Please tell me how posting your own poem is self-promotional...
I’ve had my post deleted twice, with no satisfactory explanation of why given…
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29 Answers
Was it a question or a, “hey look at what I made” with a question mark at the end? And did you link to a place you posted it outside of Fluther in your question?
If you want to make sweet love to the rules post it asking if there are any errors with your grammar. And Fluther isn’t the best place to show the cool thing you made. It is more of a “How do I make this cool thing I made better?” site. Or at least it was.
‘Hey, look what I wrote” questions are not considered acceptable Fluther questions, as well as “Hey, look at this neat article I found” and “Follow me on Tumblr”. There are sources dedicated to getting feedback on writing skills (and other interests), whereas Fluther functions more as a Q&A site.
If you look at the literal sense of the title of this current question, ” posting your own poem” is kind of the definition of self-promotional.
Thank you @math_nerd and @syz! So the question is, how could I have posted my poem, or is there just no feasible way?
This is just not the correct venue for that. I suppose someone on the sly could try something like “What style of poetry would this be considered?” or “What poet most closely matches this type of poem?”, but of course, that would be a rather transparent attempt at this point.
Why don’t you try something like It’s a resource for writers of all skill levels to get feedback on their writing. Or my Writers Circle
No, @syz I don’t need another forum to get addicted too, lol! Thanks anyway-all I wanted to do was share a poem I had written…
That’s why I wish there was a Fluther Forum to go with the Fluther Chat. It would cut down on a large number of quasi-questions.
Now’s the time to post it, poem-boy.
Just put it in a post here.
Ok @seazen_ Here goes…
There exists an incredible man,
Who holds my heart in his hands
He has such a kind way,
And his smile makes my day
And I’d love to know him better if I can…
He has quite the hilarious wit,
And our laughter together dost fit
Though it’ll be a long two weeks,
I can hear his voice to me speak
For a spark in my soul he has lit…
It’s a cute limerick. Keep your day job.
I wrote it about someone I love, so that’s fine @seazen_ . I’ll probably never have the nerve to give it to him any way…
@yankeetooter You keep posting questions about the same guy. Maybe it’s time to read some of the advice the collection has provided you with?
This just isn’t the place for “How do you like my poem/painting/song?” As @math_nerd pointed out, if you’re looking for editing assistance because you want to submit it as a school assignment or contest or portfolio, we can help you make it better. Honestly though, there are better places for that, too.
Okay, thanks @augustlan . I was more frustrated by not understanding why it was pulled than anything…Everybody helped explain that, and I appreciate that…
Is not a good idea to make it rhyme writing a sentence backwards.
“For a spark in my soul he has lit…” this is not a good technique to use in order to get an end rhyme.
And I would respectfully suggest that the limerick is traditionally for doggerel, bad jokes or teashing. The form needs to reflect the image.
Love poetry uses more traditional meter and form, and doesne’t need forced end rhymes.
“For example”:
Has I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet,
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams
W.B. Yeats
@gailcalled Still, she can use the medium however she damn well pleases. :)
Not if my stuff keeps getting deleted… @ladymia69 .
You can also post a link to your poetry on your “about me” fluther page…have you thought about doing that? That way, those who choose to be curious about your poetry can see it for themselves.
That’s true…forgive me, but I am a little upset right now because I think I am either being stalked ot trolled by someone on another forum right now, and I am freaking out…
@yankeetooter I’ve never been stalked or trolled – what’s that like? How does it go about? Can’t one simply ignore another?
Sides – why waste time elsewhere on the net when all you need is right here.
No fun, @seazen_…and when they claim to know who you are, and cite information that they claim they got off your FaceBook page, it’s rather scary…
And very funny…
@yankeetooter : “No fun” or “very funny”? Can you feel both?
And I, a computer cretin, find it easy to wander onto others’ pages in FB, whether I belong there on not. Why list personal information in a very public and accessible forum?
I think @yankeetooter meant that it isn’t fun to be stalked. Period. The “And very funny” was in reference to my last remark: Sides – why waste time elsewhere on the net when all you need is right here.
Thanks for the clarification @seazen_ ; that’s exactly what I meant…And this morning I got an e-mail from one of the members of the forum, who was able to find my FaceBook account and retrieve my e-mail from it…yikes!
@yankeetooter You have options on facebook and the choice as to whether you show any information at all. look into it.
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