Why does Fluther have all these weird obsessions?
Asked by
dxs (
April 17th, 2011
Just kinda wondering why Fluther citizens (I don’t know the demonym) have weird things/sayings and what are the meanings (if any?) behind them. Some that I can think of off the top of my head are:
augustlan being “nekked with a whip”
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57 Answers
Where to begin….
Once upon a time [redacted]
First, cats are an obsession of the entire internet, and therefore, the entire developed world.
The rest are in-jokes/memes (except, it’s just pancakes, not cupcakes).
They’re just silly inside jokes except that anyone can play that you get with any group of friends. I can think of at least four of these right off the top of my head within my core group of friends.
And bacon… Mmm baconaise!! Ermmm and isnt there an obsession with jelly… Sorry jello.especially lime flavoured that everyone wants to go swimmig in
The answer can only be found if you look under the frizzer.
Don’t forget the frizzer.
After 4½ years, certain things are referred to so often they become Fluther memes (this Q is from a couple of years ago, there are new ones since) and just become part of the Jelly culture. It’s fun. I think there are more recent threads if you want to search for them.
As for Auggie, well, her preferred garb is stilettos, (and nothing else). Her preferred accessory is the whip. She says so herself…
I changed my mind…I dont even think I want to know what’s behind that one…:P
the link is cool tho
I’ve been here a long-ass time and I’ve never heard this one.
The internet in general is obsessed with cats.
augustlan being “nekked with a whip”
I think I may or may not have had a hand in starting this one. The thing is, Auggie
knows what she’s doing with a whip. It’s that simple.
When you reach certain point levels, you get into that level’s “mansion.”
Spoiler alert: those mansions aren’t actually real.
How can that be? I’ve lived here a long time, Molly has played with Zuppie and the other fluther dogs and it’s not real?
Online communities are often restricted when it comes to communication, (lulz irony) so memes, inside jokes, traditions unique to a community or ’‘obsessions’’ are a good way to cement bonds and the community itself through things that may define it.
Either that or because it’s Fluther and we’re all fucking freaks. :D
I found a picture of that third one.
Because it’s Fluther.
never heard of the ”cupcakes” though.
Because it’s fun.
Every community has its little quirks and fancies, its special language and shared history, its private jokes. Think of your family. Think of your officemates or your professional organization or your sports league. Think of your club. They might not talk as openly about orgasms as we do here, especially not as triggered by the word “pancake” (pancake pancake pancake . . . you’re welcome), but knowing the code words is still part of what gives people a feeling of belonging.
Fluther is a warm room in a cold cyberworld, and one of the things we most love to do in our warm room is laugh together.
See here for some of them. As for me being naked, it’s because I like to do the nakey dance. Well, as long as no one can see me. Me and the whip? That’s just how I keep everyone in line. ;)
Notice that the whip picture is Auggie’s trademark A.
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It has just occurred to me that linking to the Wikipedia page on confirmation bias may also be a Fluther tradition.
Anyone up for a barbecue tonight?
Well, if you’re going to start that sort of thing, @SavoirFaire, then so is racing to be the first to answer ”Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff” the minute a question appears asking “What is this spooky movie music?”
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard You haven’t had Fluther pancakes yet? Oh, my, you have missed out. I’d be wiling to share.
I don’t know anything about cupcakes, and I have been here since 2008.
Maybe they are mistaking cupcakes with the cake question?
I love cupcakes. I think we should get a cupcake meme of some kind going. Plaid pants took about ten minutes to become classic, we should work on the cupcake thing. Did I mention that I love cupcakes?
@JilltheTooth dear, I don’t think you can contrive a meme. They are spontaneous and catch hold naturally. Nobody could have come up with the frizzer story by design. If you bring up cupcakes at every opportunity, the way someone else might bring up, say, sandwiches, they’ll become associated with you (part of the @JilltheTooth brand, as it were), but they won’t necessarily assume meme status among flutherfolk generally.
I am aghast that our @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard hasn’t been treated to a pancake, though. I just checked his 10k thread and saw that no one brought pancakes to the party. How regrettable! Just you wait until your 20k, lad. We’ll make it right then.
Yeah @Jeruba , I get all that, but I can dream can’t I? <sigh>
I think we’ll have to be careful not to over pancake Fiddle, we don’t want to damage him, do we? Well, maybe just a little… :-D
@chyna Some people are late bloomers… chuckle ; )
The line starts here. <giggles>
@marinelife, please do!
@chyna, oh I certainly can’t wait to have my cherry popped.
@Jeruba, grrr, the fact that you called me “lad” makes my mouth water in anticipatory glee.
I’ve managed to figure out the janet question with children being hidden in frizzers or whatever, and the CIA thread. The others are a mystery.
are there any others that im not thinking of?
I keep trying to talk some sense into @lucillelucillelucille that storing your golf balls under a glass pyramid does absolutely nothing for their accuracy or distance. ;)
I think that a majority of humans just have a cat fixation. For the other ones, no idea.
It’s also hard to find answers to specific pet questions on the internet or without calling up the vet….and it is soooooooo convenient to be able to get a bunch of peoples first hand experience with the issue! As is true for a lot of topics on fluther, I guess.
@dxs If you go to this answer, and click all of the links she listed, you’ll see a whole lot more.
Pancakes are important, people!
I think the cats thing comes from Milo, @gailcalled’s cat. She got him as a cat virgin. She had never had a cat and was constantly amazed at his behaviors and ways. So she asked a lot of cat questions.
We all came to know Milo through her postings. Now Milo even Fluthers.
Milo scares me a little. Just sayin’.
Oh, and what is the thing in a vagina that feels like a nose?
I know, it’s a VAGINA NOSE
I love that one! To date, Fiddle has 79 GAs on that!
@seazen_ Just gave him another one. A truly great answer lol
I gave him the 80th, but isn’t there some sort of limit on how much lurve you can get on a single post/question?
@dxs You can get given an infinite amount; it just won’t accrue to your total lurve after the first X number.
I thought that was clear; you can only get credit for a certain amount of GAs on any one question. I believe it is 5 or 25 points. People can still give you GAs after that but it won’t make your lurve score higher.
Yeah that’s what I thought
@anartist Members frequently link to it in response to various sorts of claims (primarily supernatural ones).
@everephebe One of those was asked by me! Two, but they are the same thing…
@everephebe Interesting. A spontaneous spreading of an oblique way to comment.
A few fluther classics, like “dick punch” have gone by the board. Any others?
@dog made auggie’s dominatrix avatar
Fiddle, you’ve really missed “pancakes”? You should find it. It was written to amuse by male college students your age.
@anartist What, no dick punch? I don’t believe it’s really gone.
If it’s gone, I will punch someone in the dick. :/
The dick puncher is still around. Just sayin’
He is, and still helpful when not punching dicks.
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