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ragingloli's avatar

Did you know that it was 50 years ago that the first human went to space?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) April 12th, 2011

Excactly 50 years ago, April 12, 1961, the great Yuri Gagarin of the great Soviet Union became the first human in space.
Let us celebrate this historic moment, this great man, and this great nation that made it possible. Let us also celebrate Sergei Korolev, who designed the rocket on which Gagarin ascended into the heavens.

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17 Answers

ucme's avatar

Yes I did, but i’d still rather big up the dawg!

Bellatrix's avatar

Poor Laika :-( and yes I knew it was 50 years but hasn’t time flown by since then.

auntydeb's avatar

Yes, Google have it on their homepage today!

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I knew the approximate date, but this question alerted me to the exact day. Thanks! I think the burning question of the moment is why are we doing so little in space? Its been decades since we went to the moon. Where is my generation’s memorable space moment?

KateTheGreat's avatar

Happy Cosmonauts Day! Yep, it’s a Russian holiday.

Blackberry's avatar

No, I didn’t, thanks :)

john65pennington's avatar

Did you know that I was around and witnessed it first-hand?

iamthemob's avatar

That’s what the gub’ment wants you to believe.

SuperMouse's avatar

I heard the story on NPR this morning. They also pointed out that today NASA is going to announce where the remaining space shuttles are going to be permanently housed. One will go to the Smithsonian for sure, but there is quite a battle going on to get the remaining two. Stay tuned…

tedd's avatar

The Russians actually had people in space before Gregarin.

They just didn’t make it back alive so they chose to not announce it…..

erichw1504's avatar

Just found out from Google.

Rarebear's avatar

Actually, Joe Kittinger was the first human in space, not Yuri Gagarin

gasman's avatar

I was in 5th grade 50 years ago (& I remember Sputnik, too). I was already in college when Apollo 11 landed.

downtide's avatar

I only knew because it was on the Google homepage.

Also there is a song about Laika which I love:

basstrom188's avatar

Yes it was all that time ago. I was 10 years old the time.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, the year I graduated high school. It is a year you can turn upside down and it still looks the same.

filmfann's avatar

I remember it. I also remember when he came back, he said there is no Heaven, since he didn’t see any angels up there.

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