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mazingerz88's avatar

What would you do waking up one day and you are the only human being left on Earth?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29379points) April 15th, 2011

This could be the most ridiculous hypothetical question but only as a thought experiment, what would you do if for whatever reason you end up realizing you are the only person on the planet?

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38 Answers

laineybug's avatar

I would most definitely freak out because no matter what, I need people to talk to. I need my family and my friends. I would cry and quite possibly kill myself.

jaytkay's avatar

Make my way to the Atlantic and sail to Europe (or die trying) to see if anyone is left over there.

Kardamom's avatar

I would probably just kill myself. It wouldn’t be worth living in a world without friends and family.

cbloom8's avatar

Travel around somewhat to assess the surrounding area and determine that no one is indeed there, establish my home and all of the sources of my fundamental human needs, and then split my time between searching for other people, further building up my home and supply chains, and spending time on pursuing personal interests.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Go back to sleep.

ddude1116's avatar

I’d sit in a room and wait for the aliens. Surely, they’ve spared me because I serve some purpose.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Would I know I was the only one left? I don’t see how I could. In which case, I’d probably wander and explore trying to find other people.

It’d sure make my hunting and gathering easier.

Cruiser's avatar

I would find myself a German Sheppard, Rottweiler and Blue Tip Coon Hound. The Shep is for companionship, the Rott is for protection and me and ol’ Blue go hunting for food. Of course the harmonica would provide background music.

mrentropy's avatar

I would probably do what I do now, which is lament for my lost loved ones and do nothing. Go out to the grocery store when I run out of food and get all those weird things to try that I’m too embarrassed to buy. And then hope the electricity lasts long enough for me to microwave it.

But a lot would also depend on the circumstances. Are there a bunch of dead bodies laying around and I have to worry about diseases? Or is like the Rapture happened and there aren’t any bodies?

Eventually I’d probably grab me some cool cars and some guns and ammo. But mostly I’d probably sit around not doing much of anything.

MilkyWay's avatar

Get a German Shepherd and start talking to mannequins.
Then maybe go hunting deer with my dog and get back home before sundown….before the zombies come.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The first thing I do in the morning is turn on the news. Either there won’t be any power, or there still is, but nothing is being broadcast. Either way, I’d head over to the neighbor’s house to see if they know anything. There is no answer at the door, so it’s time to head out a bit further. The garage door may need to be manually activated, and thank goodness…the car still runs. A drive down to the local 24-hour convenience store finds the door open but either vacant or containing dead bodies. It’s the same story for the McDonald’s a couple of doors down.

Panic sets in, so I drive to the local police station. There is no help to be found there, nor at the fire station. The next thoughts are, “What in the world happened, and how far does it extend?” After heading home to contemplate the scenario, I decide to pack up a few items and head out to another town. Several stops find the same scenario. It’s time to head to my family 11 hours away.

If the gas pumps don’t work, it will require getting over the ethical tug of taking someone else’s vehicle. It finally dawns on me to find a hospital, which typically have a back-up generator, to see if I can find a sign of life on the internet and contact loved ones, including my SO who is in England. Humanity is silent.

It would be time to focus on survival: shelter, water, food, light, and a library. If I’m still here, then surely someone else is. A library would provide information on how to learn Morse Code and how generators work. And it’s time to learn how to create a garden.

As devastatingly depressing as this situation would be, I don’t think that I could kill myself, unless something happened to my health, be it disease or an accident. I doubt that I could give up hope in finding another human being.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’d keep my glasses extremely safe, since I’d have a lot more time to read.

gabbypotterrr's avatar

Instant suicide, please!

mazingerz88's avatar

@aprilsimnel Brilliant! Heh, Twilight Zone right? ( but still imagine all the prescription glasses available in the malls! )

@Pied_Pfeffer I have to say I’m much impressed.

@Symbeline lmao

Berserker's avatar

Man what wouldn’t I do lol.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@mazingerz88, hee! Poor Burgess Meridith.

Yeah, actually, I’d gather some shopping carts and a huge framed backpack, fill them with bottled water, canned food, matches, lighters, logs and certain toiletries, and go through the Lincoln Tunnel to get on the mainland, stat. A city’s infrastructure starts falling apart rapidly with no one to take care of it. Plus there are more malls and bigger houses in Jersey. From there, I’d probably make my way down to some place like Richmond.

mazingerz88's avatar

TO EVERYONE, so far here is the breakdown of the nature of your responses…

ALIENS might come…........1
ZOMBIES will come…........1

mazingerz88's avatar

@aprilsimnel Wait, can’t you take a car? I dont intend to imply in the question that this is to be a post disaster event scenario. Should have emphasized that I just realized.

illyasviel's avatar

I would probably turn schizophrenic or my personality’s gonna dissociate just to cope with the fact that I am alone. Then I’d probably kill myself. Geez, just the thought of being alone freaks me out. I mean, I am independent, I can handle things on my own and i value solitude. But i need other people, my people. I am very social person.

mazingerz88's avatar

after @illyasviel


aprilsimnel's avatar

I guess I’d better learn how to drive now, huh?

mazingerz88's avatar

@aprilsimnel Yikes! Typical Manhattan New Yorker!

illyasviel's avatar

@mazingerz88 but before all the negative things, I’m gonna splurge like it’s the end of the world.

mazingerz88's avatar

@illyasviel Nice! I would revise the breakdown if this question gets more answers.

illyasviel's avatar

@mazingerz88 that would be great. i did pick suicide, but it’ll be much better if it wasn’t one of the top answers, don’t you think so? :))

mazingerz88's avatar

@illyasviel I don’t know. Maybe it we get more answers the trend might change.

filmfann's avatar

Wow, a lot more time in the day if I don’t answer questions here.
No one to web chat with.
Television would suddenly stop, so there is that time.

I guess the first thing is to weapon up, in case of the sudden increase in wildlife, and the zombie invasion.

ucme's avatar

Fuck a pig? No, a goat…..the beard’s something to hang onto at least.

mazingerz88's avatar

The breakdown so far,

ALIENS might come…........1
ZOMBIES might come….....2
FUCK a goat…...................1

MilkyWay's avatar

SHHH… They’re in the shadows 0_0

FluffyChicken's avatar

Either travel trying to find other people, or take a house that I really like and start a garden.

I don’t think I’d make it for very long without my boyfriend, or at least someone to talk to.

I’d probably masturbate a lot.

gmander's avatar

I would find a troupe of small monkeys and become their alpha male.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@mazingerz88 Where do I fall if I’m looking for people, but also always assuming I’ll find zombies? Because in this situation, I’d be packing my full zombie kit. :P

mazingerz88's avatar

@incendiary_dan What the heck! That was the list for the ultimate zombie kit! I will scrutinize it later some more but was there at least a book there somewhere? I’d put you in the zombie might come group if you don’t mind.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@mazingerz88 When I’m teaching wilderness skills, my friend/co-instructor and I often refer to survival experiences as “when the zombies come”. Makes it slightly more amusing to the kids we teach. That kit is just slightly modified from the one I carry at work sometimes (though lately I just leave it in my car and bring a knife).

mazingerz88's avatar

@incendiary_dan is it a knife with a hollow handle where you could put stuff inside? Saw this movie with Tommy lee jones and benicio del toro where they fashioned out knives out of stone or stone quartz? They use another stone to hit and chip the edges to sharpen it. Inwondered how accurate that method was?

incendiary_dan's avatar

@mazingerz88 Nah, my main knife right now is a Mora Clipper, the one used by the Swedish military. It’s small, functional, and inexpensive. I used to have a hollow handle one I used, but it was stainless steel and didn’t keep an edge well enough.

We do sometimes make stone blades, but it’s tough to get one long enough to make a good knife. I’m a mediocre flint knapper at best.

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