Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

Where are you on this political/social map?

Asked by Brian1946 (32504points) April 12th, 2011

If you take this test, you’ll see about where you are in terms of left wing or right wing, and authoritarian or anti-authoritarian.

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40 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

You are a left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 5.7, Libertarian: 2.96

Honestly, who knew?

aprilsimnel's avatar

What d’you reckon?

You are a left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 5.42, Libertarian: 1.94

syzygy2600's avatar

You are a left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 4.67, Libertarian: 2.66

tinyfaery's avatar

You are a left social libertarian.
Left: 4.32, Libertarian: 3.58

LuckyGuy's avatar

You are a left moderate social authoritarian.
Left: 4.08, Authoritarian: 2.01

Gosh! And I thought I was an Engineer.

TexasDude's avatar

You are a right social libertarian.
Right: 5.92, Libertarian: 8.55

Foreign Policy:

On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: 0.51


Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: -6.16

Just as I suspected. I don’t give a fuck what you do in the privacy of your own home, and I only slightly give a fuck what dictators and shit do overseas.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

You are a left social libertarian.
Left: 5.43, Libertarian: 4.14

Blackberry's avatar

Left social libertarian, 5.83, 3.98.

CaptainHarley's avatar

According to this test I am a center-right moderate social libertarian.
Right: 1.05, Libertarian: 3.12

Well, DUH! : )

Mamradpivo's avatar

You are a left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 5.56, Libertarian: 3.5

Okay. Lots of leading questions on there..

Cruiser's avatar

Centrist as they come…almost a bullseye! One square to the right north of center of course!

You are a centrist social moderate.
Right: 0.74, Authoritarian: 0.57

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

You are a left moderate social authoritarian.
Left: 3.92, Authoritarian: 2.19

The_Idler's avatar

You are a far-left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 8.68, Libertarian: 3.21

Foreign Policy—You scored: -6.83
Culture—You scored: -7.12

The_Idler's avatar

Oh and by the way, here is the original one:

And some things of interest to Americans:

And British:

And now see why the masses have lost faith in democracy, the Left is dead.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

You are a center-left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 2.03, Libertarian: 1.99

SpatzieLover's avatar

You are a far-left social moderate.
Left: 9.38, Authoritarian: 0.17

The_Idler's avatar

Plot of EU governments

Note how no major governments, parties or even candidates (across the western world) really line up with the position of most people…

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

You are a left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 7.31, Libertarian: 1.16

Brian1946's avatar

I’m a left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 5.94, Libertarian: 2.52

DominicX's avatar

You are a center-left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 2.72, Libertarian: 3.46

Exactly what I thought I would get. Really spot on, and it hasn’t changed all that much from the last time I took this test, which must have been several years ago.

GracieT's avatar

I am a center-left social moderate.
Left 2.81, Libertarian 0.7
foreign policy -2.8, culture-2.59

It would be interesting to see if I take it again how my score changes!

jonsblond's avatar

You are a left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 5.05, Libertarian: 2.49

6rant6's avatar

left social moderate.
Left: 4.92, Libertarian: 0.93

optimisticpessimist's avatar

centrist moderate social authoritarian
Right: .074 Authoritarian: 1.84

YoBob's avatar

No real surprises here:

center-right moderate social libertarian.
Right: 2.5, Libertarian: 1.71

tranquilsea's avatar

You are a left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 6.92, Libertarian: 3.43

Not really surprising as I am Canadian lol.

bkcunningham's avatar

You are a far-right moderate social libertarian.
Right: 8.97, Libertarian: 3.27

Seelix's avatar

You are a left social libertarian.
Left: 6.54, Libertarian: 4.67

Here’s the Canadian equivalent which tells you what party you identify with. According to that, I should vote Green.

prolificus's avatar

You are a left moderate social libertarian.

Left: 5.06, Libertarian: 2.31
Foreign Policy: -1.02
Culture: -4.17

(As an aside… My dad is a strongly conservative republican. The day I turned 18, I registered as a democrat. I don’t think either party has it altogether correct.)

liminal's avatar

You are a left social libertarian.
Left: 6.53, Libertarian: 5.17

SavoirFaire's avatar

Quiz from the OP:

You are a left social libertarian.
Left: 5.47, Libertarian: 4.57

Political Compass:

Economic Left/Right: -7.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.82

Always a left libertarian in a country where people think you can’t be both left and libertarian. In the US, at least, it seems the Libertarian party is just where Republicans go when they decide they want to smoke pot or can’t take the heat of admitting they’re Republicans.

(P.S.: This FAQ is brilliant.)

Sunny2's avatar

You are a left social moderate.
Left: 5.31, Authoritarian: 0.6

anartist's avatar

You are a center-left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 1.44, Libertarian: 3.46

amusing group profile, eh?

tranquilsea's avatar

@Seelix Interesting survey. They pegged me at the Green Party too, although I’ll probably vote Liberal for the first time in 10 years.

Seelix's avatar

@tranquilsea – I will also. At this point, for me, it’s all about getting Harper out, and though I’d be more inclined personally to go with NDP, I’ll vote Liberal just so as not to “waste” my vote.

tranquilsea's avatar

@Seelix “I’ll vote Liberal just so as not to “waste” my vote.” Isn’t that the sad truth? I’ve voted in the past knowing I was putting some cash in various parties’ pockets at least but I’ve had enough of Harper too. Although in my riding (in very, very blue Alberta) a Liberal vote is meaningless.

Seelix's avatar

@tranquilsea – I’ve voted some throwaways, too, when I felt it didn’t really matter, just to pad the pockets of those who need it. My riding (Toronto Centre) is actually one of the most guaranteed Liberal ridings in Canada – and my MP is Bob Rae (he used to be the Conservative premier of Ontario). So I know he’ll win the seat anyway, even if I were to vote another way, but I just want Harper out so badly that I’ll add my vote to the Liberal pile just for the sake of it.

seazen_'s avatar

You are a centrist moderate social authoritarian.

(It must be said that I am not an American and I found it difficult to answer some of the questions).

A2J's avatar

You are a left moderate social authoritarian.
Left: 7.2, Authoritarian: 1.21

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