Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

( NSFW ) What is your preferred place, moment and atmosphere to have sex?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) April 12th, 2011

The range and possibilities in a set of choices as to where, how and in what conditions men and women would prefer to partake in one of the more common yet pleasurable acts of the human body would very much vary for each of us is quite unique. Which is yours?

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27 Answers

faye's avatar

Morning, noon, or nighty, night, night. Or so I remember.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I either like it really early in the morning or at night. I don’t really have a preference of where I have sex at, as long as it is sanitary.

zenvelo's avatar

late afternoon, especially on a Sunday.

Facade's avatar

Late at night with the venetian blinds opens so the light from the streets comes in.

buster's avatar

In the corner in the shade on the top of my escalade. Thanks Luda.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Afternoons are nice, with a nap curled up in my husband’s arms afterwards.

ucme's avatar

I’m like martini, anytime anyplace anywhere. One or two exceptions of course, like the wife has to actually be in attendance, that helps.

ratboy's avatar

Alone in front of the computer as God intended.

Scooby's avatar

I’m easy, just so long as I get the green light I’m a way.. :-/

Indoors, outdoors so long as it’s somewhere warm & discreet…….

Seelix's avatar

I prefer nighttime with the light from the moon/street coming in, like @Facade said.
Outside, in the rain, on a hot summer night is also pretty awesome.

Jude's avatar

No preference.

creative1's avatar

When I am making love with a special person in my life, I want it all the time and it doesn’t matter where or when, I just want to be with them all the time making love.

JustJessica's avatar

I prefer a place where sand won’t get in my crotch! The shower and the car and the couch are fine, anytime of day when children are not in my house at all, so i can let loose vocally.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Night, no one around.

deni's avatar

Anywhere that is not sandy. Mistake.

FluffyChicken's avatar

In the woods(with a blanket!) at 4:00. The sun shines just right at 4:00.

mazingerz88's avatar

@FluffyChicken That’ll give the fairies something interesting to watch.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I’m sure they love it. :)

MissAnthrope's avatar

Sex? What’s that?

creative1's avatar

@MissAnthrope I guess it’s been so long its slipped your memory…. here’s Wikipedia’s defination of the act I hope it helps refresh your memory lol

wundayatta's avatar

Anywhere she wants to that does not involve exhibitionism, hard or pointy surfaces, noxious smells, or anything too uncomfortable.

SpatzieLover's avatar

In the house, during a thunderstorm…anytime.

Alas, we have a small child…so now, anytime when he is otherwise occupied or away for a bit :)

sleepdoc's avatar

Ideal would be secluded outdoor on something that keep all of the dirt, plants, etc. away

Earthgirl's avatar

In the afternoon after a lazy day soaking up the sun…..I love the golden quality of the afternoon sun filtering through the curtains and a slight breeze wafting the curtains, the smell of fresh cut grass coming in….now that is my best fantasy!
I also love the whole thunderstorm atmosphere! A blackout with candles burning everywhere. Feeling like you are the only two people in the universe for that moment!

ddude1116's avatar

I want to have sex in a lounge hammock. Just hang it high up in a tree where nobody can see you, you’re alone in the wilderness, in the sky, with the birds. Cut off from the rest of society… That would just be lovely…

Cruiser's avatar

A Cherry picker going down the highway!

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