When you're in a "Don't f*** with me, dude" mood, what do you do to keep it together?
I know one woman who wears socks like these.
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29 Answers
I try to keep silent….try ;)
I wear those same socks!!
Punch a wall in my house. Feels goooood.
What the crap do those socks have to do with this question?
Fast walks and crazy mutterings help me the most!
@janbb So, you’re always in that kind of a mood?
@Cruiser will you share a pic please? I usually try to stay to myself, and let everyone I have to deal with know I’m in a mood. But the socks are a great idea!
@erichw1504 I’m assuming, and hell I could be wrong, but when that person is in one of those moods she wears those socks so everyone knows to stay away and leave her the f@ck alone…. I dunno I’m just sayin…
Go for a drive and say (with the windows up) “Fucking cocking sucking son of a whore!” a few times.
@JustJessica People see me coming wearing those socks and my construction boots clears an immediate path! XD
I put my headphones on, turn the volume up and check out.
I prefer argyle over stripes, but they do make me feel at least 5% happier.
@Jude See, but then I’d have to pull out this skirt to go with it, and it’s a little bit short. Ok, a lot short. Anything but a straight back and I’m flashing the whole campus.
Take deep breaths, a hot shower, eat a cookie and warn everyone around me.
Recognize and own your upset. It is respectful to warn your loved ones and even doing that can help defuse and put things in perspective.
If your loved are the source of your upset then… you still love them and they still deserve the warning. Now get yourself out of there !
Anger is a secondary feeling that comes from unresolved primary feeling of hurt/pain. In the grand scheme of things it is most useful to recognize the choice points when the feeling of pain is welling. You can decide to have the pain, witness it, and not react with anger. It’s not easy and I get it right about 10% of the time. Witness and sit with the pain to figure out what is causing it. Get rid of the cause or reconcile yourself to its inevitability if that is the case. As far as I’m concerned by the time I’m upset angry I have made a mistake and am burning perfectly beautiful psychic energy to no good end.
Usually, I write, or draw which I’ve been attempting to recently, and if I’m unable to do such, I go deep within my brain and forget.
double lurve for @lucillelucillelucille I try too but often can’t and land myself in a whole heap of trouble!!
@josie I don’t think it’s supposed to be… please contribute!! Do you also wear pretty, thigh high socks? :P
@WillWorkForChocolate Ok, real funny. This is the second time in a couple of days that I have chosen to drop my guard and expose my naivete. How painful it is that it would be you that would exploit my vulnerablility. Anyway, I ONLY wear socks like that if I have shorts on and it gets cold out. It is strictly a pragmatic choice.
@josie Awww, I humbly apologize, my darling Josie. I’m so sorry that you feel exposed and exploited by my callous disregard for your delicate sensibilities. I’m sure you look simply smashing in thigh high socks, and I beg your forgiveness for sarcastically insinuating otherwise. Please, sweet sweet Josie, please be proud of your thigh high socks, and rest assured, I won’t make fun of you. I won’t even giggle about your lacy bra. Cross my heart.
@queenie its funny, there has been more than one occasion where I didnt even have my iPod on me or the batttery was dead and I just put the headphones in so people would at least suspect i cant hear them and thus leave me alone :P
OMG, those are my hose.
errr…not really.
I find something, anything to take my mind elsewhere.
Do the dishes,
Cut the lawn,
visit my neighbor,
talk to my dishes,
cut up the neighbor,
visit my lawn,
cut the dishes,
do my neighbor….
I guess, whatever it takes…
@josie No, it’s for anyone who ever has that kind of mood.
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