How clean (or messy) is your desk?
Whether at job, home, or school, what does your work area look like? Paint a picture with words.
As for me:
Open cubicle, shared with another co-worker. Gray cubicle walls. Beige overhead cabinet, shelf, and filing cabinet. Desktop computer with pull-out keyboard tray underneath beige countertop. Everything (paper, pens, files, supplies, etc.) neatly organized. In-box filled and emptied daily. Out-box generally empty. Approximately 30–50 files in rotation throughout the week. Two plants. Two unpacked boxes from a recent move. Lots of light. (I feel like I have the real-life Dilbert desk.)
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37 Answers
DON“T TOUCH IT! It may look like a huricane, but I know where everything is!!
Corner office with windows, plants, couch, 2 leather high backs, huge desk, glass case hutch, a few antiques, wainscoting, and paper covered desk with a desk top with surround sound that has Fluther on the entire time I am there. I can lock the door anytime! ;)
Feels the need to sneak in and organize @Judi‘s desk.
My desk at school is immaculate, and I can’t stand it when someone puts something on my desk that doesn’t belong there. If I’m in a certain frame of mind, I will throw away stuff that has been put on my desk that doesn’t belong there…
My office is about 12-foot square. Double-glass French doors at one end (that look out to the common office area) – I keep them wide open all the time (so it’s like the room only has three walls).
My desk is “L”-shaped and I face the doors when I’m sitting at my desk. When you walk in, the back of my monitor faces you (so what’s on my screen in private).
There’s also a second, smaller desk that faces a wall (where my assistant sits) and a short, wide filing cabinet.
First day on the job, I disconnected all the florescent lights in the ceiling. I use two desk lamps instead (so it’s nice and serene).
There’s nothing on the walls save a small whiteboard and corkboard which are always bare as I don’t use them. There’s also my retro clock that’s come with me from my last job.
My desk is always immaculate (practically bare) and I wash down everything once a week.
Unfortunately no window, but I can control the HVAC system – which is nice.
We should make @Cruiser‘s office our clubhouse
My desk is medium messy. On the right I have useful things scattered – pens, reading glasses, ruler, Post-Its. On the left is the traditional pile – paperwork I put aside for manana. But I occasionally sort or throw out the pile before it gets freakish.
My desk is organised..My drafting table,not so much.
At work my desk was always very organized and neat. At home not so much. I try to keep it cleaned up, but honestly when I do, I misplace things. I am naturally more like @Judi. Although, when I used to work from home, the work files were very organized just like work at an office; its the other stuff.
It’s a Hell hole…but it’s MY Hell hole. My office is the complete cab of my work truck. I have invoices, estimates, take- offs, as well as tools and equipment strewn all over the dash and seat and behind the seat. There’s a doggy poop bag canister and dog snacks with leash in case I bring my dog or need to make nice with a customer’s dog. And the phone jack and all the needed stationary supplies. The water cooler is in the back.
I should confess… my desk (a.k.a. “art room”) is a MESS!! It’s currently a make-shift storage room for the odds and ends recovered during quickie housecleanings. But, underneath all that crap are beautifully organized art supplies!!
My writing desk is extremely messy! I know where everything is though.
@jaytkay Why not! I have a tree in there too for the tree fort!! LOL!
If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?
~Albert Einstein
That would make mine….. Oh so many things
At home I tend to use my laptop on my knee although I have bought a beautiful antique desk for when I convert one of the bedrooms into my study.
At work though my office illustrates the many different parts of my job. It does have a window overlooking trees and the road that runs passed the campus. Wall lined with bookshelves with lots of books and dossiers of readings. Filing cabinet. Two chairs for visitors. And my desk. My desk again represents the different facets of my job and the fact that I am a woman, that I often forget to go and get lunch and that I am a bit messy. Quick inventory shows there is the laptop I am working on now plus the desktop computer that needs to go elsewhere. My diary, opened to April 4 because that is where the list is I am working with. I just keep adding to it and every so often go to today’s date and start a new, tidy list. A few academic readings I am working with. A study guide. My sunnies. Jar of nuts for when I am hungry. Bottle of water. Dirty tea cup. Dictionary. Electronic picture frame circulating pictures of my family and places I have been. Refreshing spritz spray thing for when I am hot. Chewing gum. Red filing trays (red is my favourite colour) with another pile of readings (the to be read pile). A red mouse pad. Two big piles of text books for two projects I am working on at the moment. Headphones for when I take notes using Dragon. Keys, Business cards. Pens/ruler etc. Oh and the phone! Okay.. organised chaos.
Hold on… let me take a picture.
My office is spotless and everything is in its place. My office is smallish with no window and I have a vintage wooden desk and tall bookcase with family photos, art books and law books on the top shelves and a couple of large baskets on the bottom ones where I keep my snacks and odds and ends, like my umbrella. There is a pale blue leather/cherry armchair for visitors, an art nouveau design rug, and large vintage travel posters on the wall, as well as some plaster fragments of architectural elements. My desk is L shaped and placed so my computer is not viewable by anyone but me. I have a big black leather chair with a large down stuffed sofa pillow for my back. All the wood in the room is relatively dark. I have one low table with arm’s reach of my desk with a rattan in/out basket on the top and two dark rattan baskets on the shelf underneath where I keep forms and letterhead. On my desktop are family photos in ornate frames, a cast iron pen/pencil holder, a cast iron bee that I use as a paperweight, my printer, a Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant and a large crackle glass urn with a fleur de lis lid. There is a powerful little space heater under my desk because it’s always cold in my office, summer or winter.
@diavolobella I feel your pain about needing the heater under the desk all year….the landlord put in porcelain tile and it is cold year round!
@Cruiser My building was used as a hospital during the Civil War. Old, cavernous, drafty in winter, clammy in summer, brick building. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
@diavolobella Mine was built as an adhesives factory in the early 80’s…yuck….I would much rather freeze in yours!!
@Cruiser It is pretty cool. My boss has an old book of Civil War era photographs of the city that contains a picture of Union nurses and their patients posing on the now long gone balconies of the building. Apparently it was so crowded and hot that they had to put beds on them to accommodate the wounded..
@diavolobella History is very interesting to me but stuff like that is no pun intended… “chilling”!
oops, misread the question.
My desk is awash with the flotsam and jetsam of at least ten different eras. It shows who I am, what I do, and what my day is like. My desk is like my brain, only slightly less messy.
Don’t believe me? Have a picture.
My desk is a level 5. Not as bad as Chernobyl, about the same as Three Mile Island.
Response moderated (Writing Standards)
My desk is every bit as tidy and organized as my mind.
Oh, dreadfully messy. To a neatnik, it could only inspire shudders of horror.
Nominally, there are piles. But small avalanches change the configuration of the piles over time, and subterranean excavations create small caverns that eventually collapse. Papers drift between the stacks and mounds like sands obscuring former ridges and old caravan trails.
The bottom-most layer is approximately six years old.
Once every year or two I take it down a few strata, but mostly it stays like this. It doesn’t bother me, and it doesn’t have to please anyone else.
My desk itself is messy, but nothing too drastic. What is drastic is that I use my floor more than I use my desk for keeping track of things.
Surrounding my desk are various tables, bookshelves, bins a MIDI keyboard. All of which I use as an extension of my desk, which is part of a larger wall unit in itself, equally messy.
These hold papers, pens, notes, and various normal desk things. It also holds books, movies, music, there’s a Zippo lighter around here somewhere… sunglasses, a tambourine, even a dead cactus. Like hell I know what’s inside it… I don’t want to know, at this point, the mere thought frightens me. But there’s something. I know… I hear it in the night. Growling… It’s hungry, but I won’t let it out. I won’t let the wall dry!
@ddude1116 A tambourine… I like that. I would like to shake a tambourine at times at work. “I shake my tambourine at your suggestion!!” I have a gecko in my office somewhere .. he chirps at me on occasions. Saw him once and thought he had taken off next door but then he chirped again so he is still in here… lurking. Probably crapping on things when I’m not looking.
I sometimes type like a demented Beethoven conducting a particularly robust symphony. It’s all this gum see, can’t get rid of the vile substance…...bloody kids XD
What I’m curious about there, @blueiiznh, is that low-tech pen and notebook (datebook?) with so much writing in it. What, no PDA?
My desk is very neat. On it at the moment are two books, a CD, a memory stick, a mobile phone, a packet of paper hankies a pink chapstick, spec case, data stick,notepad and a pen. It has three drawers on the right hand side that are full of assorted crap that I never seem to get around to clearing out.
@Jeruba I use all methods of technology shy of hammer and chisel for notes. It’s a medium tech pen and medium look journal. I actually do scribe out much of my days plans and quick notes. The Blackberry was there somewhere out of view I guess.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard and fluther was on one of those somewhere.
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