Social Question

Mariah's avatar

Which gender more commonly dislikes members of their own gender?

Asked by Mariah (25883points) April 13th, 2011

My vote is for the women. I just saw a poll on Facebook that said, “What should girls stop doing?” and the choices were things like “Being sluts,” “Starting drama,” etc. etc. etc. You would expect something like this to be perpetuated by men, but it seemed that most of the responses were from women! They were saying things like “I hate girls who ______!” Drove me nuts that women were buying into these stereotypes about themselves.

Which gender does more self-loathing, and why do you think this is so?

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17 Answers

Seelix's avatar

I’d say females as well. I don’t know what guys talk about when they’re together, but I can tell you what women talk about – other women. How whorish they are, how bitchy they are, what terrible clothes they wear…

I’m a woman-hater myself, just because I can’t stand how so many young women are just so catty.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Definitely women. I know that I am guilty of disliking A LOT of women because of their actions. Women can be slutty, catty, drama starting, cheating little bitches. And then they decide that they don’t want to take the blame for their actions!

But I must say, to most of you women on Fluther, I appreciate you. You’re some of the most intelligent women on the web!

Seelix's avatar

@KatetheGreat – I’m with you on that last thought! If only all ladies were as great as we are!

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Seelix If the world was like Fluther, it would definitely be a better place.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I hear more women complain about other women than I hear men complain about other men. ;)

Blackberry's avatar

Women. You chicks better get it together…...:P Just kidding!

@Seelix Men talk about everything except other men lol.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

We females are definitely more judgemental and catty when it comes to our own gender. I know, because I’m guilty of it.

tinyfaery's avatar

Women are taught to be leary of other women, to be critical, as a means of keeping women in their place. It’s the old divide and conquer theory.

How can women expect men to treat women respectfully and as individuals when women can’t even do that for each other. Very sad.

Maybe when we stop calling each other sluts and catty bitches, and embrace the community of women, men will also.

Haleth's avatar


“Maybe when we stop calling each other sluts and catty bitches, and embrace the community of women, men will also.”

Yes! A thousand times yes. If we support each other’s efforts and back each other up, we’ll slowly build a better world. I think some women act like this because we see other women as our only source of competition, while men are competing in a whole other arena. If we just help each other, we’ll do so much better.

JustJessica's avatar

I agree women all the way… Them Biotches are just scandalous!

I think women should band together more. Alone we are forces to be reckoned with, imagine our power in large numbers!!!

But first we gotta get them scandalous females to stop f@cking our boyfriends!!!

woodcutter's avatar

Well when men go to a public restroom they go there to take care of their business and leave. There’s no talking or even acknowledging one another.
When the women go to the “facility” it is usually to run someone down.

rooeytoo's avatar

I agree with @tinyfaery but I will also add that I have worked in situations where the population was predominantly male and there was plenty of cattyness and back biting, they just call it competition and male aggression. The main difference also is that men are called studs, women whores or sluts.

But truly I think the condition exists in both genders, I have known (and avoided) women who behave like that and men as well.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Men seem to be much better at either letting a situation go or confronting and then letting it go. We women would benefit from adopting this.

roundsquare's avatar

I would guess women. I’ve never heard a guy say, “I don’t get along with other guys” but I’ve heard women say they don’t get along with other women.

Of course, as a guy, I suppose guys who don’t get along with other guys wouldn’t be telling me about it.

ucme's avatar

Yeah, women can be so catty…....meowwww!
Us blokes talk about sex, football, sex, beer, sex, jobs, did I mention sex? :¬)

roundsquare's avatar

@JustJessica I’m not even sure if you were joking when you said this or not but…

“But first we gotta get them scandalous females to stop f@cking our boyfriends!!!”

Why would you blame the woman in a situation like this? Isn’t it the boyfriend’s fault much more?

Blackberry's avatar

@roundsquare That’s how they are so hateful towards each other. The fault lays with both the boyfriend and the cheatee, but the woman just sees a woman smashing her boyfriend lol.

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