Want to play the rhyme game? (Part 2)
Asked by
MilkyWay (
April 14th, 2011
I’ve never made a game before, so I’m feeling excited. If you take part in this game I will be delighted. This only took two seconds for me to write, you can take a moment too whether it be day or night.
Rules :
Each player/jelly will write a sentence that has to rhyme with what the jelly above them has written.This will continue for the next TWO jellies. The third one on can make up a new sentence, which the jelly below them will rhyme their sentence with and so on. It doesn’t matter which subject you base the rhyme on, or if your rhyme isn’t on the same topic as the one above you. The last word of each sentence has to rhyme. For example :
Ooops, did I just talk in rhymes?
Yes, you do that sometimes.
Hey, do you hear those chimes?
Now it’s time to change…
Have you ever been to a free shooting range?
Have fun jellies!
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320 Answers
Part 1 was taking too long…
Oh! Look at that man wearing a thong!
It’s actually kind of trendy.
Having a penis that is bendy….go ask Hillary.
There was a sad frog named Henry.
So what’s this game really all about?
@RareDenver Every two people that reply create lines that rhyme. But you broke the rhyme chain! :P
“There was a sad frog named Henry.”
Who cheered when he saw a hen read…
I’ve got a pet gorilla named Grover.
His idleness is driving me crazy
I lost my favourite shoe.
Hey no breaking the rules you.
Purple is my favorite color.
I think you misunderstood me like my brother.
@KatetheGreat Psst..the third jelly
Who sleeps with your mother…
I like watching car shows…
But I don’t like the way the water in the river flows.
@queenie Oops, I totally misunderstood the directions! Hahaha, sorry.
Then let’s all eat at Joe’s!
The music I listen to is absurd.
I wish I could fly like a bird..
Instead of burrowing through books like a nerd.
Whenever I go out, everyone stops and stares.
Because you have a head full of chairs…
Or it might just be because I have abnormal hairs!
Now what shall I do with this spoon?
I say you give it to a loon.
And teach it an avian tune!
I really don’t know what to say.
Get down on your knees then & pray
Pray, pray, that the hamster isn’t gay.
I haven’t got a hamster yet…
Although I hear they make a good pet.
It could rain but I don’ want to bet.
Our love is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Damn simultaneous posting…HARRUMPH!!
Too much rock & roll has made me rock-bored…
So I’ll end this rhyme in a harmonious chord.
Wake me up before you go go…...second time lucky, mwwwahh!
I killed my monkey with a yo-yo.
Yo monkey is the gorilla my dreams…
But the gorilla is not the monkey he first seems
They both have a collection of assorted creams.
I’d use the word “orange”, but I’m just too nice.
The colour of Don Johnson in Miami Vice.
My grandma’s head is infested with lice.
There’s nothing bluer than Uranus…
Good god I hope it’s not contagious
The crime I just committed was heinous.
There once was a jelly on Mars…
His name was Prince Lars.
But was this jelly one of ours?
There once was a guy named Venus…
not again, for the love of….
last few went wrong so to start afresh
All these rhymes are just making me crazy!
An this weed is making me lazy…
“not again, for the love of….”
“my penis.”
Best part of this thread so far. ;-p
sounds like queenie may be a kingie.
Has this all come to such an untimely and tragic end?
It is just on the river and going around the bend.
and HARK, it’s Coloma, who’ll being it back homa, cuz she’s such a good jelly friend!
It like staying out of the Sun because it is EIGHTY.
Stanley liked to chew on straws.
and dressing up in his sisters bras
But his real passion was for sparkly pink macaws.
The ocean is wide; the sea is blue.
But I bright green dinosaur just took a shit in my shoe.
The dinosaur has a funny hair-doo.
I met a Spanish man named Carl.
I once found an oyster with a pearl
But it was claimed by some girl…
who said it made her toes curl
I had a cat that was orange….
She ate a lot, so she was kind of lar(n)ge…
and went through sideways and broke the door hinge.
At which my heart did really cringe…
to set fire to the cat and watch him singe
RareDenvers working hard for that diploma
I detect a certain therapeutic aroma.
Never gonna give you up….
Never gonna fill your cup…
Lets hope not, and leave the two girls out of it
I never want to play with shit!
And I never want to sit with it.
Yet, he makes you want to dance all day long.
While singing his favorite song.
Sweet dreams are made of these…..
People in your life who please…
I traveled the world & the seven seas
everybody’s lookin’ for something…..
better than lookin’ for nothing.
I like to bang on the bongos.
Um bongo um bongo dey drink it in de congo
It was twenty years ago today….
We were rolling around in the hay.
Me & my best friend Ray!?! Err…....perfectly innocent I can assure you.
We weren’t more than friends but he wanted to be.
I didn’t like the way he was looking at me.
so I ripped off his shorts and let him run free
Shout shout let it all out…
These are the things I can do without.
Come on, i’m talking to you so….err, come out?
Here I am let’s do this dance.
I would, but I am in a trance…
Oops, there goes my pants.
Let’s kill the thing that is purple.
Ooh, excuse me…I had to burp(le)
That wind from my mouth it did hurtle
Much faster than a turtle.
I like the Pokemon Squirtle!
There once was a man from Nantucket…
Who collected change in a bucket…(wow-deja vu!)
but only ended up with 73 cents and said, “F*ck it!”.
Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold
Pease porridge in the pot will never get sold…
some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it in the pot covered in mold
Got some magic herb, going to get rolled. I know fourth one.
Oh, my! What can that be?
I think it’s something that’s a felony…
Whatever it is it’s fine with me.
I just saw something that was impossible.
My neighbors sure are gossipful…
I know someone who likes to hum…
But it makes them look kinda dumb
No, they can even walk and chew gum…
Why do you do this to me…
how do you do it so easily..
There ain’t no one who can comfort me…
I was just singing a song…
which one? Tell me and I’ll sing along.
It’s “I am in Misery”, but it’d be wrong…
Yeah, I’m gonna stay strong.
truly think I might go crazy…
Sky is looking kind of hazy…
I just had chocolate, hallelujah!
So you like sweets, do ya?
who worships the sun god Ra?
Only the magicians who say “Tada!”
Nah-it’s all about the timing…
Does anybody really know what time it is?
No, but can you hear my soda fizz?
I heard the sound, is that what is IS?
I hate when it rains, my hair wants to frizz.
When it gets hot my skins likes to tan.
When my face gets hot, I must be near my man!
Grape soda? I’m not a fan.
That can’t be; it’s way tooo Far !
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk…..
That’s fine, as long as you don’t eat chalk!
Wow, you sure talk the talk.
At my statements, do you balk?
Make sure it’s set on stun!
There was a time when I felt divine.
It was when you said you would be mine.
But then you left and said this rhyme…
Come on, lemme see them cups.
What & reveal my cute little pups?
Yeah, have you got any pot?
Oh, that’s not what I’ve got…!
All through the years he never knew her name
But he would smile at her all the same!
While she thought it was merely a game.
Until with some flowers he came…
“Man”, she thought, “those are lame!”
But to get her attention was his only aim…
The flower shop owner recommended them, so he was not to blame.
But he was determined to win over this dame!
She was feisty and hard to tame.
Still, her heart he was determined to claim!
He was in it just for the fame.
I wanna live forever…..uzi shots echo around the theatre.
@ucme Your answer was clever…
I had one ready, but @ucme it did sever…
When he saw her, in his heart was a flame
Well, anything can happen in this weather.
I’m won’t be around for a bit, driving home again…
That’s OK, we’ll meet up soon, my friend.
Indeed we will, I’m already about to send…
something that I hope can mend…
Just keep up the rhyming trend…
I live just round the bend…
Perhaps your car you’ll lend?
No more rhymes now, I mean it !
Why don’t you come and sit?
On my face and I’ll guess your weight.
Oh my, are you askin me on a date? ; P
If you are, please don’t be late.
Unless, it’s due to the workings of fate…
Oh, wouldn’t that be great?
I’m leaving work sick…G’day mate!
What is the current exchange rate?
Patience is not a common trait…
No it’s not…his I will not state…
When going fishing, do you forget the bait?
I love breaking the rules!!
Yes…and then on salmon I cannot myself sate…
Have you forgotten about Kate?
Ever since she dropped my plate…
I had to slap the bitch, my dinner was late!
you repeated, shame on you!
Would you vote if Trump was on the slate?
No, I think he’s an ingrate.
So basically, it’s him you hate?
No, actually it was him I ate.
Now, don’t make me have to berate…
Don’t you usually procrastinate?
Now I think you exaggerate!
Aw, come on…your poems I appreciate!
Really? Do they fascinate?
Yes, and only sometimes aggrevate!
I have the ability to levitate.
Now I think you overstate!
No I don’t, I understate.
I didn’t mean to agitate…
So long as you don’t defecate.
Your rhyme I did anticipate!
Where is my coffee, don’t make it late!
Should I fuck up this rhyme to seal my fate?
Let’s change the ending word…
Aw, come on! You’re such a turd!
There’s always one, how absurd!
Takes one to know one, that’s what I heard!
Did you hear about the bird?
Well everybody know’s the bird is the word!
because you ate a moldy cheese curd.
She’s not easily deterred.
To me, cats are preferred…
Have my plants been watered?
“Yes”, he said as he sauntered.
In his suit, freshly laundered…
“What is that stain?”, he pandered.
Must have been that run-in with that gander…
Sorry, I just couldn’t take it anymore.
That’s okay, we already did four…
So, what’s next in store?
Maybe, after you do your chore.
Will you help me, I implore?
No, I’m not a helping whore.
I am woman, hear me roar…
Did you see the movie, “The Core”?
Can someone please answer the door?
Nah, it’s those bloody jehovas witnessesssssss….. just ignore!
Were they knocking at number four?
They’ve got pamphlets galore…
Screw them, I’m watching Jersey Shore!
After that, it’s time to mop the floor…
Shhh! I’m trying to study lore…
Will you pop in and get some popcorn from the store?
The coffee I couldn’t stir.
What was taken to Jesus? myrhh?
My next rhyme will be….er?
What a time it is to be on Fluther.
Well, I’m asking another…
Careful, she knows my Brother
My heart is all aflutter…
I just lost a pound in the gutter…
money, right?
I bet that made you mutter!
Yes, the guy that bumped into me was a nutter…
Did you hit him with your putter?
Nah, else I’d be known as a rutter
I’m in the mood for bread and butter…
Why does my dad act as a regretter?
Maybe he thought it would be better…
I think he was expecting a letter…
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