Social Question

How can I tell this guy I like him?
This is a but of a follow up on a question I asked a few months ago.
(I’m 14, and this guy we’re talking about it a little less than a year older than me, 15. He’s in high school, and I’m in middle school, but I’ll be going to high school next year anyways.)
Alright. I really like my friend’s older brother. A lot. My friends have even convinced me that I’m in classic, old-school love with him (that kind of thing that whenever you talk to him, your heart pounds and it’s hard to make normal sentences).
We have a pretty good friend-relationship going; he calls me while he’s on the bus home from school three out of 5 days of the week (sometimes even on weekends) just to talk, when we talk on the phone most of the time it’s that cute gibberish that just keeps going back and forth, sometimes in the background you’ll hear a guy go “hey, is that you’re babe?” and I grin and laugh, we text a lot, I go to their house often to hang out, we’ve been in a slightly romantic situation before (waiting for a bus), we’ve been out for coffee (it’s a short walk from his house) alone at least two or three times, and we joke with each other a lot. We actually have hung out alone more than I thought. And it’s completely not awkward at all. We share a lot of common interests, and I could honestly talk to him for hours, and not care. I remember during that bus stop incident, I smiled that kind of smile that you just can’t help because you’re so happy, and you try not to but you can’t. I haven’t done that in years.
This all being said, how I can I tell him I like him? I can easily ask him to go for coffee, but our community is rather small, and there are usually other people from school or that we know all over the place, so it’d be hard to say something like that in front of others… And I don’t want to embarrass him; last thing I want to do.
I’d love to (and imagine a lot >__>) be in a cutie relationship with him, where it’d be almost the same as we are now, just more cutesy and maybe cuddly and kissy. So that’d we’d hold hands while walking around the mall and I could lean my head on his shoulder (if I could, he’s a good head taller than me).
I appreciate any help you guys are willing to give—I know the fluther community is quite nice and a good variety of answers are dealt to questions :)