Random Thought: When someone says the word "Art" what is the first thing that comes to mind?
There are many stereotypes regarding this. And I am interested in what you think! :)
Your answer could be long or just a one-word description as long as it is true to you and your perspective. :)
Follow-up questions: Do you think your thoughts or views on ‘Art’ is shared by the majority? Do you think it gives justice to the word? Why or why not?
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68 Answers
The emperor’s new clothes. I think many people outside of the art industry would agree with my perspective, those inside however have a vested interest in maintaining the charade.
Paintings and sculptures.
@meiosis really? That’s interesting. Mind explaining?
I think a lot of it is pretty worthless, but talked up by the art industry as they settle on a group consensus of what is ‘good art’. Some of it is wonderful, as well, but a lot of attention seems to be given to those with the greatest talent for self-publicity as opposed to the greatest artistic talent.
Art has always been useless. Its value has always been subjective. Just like philosophy and religion.
@ragingloli I know, which is why some pieces speak to me and some don’t. However, here in England art is government subsidised to the tune of £350 million per year ($500 million) and this system is founded on the idea that there are objective qualities that the Arts Council of England can measure and reward with a grant. Quite why the art industry isn’t expected to use the appeal of its product to generate income direct from punters is beyond me.
@illyasviel No, art encompasses many endeavours. Film, installations, ceramics, theatre, dance etc.
It is a way of expression and a way I make money.
A sweaty lady in her home painting her heart out (maybe literally).
Some guy in a beret with a striped shirt and a baguette under his arm.. Idk why i just thought frenchman :P
I think of glass blowing/glass art. My brother does this for a living so it is the style of real art I have the most exposure to. Plus it is very pretty stuff!
My first thought is white glue, safety scissors and construction paper. Art, kindergarten style.
A painting by an artist whose name I think is Russian (perhaps Kandinsky).
It has an appealing combination of blue, red, and white.
I think involves a staircase or an artist holding a palette, but I’m not sure.
Paint splattered fingers & a gormless grin…...my art teacher from school was a sexy lady who often revealed her cleavage when leaning over to admire my work. “Oh Miss, look what i’ve done.” XD
Picasso. Well that’s the first thing that came into my mind tonight.
I think of anything that is an expression of emotion or ideals… it could be music, paintings, sculptures, movies, videos, speeches….. etc.
A chance to get a different perspective on the world.
I thought of Sargent’s Madame X painting.
An orchestra in a magnificent concert hall, with a really enthusiastic conductor
Art is easy to do, but nearly impossible to explain.
—Quote from my art professor.
You people have the awesome-est answers. :)
Aggression Replacement Training.
I think about the narrator of Le Petit Prince who, at the age of six-years, gave up the wonderful career of a painter because adults discouraged him from art and insisted he study more useful subjects.
Also this quote by Groucho Marx, ”“Well, art is art, isn’t it? Still, on the other hand, water is water! And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now, uh… now you tell me what you know.”
@illyasviel – You people have the awesome-est answers. :)
That’s ‘cause we’re the awesomest people :)
Welcome to Fluther, hope you stick around!
@Seelix I can see that! Thank you. I think I will. :)
@muppetish Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s book was extraordinary. :)
@Brian1946 Gargfunkel. <3
*Garfunkel. Sorry, typo. :)
@illyasviel I think Garrgfunkel is his pirate name. ;-)
Garfunkel. But I wonder if I would have come up with something else if you hadn’t capitalized it.
Stuffy museums with paintings of boring landscapes and weird looking people.
I thought “art” was code for “dirty” as in “art film.”
Things done to amuse, stimulate and entertain. All non-essential – but somehow vital as well.
Oh, dear. It was “Linkletter,” followed immediately by “Garfunkel.” Shame on me.
If you’d written it with a lowercase A, I think my answer would have been different.
a way to feel relaxed, a way to get things out of my mind, a way to express my emotions and feeings. Art to me is something that is for me to enjoy creating and enjoy looking at and taking in the whole feeling of.
When I went to Paris I spent an entire day at the Luvure and I would have spent a week more if I had the time there to just be in the Luvure just experiencing all of the art they have to offer there. Its one awesome place and plan to go back again.
There was this one painting I saw that was just boxes and lines using only the primary colors that I absolutely adore, expressing oneself through colors and boxes is ingenious in its simplicity. But whose it is and what it’s called, I don’t know, and that is what I think of when I think of art.
Glad to be of service to ya.
As a follow-up question: what if it was written in lowercase ‘art’?
Major composers (Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, etc.)
a lot of stuff
@illyasviel – Probably an album by the Aussie band Regurgitator.
@illyasviel, if “art” had been written in lowercase in your original question and my mind hadn’t already been corrupted, my first thought would have been of vast painting-filled galleries in a major museum, accompanied by a feeling of wonder, delight, and awe.
@Jeruba i share that same feeling of awe. delight and wonder when I go inside museums. But art isn’t just confined in the visual aspect. (not saying that that was what you implied. I just thought of mentioning it as well). :)
@aprilsimnel I’ve never heard of them! :O do you have a link you can share with us? They sound interesting. :)
It would be great if those who would answer could give us links to the images, songs or artists so we all can share them with each other. :)
When I think Art I think Picasso.
Painters often are just trying to reproduce an image. Picasso changed the object, and reinterputed it. Same with Dali.
@filmfann Good insight. Is there a particular Picasso painting that you find very interesting? :)
@illyasviel, you asked for the first thought that came to mind. I wasn’t expecting you to argue with it.
For a start, walk around some of the galleries at the Met.Museum of Art. Move in for a close-up, back off for some perspective, turn a corner, stroll.
If so inclined, rush to Florence or St. Petersburg for a change of scenery and of art. (Note lower case, please.)
This painting is by Pieter Bruegel (not sure whether he’s the younger or the elder.)
@Jeruba Oh, I wasn’t trying to argue with your point, really! I was just stating something that’s true in my opinion. Sorry if i implied the wrong message.
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