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XOIIO's avatar

What's going on in this situation? (new situation!)

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) April 14th, 2011

Okay fellow Flutherites, me again with another weird situation going on.

Yesterday I changed my FaceBook profile pic to the one I have up here, and joked around on the update of what’s the worst that could happen, someone jokingly said a girl could start liking me.

Well, guess what.

Earlier tonight, this girl In a relationship with someone, FB says married but not sure hit me up on chat sometimes we talk about being bored and stuff. We started the same conversation bout being bored, and out of nowhere she basically started begging me to talk dirty with her, because she was horny and couldn’t reach her significant other. She kept asking several times, and like any respectable person, I fought off my libido until I found out more. Turns out that they are in an open relationship, and quite often talk like this with people, and have sex with other people. Being a red blooded male, I went along with it once I was sure that it was legit.

Later, her SO hit me up on chat asked about it, and I told him, and yes, he was fine with it and confirmed that they talk like this with people and have sex with others. Then, he started talking about his sister, and asking if I would consider having sex with her, she’s 14 and I’m 17, she’s still a V, but that’s not the point. He asked several times If I would consider having intercourse with his sister, and, for now I just said get her to message me, we’ll talk, and see what happens.


All of this happened the day after I changed my profile picture. One day I was just minding my own business, the next I have one girl basically asking for sex, and her SO asking me to have sex with his sister.

Sometimes I hate myself because I make so many typos.

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46 Answers

aprilsimnel's avatar

How do you know these people are who they say they are? And to proposition you to have sex with a 14 year old girl is creepy and illegal!

Even if the adult woman is in an open relationship, it’s a bit squicky for her to hit you up for dirty talk – and then to have her SO ask for the play-by-play afterward and then offer up his sister? All sorts of wrong here. Even if they were close to you in age, there’s still a lot wrong here.

I think you should pass this info on to the police. Adults should not be in any way involved with a teenager in this manner.

augustlan's avatar

Run away, run away! Grown people should not be propositioning a 17 year old, nor whoring out a 14 year old. Either they’re trolling you, or they’re some deeply unsavory people. Block them, at the very least.

XOIIO's avatar

@aprilsimnel and @augustlan I wouldn’t have sex with the 14 year old, I would have to wait 2 years, and they are actually who they say they are, I know people who know them and have talked with people on FaceBook who know them. The adult woman is actually around 18 or 19, so she is in my age range, i’m just trying to figure this out lol.

XOIIO's avatar

@aprilsimnel he wasn’t really whoring her out, just asking if I would consider something like that, when I saw the 1 beside the 4, I immediatly switched to the plan of talking with her, and finding something about her that I hate. She apparently likes beiber, so I have a start to a foundation of why I would not do anything with her.

also, she didn’t ask her SO do do that, it just happend around half an hour after talking with her. He was mainly asking about her, then for 5 minutes brought his sister up, I dont know why he would though.

XOIIO's avatar

Actually the laws for canada are interesting, but I still wouldn’t

augustlan's avatar

I feel slightly better if the married woman is in your age range, but am still totally skeeved out about the 14 year old. I wouldn’t even engage her, in any way.

XOIIO's avatar

@augustlan Agreed.
I’m just wondering, if you had to guess my age from my picture, how old would you guess I am? Maybe he thought that I was around her age. Multiple opinions would be appreciated.

filmfann's avatar

Watch it dude, you’re gonna end up on “To Catch A Predator”.
This shit doesn’t happen in real life.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I feel like you’re trying to justify this because you’re probably bored, too, and messing around in chat is exciting. I understand that. Forgive me if I’m wrong.

And here’s where now you have to start thinking more like a mature person:

The wife’s talking to you because she’s bored and horny? The husband is “just wondering” if you’d like to sleep with his sister in a couple of years? Would you ask an acquaintance if he’d like to sleep with your little sister?

It’s your choice, obviously, but if I were in your shoes, I’d stay far away from these people.

XOIIO's avatar

@aprilsimnel Not trying to justify, just wondering if my picture was some kind of catalyst or some shit like that. Also, he never asked if I would sleep with her in a couple years, that what I said because she is under the legal age, to emphasize that i wouldnt do it. I never mess around in chat, this is the first time I’ve done anything like that.

I’m also an only child, and like I said, maybe he thought I was around her age and we could date or something, my profile doesnt have my age, only the birth date.

@filmfann Maybe, but why would that show be after a 17 year old? and, these events seem to be occuring in a wierd pattern based on changes that I’ve made in my life or FB, this includes the older situation with the person who was interested in me.

Oh yeah, something important. I contacter the possible wife i think its just a thing on Fb, that they aent actually married to ask about the older situation, that how we started talking, and we do share opinions/interests in some respects.

I had a theory about a “Pheremone Trail” of sorts. Ant lead other ants to food by leaving a pheramone trail to the food source.Word of someone being interested in me could affect other people’s view of me, and make them see me differently than they did before, possibly sparking an interest, much like apheremone trail. What do you guys think of this theory?

augustlan's avatar

Based on your pic, I’d have guessed 15 or 16 years old. WHICH, makes it even skeevier for the wife to get dirty with you.

If you knew these people in real life, one girl liking you could have an impact on the way others see you, but I doubt that transfers to FB.

XOIIO's avatar

@augustlan I’m not sure, we did talk extensively about that situation. The PHeremone “trail effect is making me suspicious, I have seen a couple people around school looking at me more that normal, and I haven’t talked with them about it so it might be the rumours or what they have seen.

Like I said, she’s 18 or 19, and she knows that I am 17.

talljasperman's avatar

Sounds too good to be true… how do you know that they are not con artists or killers… like the guy who lured a man in Edmonton and killed him for a feel of how a killer thinks in order to write a book..

XOIIO's avatar

@talljasperman I do lots of background research on people that I add to FB, if I don’t find much about them, bye bye

Also, she used to go to my highschool when I was there, and is still in this city, and many people have confirmed several things I have asked about them.

Bellatrix's avatar

Ooh my @XOIIO. That just seems so very strange and wrong to me. He is propositioning you to have sex with his 14 year old sister (even if it is in the future)? I agree with @augustlan run away and do not get involved.

XOIIO's avatar

@Mz_Lizzy like I said, i just said that i would have to wait 2 ears to give an example of why I would never even go there. I’m not gonna sleep witha nyone 1 year younger or 3 years older.

Bellatrix's avatar

No, I don’t think for a second you are but I think you should stay away from those people. You know the old saying? Trust your gut instinct. :-)

XOIIO's avatar

@Mz_Lizzy the thing is that everything checks out with them, and these evens are following my PT theory, and taking place simmilarly to the original situation.

Bellatrix's avatar

But you asked the question here? That suggests to me, somewhere you are going… is this for real? Is this right? You would have to educate me on your PT theory though. My dad used to say, and I think it is great advice, “if you can’t tell me about it, you shouldn’t be doing it”? Now I didn’t live by it and there is plenty of stuff I got up to that I didn’t tell my dad, but the principle works. You just take care! And explain to me what the PT theory is…

XOIIO's avatar

@Mz_Lizzy The main question is why this could possibly be happening, if somehow my changing the picture was a catalyst of some type, or if mother nature got hit in the head and shit is going backwards now.This is the fourth thing like thos to happen to me in a couple months.

PT theory is Pheremone theory.

In nature, and scout for food. When they find a source of food, they venture back to the nest leaving a trail of pheremones for the other and to follow and get the food.This one ant is what helped all the other ands realise that there is food there when they didn’t know before.

The first person who started to say they liked me is liek that first and, and the rumours that spread around or the fact that people saw her talking to me a lot and walking in the hallway is like the pheremone trail. Then other ants might realise that there is food where they didn’t see it before. Me being the food, and now more ants are getting attracted from the growing pheramone trail. It may sound dumb at first, but it does make sense.

Anyways, like I said, I’m sure it’s real, I’m mainly wondering if my Pheremone Trail theory is correct, and if my picture acted as some sort of catalyst that advanced events. Up till yesterday I have my logo, I change the picture and the next day this.

Bellatrix's avatar

Okay I get you. Why does it happen? If we knew that for sure and could bottle the chemical compound, we could both get very, very rich. It does happen though. The old why when you break up with someone do the opposite sex seem to immediately know you are available? Why can you be single for ages and then suddenly five people want to date you? I think your theory has merit and it could be something to do with pheromones and perhaps something to do with our attitudes/confidence levels. And on that note, I must go and get ready to go out. Nice to fluther with you @XOIIO. Before I go, I should just mention that I think that is a really nice picture of you. I doubt this will be the only attention you will receive. Take care.

XOIIO's avatar

Same here @Mz_Lizzy Also, on another thread someone mentioned that it is spring, and hormmones are changing. That probably has a good influence on this too

My attitude/confidence hasn’t really changed, but oh well.

downtide's avatar

OMG, stay well away from these people. Some guy propositioning you to have sex with a 14 year old is both illegal and creepy. Makes me wonder if the girl you cybered with is also underage.

XOIIO's avatar

@downtide nope, she checks out alright. I dont plan on doing anything, just gonna see what tommorow brings.

XOIIO's avatar

Nothing yet today, still plenty of time for something to happen though.

Kardamom's avatar

These people are virtual strangers to you. The married couple (if they really are who you think they are, and even though you sound pretty sure, don’t be) sounds like a couple of sickos to me.

That is one reason why I hate Facebook. It makes it so easy to do gross, sick, potentially illegal, probably immoral stuff with people that you do not know (and people that you do know), because you are hiding behind a computer screen.

Don’t be so quick to believe what people tell you about other people or themselves online. How do you think those pedophile predators draw in their audience. They tell the person on the other end of the line just what they want to hear. This is not the same situation, but the tactics are the same. Some crazy chick online (who you don’t know) gave you some titillating conversation and you dove right in. That’s not very smart. Think about those people around you that you love and admire, would they think that your actions in this situation were respectable and honorable?

Try to live your life like you are living in the real world. Only have people that you truly know, like face-to-face-friends, and relatives, or long distance friends that you have met on more than one occasion and actually know. Don’t “friend” strangers or people who someone else says they sorta know (and claim those people check out OK). Don’t add friends so that you have a higher friend count on your Facebook account. Don’t do things that you would have trouble explaining to either your parents or to children. You are only 17, and legally you are still a minor. Your parents should be made aware of this situation. And I know, there is about a 0 in 100% chance that you will tell them.

I’m just curious why you would want to put youself in this ridiculous, potentially damaging situation, rather than just living your life? Do you think your potential future wife and children or employer would think this kind of behavior was cute?

It’s like you want to create some sort of exciting, but fake life for yourself that could have real repercussions in your real life. Don’t you aspire to bigger and better things?

XOIIO's avatar

Like I said, this is the first time I ever did anything like this, and it was mostly so that she would shut up. I didn’t jsut have this conversation with her, I know that she is who she says she is, I would never do this with someone completely random.

Like I have told other people, I will add someone to FB, then do extensive checking around their profile and people they know to see if I actually knew them once, if it seems like they are just adding me because FB told them to a remove them, and even if I did know someone, if they don’t say hi or anything like that to me a month after adding them I remove them.

I also am never going to have a wife or kids, to me that would suck big time.

As it is, I just told her what she wanted to hear, most of it was her going “would you do this” and I said “yes” without even reading the full thing.

The main point of this was wodnering why this would be happening if it is a legit situation, and to get an opinion on if my picture was some sort of catalyst and get opinions on my Pheremone Theory.

Kardamom's avatar

I think you are not looking at this whole situation for what it is and you are way to willing to believe that people are telling you the whole truth or that they are legit (even if they aren’t).You need to become more wary and “street smart” when it comes to the internet. That doesn’t even really matter. What really matters is that you are willing to just add people to your friends list that are not actually friends or people you know. You should never even have to check out your real friends on their profile or in any other manner if they were actual people you know. You should never just add people that you don’t know (in real life) and then try to sort it out later. That is just asking ro trouble.

Also, the way you get people to shut up is to NEVER engage them in the first place. Walk away. Don’t friend people you don’t know. It’s like our parents used to tell us older folks when we were kids: Don’t talk to strangers. Because of the “supposed” anonymity of the internet, people are way more willing to engage with strangers in ways that they wouldn’t dream of if those same people were standing right in front of them. You should never have bothered to talk to this woman or her husband at all. Again, you are just adding to the problem by doing that.

Even if this whole thing were legit (and I’m pretty sure it isn’t and I also know that there is about a 2 % chance in 100 of you realizing that for yourself) why would you want this kind of thing in your life? And I’ll ask you again, don’t you aspire to bigger and better things?

Whether or not you ever get married or have kids, there are going to be people in your life that you love and respect. Wouldn’t you want to live a respectable life? Hooking up with strangers online and then trying to justify it to those people who you care about is not cool.

What are your hopes and dreams for your life? Do you have any talents or interests? Are you pusuing those things?

Pheremones account for some things, but not cyber-sex. If you post a picture of yourself where you look attractive and you are young, there are lots of creepy people that will come crawling out of the woodwork. That’s why I never use a photograph as my avatar. People that already know me, know what I look like. People that don’t know me, don’t need to know.

Try not to get mad at those of us that are trying to point out some things to you that you may not be able to see (for whatever reason) because we are a collective we’ve been through enough crap and stupid mistakes it would make your head spin. Take our horrible experiences and learn from them. And don’t put yourself in danger or put yourself in a place of disrespect.

XOIIO's avatar

@Kardamom I doubt that this is real, I am just playing it hypothetically, saying it is real.

I have othe rpictures of myself on facebook, and I don’t think that in any of my pictures I am attractive in any way, as what has seemed to be the general concensus of the female population, thats why I’m wondering if 2012 is somehow related to a female zombie type apocalypse with everyone chasing after me.


Kardamom's avatar

Your hair looks pretty cute, maybe that’s why you’re getting so much more attention. From my generation, you kind of have a Beatles haircut (which was then and still is very nice), from today’s generation maybe a slightly scruffier Justin Bieber mixed with Liam Gallagher from Oasis mixed with a little bit of Zac Ephron. Why not ask one of the young ladies that you actually know why things have changed?

XOIIO's avatar

@Kardamom I don’t know people in that way, I don’t have friends, I have acquaintances, people I get along with, but have no emotional attatchement to. They could be shot right in front of me and I wouldnt cry or anything. Maybe a bit dissapointed if I had somehting to tell them.

My hair is usually like this, and my attire hasn’t changed at all. That’s what’s so puzzling.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Creepy & weird. Too weird.

Kardamom's avatar

@XOIIO Why do you think you don’t have any friends? Maybe you should join some clubs or start participating in activities that youu enjoy, that specifically involve interacting with people. If you isolate yourself by spending too much time in the virtual world of computers, it’s much harder to relate to real people, plus you’re taking time away from meeting and getting to know real people. It worries me that you say you have no emotional attachment to anyone.

XOIIO's avatar

@Kardamom Noone arount here is interested in what I am., and I don’t play virtual games or any shit like that.

Years of being bullied and outcast left me with no choice but to bottle up my emotions and anger so that I wouldnt get hurt, It’s helped me realise that emotions make you weak to what others say. Every month or so I spend a couple hours medatating in a way, to search out any emotions that I have dwelling in me and remove them so I can think logically and not be clouded by the emotions that controll othe rpeople.

Kardamom's avatar

@XOIIO Oh my goodness. I’m sorry to hear that you were bullied. Unfortunately, you are doing harm to yourself by not allowing yourself to feel emotions for what they are. Emotions are part of being a human being. If you bottle them up or attempt not to have any emotions, then you become less human. I think you should talk to your parents and your school counselor and probably get some therapy to deal with this problem. And it is a problem. You said you don’t have any friends. If you continue down this path, that situation will just get worse and then you will want to tamp down your emotions even more. That’s not good at all. You can actually make yourself physically sick by doing that.

You need to learn new ways to express your emotions, while at the same time being able to make good, solid logical decisions about everything from your school work, to how you handle new people that you meet and how to make and keep friends. Most people will not gravitate towards someone who shows no emotion. It’s not natural and it’s not pleasant.

You also need to see a therapist to simply deal with the abuse you received from the bullies. So that you can stand up, and move forward. Good luck to you.

TexasDude's avatar

Alright, let’s see here…
The main question is why this could possibly be happening

Weird shit like this happens a lot. Hell, it happens to me every week. The anomaly you seem to be focusing on here is that you perceive yourself to be an odd target for this type of behavior and you are confused as to why you of all people would be chosen as such. Am I right? And you seem to be developing all kinds of nebulous theories in order to confirm your own theories about yourself, at least in my eyes.

Everyone else has already mentioned how bizarre these folks that you talked to are, so I’m not going to harp on that.

The thing that is really concerning me here is your coping mechanism… this systematic destruction of your own emotions you have embarked on. By the time I was your age, I had been through a metric shit-ton of emotional and physical abuse, and I started dealing with it in a similar fashion… I tried to ctrl-alt-del my own emotions as a sort of catharsis. In the long run, it only made me worse off. As a result, I started embracing my emotions instead, and as an extension of that, I started living life on the dance floor and throwing caution to the wind. You get hurt? So what. You should live a life worth reading about and nobody ever did that by withdrawing.


XOIIO's avatar

@Kardamom Becoming less human is just a bonus.

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Yeah, because nobody ever pays attention to me like this, and now shit like this is happening more and more often out of nowhere.

My bottling up my emotions hasn’t hurt me yet, and I enjoy not caring about anything.

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’m sure that you’re cute and all but you sound quite naive and these people you’re talking about can see that too. They’re very clearly taking advantage of your perception of yourself and this have nothing to do with hormones or red-bloodedness…what is a ‘red blooded male’ anyway? Please, this is important, focus on yourself, focus on becoming somebody with a meaningful life. I know bullying experiences can have long term consequences but it’s time for you to begin to build strength within you because you shouldn’t live out the rest of your life having given into those people who bullied you. No one can take your spirit away from you other than you.

XOIIO's avatar


My “medatation” is my way of removing human emotions and desires from myself, including lust, or in other words, being horny. Before I take that time to meditate, I lose controll over things like that, and the offer that was presented to me was tempting, where as on other days it would have not interested at all.My lack of self controll resulted in my going along with it.

Just so everyone is clear, I have no plans on going along with any of what they are saying.

I don’t let bullies controll me, the way I am is just a result of what happened during my childhood, but it has made me strong because I don’t have the emotions that make others weak. If someone tries to bully me know, I automatically cope with it, there isn’t anything I can do about it, it just happens.

jerv's avatar

TL: moslty DR

I generally go with my gut in situations like this, and this situation is fucked up and something that I personally would try to avoid or get out of. Granted, everyday life is a bit odd for me, but not _that odd.

On to a bigger picture, removing human emotions generally only sets you up for worse things. Take it from someone who was bullied as a child and had quite the temper. You probably haven’t fractured anybody’s skull yet, but bottling up for too long led me to do that once.

Rather than deny, suppress, or try unsuccessfully to eliminate your emotions, you need to find a way to deal with them. This is where the principles of Aikido come in handy; do not oppose or avoid them, but rather meld with them and redirect them in a way that you control.

Finally, it’s easier to deal with being bullied than with feeling horny, but that is why there is so much free pR0n on the internet :D

XOIIO's avatar

@jerv lol yeah

and by the way, I am successfull when removing emotions I don’t need

jerv's avatar

I used to think that when I was your age too.

A couple of decades and the fact that I am considerably better off now that I’ve changed tactics made me re-think a few things.

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XOIIO's avatar

@noelleptc Yeah, until recently is was fine, just being banter, then they started talking about some incestual stuff.

I hate rednecks, so BYEBYE!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Without reading…your av now looks vulnerable.

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