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Aster's avatar

What are your thoughts on this post-funeral dinner experience?

Asked by Aster (20028points) April 13th, 2011

An old man dies. His widow takes the family out to dinner after the funeral at one of those darkened, English Pub looking retaurants that specialize in steak and shrimp. The waiter goes around the table asking what each person wants to order. The widow orders a big dinner first, then the son of the diseased and his wife (who order big dinners) , the grandson’s wife next and lastly the grandson, 30, who says, “I’ll just have a bowl of soup.” He did this in respect for his grandfather. When the dinners arrive the widow is so uncomfortable with her large order when seeing her grandson’s bowl of soup she refuses to eat a bite. Everyone else is uncomfortable too, with their big orders, and can only choke down half their dinners. After dinner, the widow looks angry as she stomps out of the restaurant implying that her grandson was trying to make a statement at everyone’s expense.
Question: do you think the grandson in ordering the cup of soup was a) a wonderful, sensitive man; b) rude and out of line c) showing off what a nice man he was in being considerate of the loss of his grandfather.

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