I have a “thing” about spiders too. I can’t touch them or get close enough to squash them. I don’t really want to kill them, I just don’t want to see them or be close to them. On a logical level I know they aren’t going to hurt me and are extremely beneficial creatures. That logic flies out the window when I’m surprised by a spider or, God forbid, have one crawling on me. :( The reaction is uncontrollable, and I actually feel like I’m going to throw up if a spider touches me. This is after years of making progress. I used to not even be able to look at spiders, even on TV, without shaking and feeling sick. My goal is not to pass my irrational fear on to my kids, and so far they are much better with spiders than I am.
Luckily, my husband has no such fears. He will actually squash the spiders. I know we should put them outside, but we get those huge house spiders with the long, long legs and they like to live in our shower. If they’d stay out of sight, like in the basement or attic, they’d be OK. But I cannot shower with spiders. We had so many of them, my husband was getting rid of at least one a day, squishing it and flushing it. The next day, another one would move in! shudder
If my husband isn’t around, I’ll get my 7 year old to catch the spider and put it outside. If it’s any other kind of bug, including wasps or bees, I am perfectly able to gently catch it and put it outside. I only kill houseflies. Spiders are the only creepy-crawlies I can’t stand.
In your case, I would search obsessively for the spider then try to pretend I’d never seen it. I’d certainly have a hard time falling asleep, and would feel like something was crawling on me. Not fun.
By the way, I am so so so glad I am not the only person who worries about spiders surviving the vacuum, the toilet, the squishing, and and the drain. On the rare occasions when I’ve been desperate enough to dispatch a spider on my own, I’ve been so worried that it survived and would seek revenge!