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mazingerz88's avatar

Would you eat the most disgusting thing to stay alive?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) April 17th, 2011

We heard the stories, from people who had to resort to cannibalism to survive a plane crash to a TV host who goes around the world eating bizarre foods like scorpions, worms and raw bull testicles so his show can survive as well.

But at what extreme lengths would you eat something to survive and what specifically is that disgusting protein source?

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36 Answers

ucme's avatar

There’s no friggin way i’m munching on Barbara’s bush, no matter what the consequences.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I could easily handle that as I am not a good cook.

mazingerz88's avatar

Maybe I’ll go as far as eating worms but human flesh I don’t know. But wait I don’t think I could do worms either! I need to go to the bathroom now…

filmfann's avatar

I can’t even get pecan pie or a pastrami sandwich down.
I doubt it could get much worse than what I had to eat when I was in China.

AmWiser's avatar

I cannot answer this question until it actually (if ever) happens. Until then…Noooooo!

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gmander's avatar

Well, if I was really, really forced into it. Oh, I’m gagging already!

I mean, only if I had to, and there was really no other way of keeping going. I’d have to consider this option…

OMG!, I’m going to say it! If the only alternative was certain death, I think I actually would eat fresh vegetables! ^sobs^ :-(

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CaptainHarley's avatar

I have eaten snake and horse and rat, so I guess I would.

yankeetooter's avatar

@CaptainHarley You’re one quarter through the Chinese zodiac calendar, lol!

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’ve eaten some pretty gross stuff when I was on the brink of starvation, so I’m pretty sure I could handle it. One thing I’d have a hard time eating would be human.

CaptainHarley's avatar


LMAO! Kewl! Let me know what the others are and I’ll boil them too! : D

yankeetooter's avatar

Hmm… @CaptainHarley…sheep, tiger, dragon, tiger, dog…those are the one’s I remember…

flutherother's avatar

Monkey’s lips

CaptainHarley's avatar


LOL! Well, tiger’s right out, not to mention dragon! LOL!

mazingerz88's avatar

Ok I could eat monkey brains but not while they are looking at me!

CaptainHarley's avatar


Chilled monkey brains??

mazingerz88's avatar

@CaptainHarley Oh please yes, but in a survival event, would I have time to chill it?

rock4ever's avatar

I would do a lot to stay alive. Disgusting things are no problem to me. For just a dare I licked a piece of dog poop. For my life I would do a whole lot more. I would cannibalize an uncooked person as long as I don’t have to kill them.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Fun fact: The Donner Party was reportedly camped in a grove of pinon pine during the abundant season when they resorted to cannibalism.

Lesson: If you’re not an idiot and know what’s around you, you don’t have to eat your neighbor.

mazingerz88's avatar

@incendiary_dan Or if you have to be a cannibal, eat the idiots first.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@incendiary_dan I had a teacher in high school that was related to the Donner party!

gmander's avatar

@KatetheGreat – Donner kebabs! Yum! That’s something I could join in with.

Berserker's avatar

When I was younger I lived in the street for a week, give or take. I found that I’d eat or drink just about anything that seems reasonably consumable if I’m really hungry. So Id probably eat something really disgusting if I was starving, if I figured that it wouldn’t make me sick. Raw animal, human flesh, stuff like that, although I’d try to cook it somehow, if that option was available to me.

knitfroggy's avatar

It’s easy for me to say I’d never eat anything gross or weird to survive. Put in the situation tho, I’m sure I’d eat pretty much anything I could if it meant life or death, except poop.

MilkyWay's avatar

I would rather die than eat human flesh. The other things I just might eat, if in danger of starvation.

cbloom8's avatar

Yep – there’s no question about it, unless what I’m eating will kill me in a less desirable way.

Haleth's avatar

All the different cuisines around the world grew out of the local food that was on hand. So a lot of things we might think are disgusting are probably everyday food in another culture, and vice versa. Our ancestors must have eaten whatever they could find to survive. If I was from another culture and had never encountered cheetos or hot dogs before, I would be pretty grossed out.

So I’d be willing to try just about anything that’s from flesh or plants, as long as it’s fresh. Bugs are on the menu and weird animal parts are on the menu. I’m not sure if I’d eat human flesh and I definitely wouldn’t eat spoiled food.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@Haleth What about fermented foods? I can do some neat things with lacto-fermentation. I’m working on wild fermented ketchup right now. Lots of people would just consider that “spoiled”, and not touch it.

Haleth's avatar

@incendiary_dan That’s a good point. I love wine, beer, kimchi, and sourdough bread. I know there’s a difference between fermentation and spoilage- fermented foods can be delicious and spoiled foods are- yech. But I can’t really put my finger on the exact difference between the two. Is it the types of bacteria? Or is it that fermentation is done in a controlled way, with certain preservatives? And fermentation can be an effective way to preserve food. All I know is, there’s a world of difference between a nice bottle of wine and the nasty old chicken from the back of my fridge. You said you’re working on fermentation, so maybe you can clarify it a little better?

incendiary_dan's avatar

@Haleth asked:“But I can’t really put my finger on the exact difference between the two. Is it the types of bacteria? Or is it that fermentation is done in a controlled way, with certain preservatives?”

Both! Lactobaccilus bacteria, for instance, are encouraged in sauerkraut and kimchi by throwing in a bit of sea salt and sometimes by adding whey. Supposedly the salt discourages other bacteria long enough for the lactobacillus to take over and produce a ton of lactic acid (which gives the tangy flavor). Depends on the food, of course, but that’s basically the jist of it.

Haleth's avatar

@incendiary_dan Neat! You just taught me something new, thanks!

everephebe's avatar

@noelleptc Onions are the bane of my existence too! High five!

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