners we are looking for. If we have low self esteem, we might find partners who will punish us though abuse, often in the form of cheating. I think that an astounding number of people in Western societies feel bad about themselves. So they find themselves in dysfunctional relationships, and even when they realize what they are doing, they stay in those relationships out of duty or for the kids.
I believe that far too few people choose a relationship that will offer them pleasure. So they end up miserable and in an effort to feel better, they choose to cheat, so they can both do their duty and have happiness.
Society is quite hypocritical in general, if these cheating statistics are to be believed. If more than half of all people cheat, then that is the norm, yet we all pretend it isn’t. I don’t think anyone will look at this any time soon. I think we’re all going to continue to say that monogamy is the best. Some of those who say it—the majority of those who say it—will cheat, anyway.
I guess I don’t see it possible to be any other way. Most of us want our partners to be monogamous. There aren’t many like @Simone_De_Beauvoir. People will have their cake, and also eat it. Those who do will lie about it if they get caught, mostly. Because that, I’m afraid, is the way our society is. We have all these draconian ideas of morality… for others. Not just about sex.
And that, my dear @BeccaBoo is why this is such a difficult issue. Hardly anyone is willing to tell the truth.
Did anyone read this far? I wouldn’t. Sorry about the length. Sometimes it takes me a while to work something out.