What/who is the most horrible band/artist that you've ever heard of?
Give me the worst of the worst!
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134 Answers
My sister’s ex bf’s band, Japanther.
this is just a matter of opinion. If I slam some band that another jelly likes, they are going to flame me….is that what you really want? Because I hate, like, SO many bands…
I hate way too many bands. BUT I ABSOLUTELY HATE NICKELBACK.
Nickelback is definitely one of the worst. Without going too far back in time, I’d like to add Sum 41, Fallout Boy, My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Blink 182, and Creed as some of the worst pieces of shit to grace the music industry.
There was a song that Fred Durst did with the dude from Staind. It’s awful.
Creed is sinfully bad in theory and practice. And as artists.
I feel like you have to kind of have some emotion for music to really hate it, and I don’t want to even do some bands the service of acknowledging them enough to hate them!
I personally think KISS sucked, but I don’t know if that is just me.
@ladymia69 By that rationale, maybe Dan Fogelberg is the worst.
And while it’s on my mind, The Eagles, Steely Dan, and Fleetwood Mac might be my least favorite ever. Or any of that soulless prog rock shit you hear, like Dream Theater.
@KatetheGreat Oh, you;re right, KISS does totally suck. It’s not just you.
Nick Cave.
Here’s his lifeless and apathetic version of In the Ghetto.
What the hell are you all smoking? David Hasselhoff is about a million times worse than anyone of those people/bands mentioned so far. :P
I mean, f’serious.
AC/DC and Rolling Stones really chap my ass.
@Brian1946 I happen to like a few Nick Cave ditties, but he has just killed some other songs with his droning.
@Brian1946 Blasphemy. Nick Cave is awesome.
I have a Don Johnson album on vinyl. That’s pretty bad.
Michael Bolton…is he dead? He should be.
@MissAnthrope Yes, but he is just a great big publicity stunt for Germany, so he doesn’t count, really.
Fully ready to take shit for this.
I think Slayer is the most cacophonous, inharmonious mess of noise that I have ever heard. I personally think that every one of those musicians sounds like they are just slamming random objects into their instruments and then recording whatever comes out.
I have also been listening to Rise Against a lot lately since a couple of my coworkers love them so they put them on at work. I gotta say, they sound like they’re playing the same song over and over again. I hear almost no difference between the tracks. I would die if either of them heard that. They would murder me.
“Blasphemy. Nick Cave is awesome.”
Deal with it- musical necrophilia is one of many religions that I don’t subscribe to.
@ladymia Remember when he was in Blackjack? HA!
@Brian1946 Are you talking about that album he did where every song was about murder?
Metrostation, Dave Matthew’s Band, Ja Rule, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Tila Tequila, Kevin Federline, David Hasselhoff, Aaron Carter, Ke$ha, Avril Lavigne, and I’ll go ahead and say it…I’ve never liked Michael Jackson and I think Madonna, Mariah Carey and J-Lo are bullshit.
@Vunessuh you are right on all counts. But you forgot Slipknot.
@Vunessuh I completely agree with everything you said, besides Dave Matthews Band. I like them a lot. More for the drumming though.
@ladymia69 And Disturbed, or any of those bands that write songs about “the sickness”
“I think Slayer is the most cacophonous, inharmonious mess of noise that I have ever heard.”
I read that they actually did a tribute tune to Josef Mengele.
I can’t stand Michael Fagen’s voice from Steely Dan (although most people my age and slightly older love this band). You can judge for youself with Hey Nineteen
Another voice I can’t stand (although the band is OK) is Michael McDonald from Doobie Brothers. It’s ironic, too, because MM used to sing backup vocals for Steely Dan.
Elton John’s early stuff always made me think he was pushing himself really hard to adopt a southern black man’s accent and it never really worked out. His voice always sounds very affected. Especially in I Guess That’s Why They Call it the Blues This song makes me cringe.
Now all of the younger people in here will not be happy with this, but Jack White’s voice and Meg White’s drumming with the White Stripes is just atrocious.
I’ve also never been fond of The Beastie Boys They just sound like a bunch of drunk frat boys at a party.
@ladymia69 I fucking hate U2. I forgot Mickey Avalon too.
Celine “bloody” Dion…. end of!
@KatetheGreat: Thank you. I always feel like I have to sleep with one eye open when I say how much I hate Slayer.
@Vunessuh: Oh my god, I thought I was the only American in existence with an active dislike of Michael Jackson’s music! His voice just annoys me so much…
I cannot stand The Pixies either. I hate how the lead singer does this thing where he’s caught between singing and whispering hoarsely. It drives me CRAZY.
I’ve also never had a great love for The Beatles. I don’t hate them, but I feel like I have to either love them or loathe them since die hard Beatles fans read “non-obsession” as “intense hate.” Some of their sings are kind of nice. Most of their songs just bore me.
@Kardamom I can’t agree with your loathing the Beastie Boys. They might have lost their verve as of late, but in their high point, they were artistic, witty and funny.
@ucme We call her Celine ‘Fucking’ Dion in the US.
YES! Some other people beside me hate the Beatles and Michael Jackson? High fives to @KatawaGrey and @Vunessuh !
@Brian1946 It wasn’t a “tribute” to Josef Mengele. Get it right.
Celine “shoot her in the fucking head with a shotgun” Dion
@cockswain—well I thought i’d keep it clean…..for once. Okay, she’s a cunt!
Celine “shoot her in the face and dismember her body” Dion.
I definitely don’t like Michael Jackson at all. Celine Dion just sounds like a man.
@ucme Does she sing? Because I’d like to say a few choice words about her as well. I’d hate to wander off topic.
@Brian1946 Oh god! I was just watching a documentary about them the other day on youtube! You must see it! They are so pathetic!
@KatetheGreat She sounds like a man with his balls stuck in a vice.
@ladymia69 Maybe later. I’m going to a good old-fashioned kegger in a bit, so maybe I’ll fire that up when I’ve got a little piss and vinegar in me.
@Vunessuh Fuck Gwyneth Paltrow and her pompousness.
Bjork. Looks & sounds like a demented gopher.
Oh, Rick Astley is another one.
Eminem. Ugh – please, just make it stop.
Then we’ll go to Gretchen Wilson, Celine Dion, The Beastie Boys and The Blackeyed Peas.
@Vunessuh and @cockswain which brings me to the marriage of two of the most useless, artless humans this earth has to offer, Gwyneth Paltrow as world’s worst actress, and Chris Martin as her husband in Coldplay, the world’s stupidest band.
Sorry if I’m insulting anyone’s taste, but in my opinion, these are the worst bands/artists I’ve ever heard…
JLS. Jason Derulo. Bruno Mars. Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana. Demi Lovato. Selena Gomez. Kittie.
@lookingglassx3 I forgot about Bruno Mars! That whiny son-of-a-bitch. I’d piss in his coffee if I could.
@Vunessuh everyone says he’s dead romantic and sweet…he didn’t even write that ‘Just the Way You Are’ and needed a lot of help to write ‘Grenade’. It annoys me! D:
For those of you that hate Bruno Mars, here is a funny video making fun of one of his songs. :)
Hey Everybody, for each band that you list that you HATE, also add one that you LOVE, so we can see what everybody is comparing their disgust to.
Dislike: Air Supply
Like: Beady Eye
Does anyone else hate Jack Johnson? Every single song starts off with a few mellow chords, then his boring voice. Every song starts the same way. Plus it bothers me that he always seems to be walking on the beach.
We’ve gone this long without mentioning Rebecca Black?
I named one of my turds in the toilet this morning Jack Johnson.
@Vunessuh You just made my Top 10 favorite people in the world.
I hope Jack Johnson, with his jackass ego, googles his name and finds that comment.
Dave Matthews and Miley Cyrus and Rebecca Black and Nickelback.
“It wasn’t a “tribute” to Josef Mengele. Get it right.”
I said I read that, not that it was a certifiable truth.
I don’t have any obligation to do, or any interest in, any research on Slayer, no matter how imperious you wanna get.
Hate: Jack Johnson I’m not going to post any of his videos. They’re pretty blah.
Love: The Mountain Goats No Children
The Talking Heads Psycho Killer
Hate: JLS.
Love: System of a Down.
@ucme I thought I had driven the horrific sound of Bjork out of my mind forever and now you’ve brought it back. Arrrrrrghghgh!
Let me replace that with something good by Duffy
I’m also not a fan of Jason Mraz or Sean Paul.
Who do I like? Johnny Cash, Muse, Nine Inch Nails, E.S. Posthumus, Clint Mansell, Kings of Leon, Nico Vega, Sia…
@cockswain likewise ;)
@Brian1946 You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s just that Slayer and other bands comforted me in the lowest points of my life. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.
the worst GWAR
love The White Stripes
The worst? Rush.
I live on getting flamed
Definitely Sheryl Crowe. Followed by Michael Jackson. I also loath INXS & Bruce Springsteen (have you ever heard crap like “born in the USA”?)
@cbloom8 Insane Clown Posse is a disgrace.
No problem.
I read the lyrics to Angel of Death, and you’re right- it’s more of a graphic condemnation of Mengele than any kind of tribute.
@cbloom8 and @KatetheGreat My daughter and her friends got liquored up, and went to an ICP concert pretending that they thought the band was great. They had a great time, until someone recognized my daughter (despite the clown make-up) by her tattoo. Took all the fun out of it.
@jonsblond GWAR HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA i just lol’d….loudly…my ex boyfriend loved GWAR. i think i cried every time he listened to them.
Sleater Kinney, sounds like knives that fell in a garbage disposal. And I too can’t stand the Pogues or Celine Dion.
And Tom Waits may write great songs, but he always sounds like he is gargling Drano.
—-From this thread, I am getting quite a crush on @Vunessuh…—
@deni Aren’t they just terrible. A group of people I used to hang around with in the late 80s were in a band called Bloody Mess and the Scabs. Same type of music. They loved GWAR. I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry at that music. Just awful. I expect the Power Rangers to come out and kick their ass when I see them. ;)
Edited because apparently GWAR isn’t an acronym.
@jonsblond Hahahhahahahahahha. That whole genre cracks me up, mostly because of the band names. I skim over this when i need a pick me up.
@deni It’s just a matter of personal preference. I don’t like Michael Jackson because I just can’t stand his voice and his technique. I’m not a big fan of anything that sounds like that anyway. I believe that is very overrated.
ICP Miracles is one of the dumber things I’ve seen in a while. At first I thought they were being ironically dumb, then I realized they are just actually dumb.
@filmfann Rush is a perfect example of soulless prog rock. Technically superb, but without a soul.
Love: Really been getting into The Dead Boys, DJ Shadow, Madvillain/Madlib, Dr. Who Dat?, and The Cramps lately. Just saw Arcade Fire with The Local Natives recently too, and it was a great show.
brought my nearly 13 year old daughter to that show, which was her first concert. She got to meet The Local Natives and got her picture taken with them, as well as an autographed t-shirt. Not bad for a first show.
@Harold – Thank you for mentioning Bruce Springsteen. Yech. And in my age group, that’s sacrilege.
I think MJ did some great stuff, but a lot of that was due to the excellence of the musical arrangements, and not his voice.
I thought the one (The Way You Make Me Feel?) where he sees a woman walking by, hops up on a car roof, and starts air humping was gross.
Also, I put this Joe Beats mix on my fb page for awesomeness. I rarely post music vids, but this was an exception.
Insane Clown Posse, Limp Bizkit, Creed, Nickelback…
ICP- 2 talentless clowns
Slipknot.- They focus more on being loud rather than making good music.
Nickelback- They look fake and their music sounds fake.
The Black Eyed Peas- Do I really have to explain?
Limp Bizkit- CRAP!
Paris Hiliton- Why is she famous? Oh yeah, She’s rich
KISS- They were all about the image. Their silly image. Not so much about the music.
Crowbar- Their music is slow and fat
Pissing Razors- I have one album from them and it boring. The singer can’t sing and sounds monotone.
Hatebreed- The singer is not singing. He is just talking in an angry monotone voice. Ever notice how every song from them sounds the same?
Disturbed- I could never really figure out what they were singing about.
Napalm Death- They just suck
Cannibal Corpse- Like most death metal bands. They lack talent and the vocals are silly. Who would have thought sounding constipated would pass as music.
J-Lo- I never liked anything she was in.
Nile- Mummies are not scary and are not worthy in a metal album
Tom Green- His show was dumb. His movie was a disaster, His bum bum song was outright stupid.
There are more I just can’t think of all of them on top of my head.
@woodcutter I was actually forced to listen to a lot of them when I was growing up. I know I am younger, but I listen to some really old music. I love a lot of 70’s rock, but not KISS. I’ve listened to a lot of most of their music and I still don’t like them. But hey, everyone has their likes and dislikes.
By the way, the link doesn’t work.
@KatetheGreat try the new one I had a hell of a time finding one that worked.
@KatetheGreat I can definitely understand not liking his songs where he sings in a higher pitched voice. So do you not like Prince too?
Hate: Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian. I haven’t seen those tossed around yet, but I feel they’re worth noting.
Like: The Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers, Aphex Twin, The Flashbulb, Venetian Snares.
Recently, that is.
@deni I don’t like Prince at all.
@KatetheGreat Even Pussy Control? It’s such a fun song. It could be the exception. This isn’t the original but I couldn’t find it. Still aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome though. I sang this at karaoke recently lol
Angel Baby by Rosie and the Originals.
Listen on a good pair of headphones to all the mistakes made in recording this song.
@zenvelo Is that from this thread, or from her picture? ;)
Oooo, who do I love? Paul Simon, The Decemberists, Mumford and Sons, Neon Trees, The Killers, The Temptations, Lady Gaga sorry @dverhey, Shakira, Pink, Streetlight Manifesto, Enya, Owl City, Rilo Kiley, Kate Nash…
Mostly, I’m not a fan of screamo, but sometimes, when screamo is paired with a sweet singing voice, I really enjoy the foil presented by the screaming.
If you like The Decemberists and Mumford and Sons, @KatawaGrey do you like the Avett Brothers? I like the other 2 as well but for me, I think the Avett Bros are top notch (it took me so long to figure out how to spell NOTCH).
I love Edward Sharpe, Billy Joel, MJ, Prince, Technotronic, Fleet Foxes, Alex Ebert, Dean Martin, Carolina Chocolate Drops, Roger Miller, Fats Domino, The Who, Chuck Berry, Starfucker, the Talking Heads, and BUH BUH BUH…Earth Wind and Fire. God I love them so much.
I never liked Brian Adams at all. Also, fuck U2.
@KatetheGreat is right KISS stink. And I don’t know who said that about Elton and his bunged on accent, but I hear you. Irritates the shit out of me. He was born in fucking Middlesex and nobody speaks with a southern drawl in Middlesex.
@KatawaGrey I can respect Gaga. I have no respect for Perry or Kardashian, though.
I just don’t really like Gaga’s music.
Really, truly, Madonna is horrible. And so is Britney Spears.
Justin it’s almost over, give it another six months tops Bieber.
@seazen_ I really do hope you’re right on that one. shudders
Here’s a shudder for ya – Album idea: Bieber sings Sinatra.
@seazen_ Doesn’t make me shudder, it makes me want to crawl in the floor and die :(
Nickelback. I apologize to the world on behalf of Canada for spawning this atrocity.
Aside: on Hockey Night in Canada, they always play “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting” in their intro, while they show clips of the week’s best plays. For the last couple of years they’ve used a Nickelback cover of the song, but last night they went back to Elton, and lemme tell ya, it was awesome.
Creed and Phish. Most bands fuck up and put out mindless crap once in a while but to make a career out of it??? Never could figure out either of them.
Nickleback is serious fun rock and roll…just saying!
@Cruiser Phish is nothing special until you see them live.
I’m with you on Creed, though.
@tedibear – Yes, Bruce can’t sing to save himself. That “Born in the USA” song in particular is boring repetitious crap that is out of tune, and sickeningly patriotic. I don’t care if he was born in a public toilet.
@deni- there is everything not to like about Michael Jackson. I would like to know what there IS to like!
Iron Butterfly.
@Harold “Born In the USA” isn’t patriotic. He’s mocking America’s poor handle on Vietnam… Otherwise, yeah, right on.
@Harold beat, dance-a-bility, good voice, interesting lyrics, creativity, uM HAVE YOU EVER SEEN HIM DANCE? now tell me what you don’t like.
And Born in the USA isn’t patriotic at all if you actually listen to it.
@deni Yet Reagan tried to use that song, without permission, as a campaign tune.
What a clueless fucktard.
At least Springsteen told him to fuck off.
@deni You had me at Edward Sharpe! Recently saw them in concert. Awesome show! But then you said Billy Joel and I almost felt like a man with impotence, and I ain’t a dude.
The only song I have ever liked by Billy Joel was “Big Man on Mulberry Street” and that was only because I was introduced to that song by a dance number by Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd on Moonlighting. That was amazing! Otherwise, I kind of put him in the same category with Elton John, too much affected sounding voice, like it’s forced.
@deni – Beat does not make good music; being able to dance to it does not make good music; voice like his pants are too tight; nothing interesting to me in the lyrics; creativity does not mean it is worth creating. I’m not interested in dancing, I’m interested in listening to music. I’m happy that you like it, and respect your taste. To me, it’s utter crap.
As for Born in the USA, I stand corrected about the patriotism. I guess I hate it so much I never really listened to the lyrics!
This one will likely get me skewered, but I cannot stand Bob Dylan’s voice. I have no issues with his songwriting ability but listening to him is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Oh, and Joe Cocker, gah!
@SavoirFaire – That was too funny! Thank you for sharing it! :D
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