Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What is humankind's noblest undertaking?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37748points) April 12th, 2011

Humans have created great works of genius. We’ve delved into the soul of matter with scientific exploration. We’ve learned to fly and left our footprints on the Moon.

Art takes many forms and is appreciated often by millions. Sport, too, is celebrated.

Great business organizations are rewarded with great wealth for their ability to manipulate markets that are also the invention of people.

In my view, our greatest achievement is reading and writing. From that humble beginning springs all other work of beauty.

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13 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The prevention of polio comes to mind.

mazingerz88's avatar

I would pluck something from within….Love, Compassion and Hope.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@mazingerz88 That describes Mother Teresa. I, for one, consider her efforts noble.

CaptainHarley's avatar

And attempt to build a free society.

Earthgirl's avatar

The pursuit of basic human rights for all mankind

Seelix's avatar

“Di tutti i piaceri sortiti dall’uomo sulla terra, lo studio delle lettere è non solo il più nobile, ma anche il più’ durevole” – Francesco Petrarca

“Of all the pleasures developed by man on this earth, the study of letters is not only the most noble, but also the most lasting” – Petrarch

Blackberry's avatar


Cruiser's avatar

To take care of the weak, down trodden and infirm. Anything less is barbaric. I feel we have become grossly disconnected from this noble endeavor.

YoBob's avatar


“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”

YoBob's avatar


“It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea.” – Robert Anton Wilson

Cruiser's avatar

@YoBob It’s a double! 2 GA’s in a row!

weeveeship's avatar

Getting rid of smallpox. It used to plague most of the world, but now it is virtually nonexistent.

mattbrowne's avatar

There are many. Here’s are three

- ideas having sex with each other on a global scale
– global interdependence because of global trade
– young people’s hunger for freedom spreading globally through the Internet

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