A woman cursing her partner in agony for getting her into the predicament she's in. Helpful or hurtful?
I saw this as a recommendation for easing nausea during pregnancy on one of the baby forums.
Is it relieving for the pregnant woman? But what about how helpless the partner probably feels?
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15 Answers
I was lucky in that I did not have any nausea (or for that matter, a partner) during pregnancy, but I cannot imagine that it would do anything but harm to the relationship with the partner. How is it his fault that she’s in the “predicament”? Takes two, after all. Seems to me to be an idiotic idea, but then, I didn’t read the article. Can you link to it?
The idea that the partner is responsible is an old-fashioned one. I assume she was responsible for her condition as well.
It was just listed in a long line of suggestions….eat Ginger, small meals every 2 hours, eat crackers before getting out of bed, curse your partner, etc…. you see it all the time in movies during the delivery scene. (I think it’s meant to be funny) but is it funny?
I don’t think it’s funny. I think it would be kinda mean… BTW, @KhiaKarma , how’re you feeling, these days? Not too nauseated I hope! ;-)
I’m sure it’s a real thrill for the dad!
Well, it is a good way for the husband to prepare for the rest of his marriage.
When my wife delivered our kids, she spent very little time from arrival at the hospital to childbirth. 45 minutes for one, 10 minutes for the other. That’s from walking in the front door of the hospital to baby. She screamed plenty, but didn’t cuss.
As I understand it, though, several of my friends wives have really let loose on their husbands, blaming them and swearing them raw and red.
Yeah, but @filmfann , there’s a big difference between being in labor and being nauseated during the pregnancy. Months and months of blame and vilification would wear very thin…
I do think mom’s to be do get a “free pass” to say or scream what they feel the need to during those 9 months. Wait till labor….sheesh!
I can only see it as being hurtful in the long run. My husband and I joke about him “doing this to me”, but in all seriousness, it’s what we both wanted and he and I both know we both did it together (which makes it all the more special). Even when I’ve been really sick during this pregnancy, I haven’t wanted to cuss or yell at my husband, but he’s also been very supportive and been the one taking care of me during those times. Yelling at him would do neither of us any good.
@JilltheTooth I feel like cursing all the time! But not at my sweet hubby. He gets so worried. I had no idea it would be so hard. Doctor gave me meds for nausea, but they only work about 20% better than nothing. ...and now I’ve got a crappy sore throat and fever! Thanks for asking, though! :)
A recent study showed that cursing helped increase a person’s tolerance for pain and suffering, so it would probably help the woman. She has to shoulder the physical burden of pregnancy, so IMO she’s allowed to curse if cursing is productive. Hopefully the husband would realize that she’s just feeling really sick and doesn’t actually hate him. If I were pregnant, I’m sure I’d spend a lot of time saying, “You suck!” to my partner as I knelt before the porcelain god, but he would understand that sick people say things they don’t really mean, and wouldn’t take it personally.
@KhiaKarma : Being sick with a respiratory thing when you’re preggers is a screaming bore…I remember! The whole time I had that reeeeeeeally long-lasting cold I had to remind myself that the waiting to get pregnant, the helpless feeling of infertility etc was worse. This too shall pass sweetie, and the rewards are pretty damned fabulous!
Nausea during pregnancy is not a bad thing; it means hormone levels are up, and the likelihood of miscarriage during the first trimester decreases.
I think it is fine, have a sense of humor. Remember that episode of Mad About You when Jamie is in labor and the husband keeps trying to help her, talking to her, trying to tell her to relax, and how to breath, and she keeps saying, “shut up.” He tries again, shelet’s out another, “shut up, shut up, don’t talk to me.” then the doctor comes in and Jamie perks up and has a small conversation with the doctor. When the husband asks, “how come you can listen to the doctor and not me?” Jamie says, “oh, because I cannot stand the sound of your voice right now.” Something like that.
For the first 2 months of my pregnancy I could bearly hold down water. I cussed at everything and everyone. It did not help at all. I was still very hungry all the time and still vomitting anything I attempted to eat. The only time I found it helpful was when my husband would try to open the jar of mayonaise, (and I was in the next room), I would yell shut that F——ing jar. Then he would shut it and I wouldn’t vomit. Other than that, there was no time that cussing help relieved anything related to morning (all day) sickness.
I think if cussing helps than more than likely its the person making you feel ill and not the hormonal changes.
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