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6rant6's avatar

What will the world be like when things stop changing?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) April 12th, 2011

A big part of the economy is things that go obsolete – like computers, TV shows and to a lesser extent, cars, kitchen appliances, and clothes.

There’s a buzz that Moore’s law is coming to an end (NOT what this question is about) which would mean that next year’s computer would be pretty much the same as last year’s. That is, that things would not inevitably get so much better that we would feel compelled to give away our old one so we can create the need for a new one.

So if you can, imagine a world where things change more slowly, where images of our lives from this year will look the same ten years from now. How are we then to satisfy ourselves? What will employment look like? Would you anticipate such a world with fear or with longing?

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