Social Question

Want to play a limerick game?
Numerous jellies seem to be starting games based on poetry, so let’s try a new one: a limerick game!
For those not familiar with limericks, here is a great example of one:
The limerick* packs laughs anatomical
In space that is quite economical,
But the good ones I’ve seen
So seldom are clean,
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
(So the rhyme scheme is AABBA, and the rhythm will be similar to the poem above.)
It will go like this:
First jelly will write the first line, second jelly will write the second line, and so on, until the fifth line, where the stanza will be completed, and then the sixth person will start a new limerick.
The lines can be of whatever nature you desire, and the second limerick can be related or not related to the first.
Shall I start?