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XOIIO's avatar

Why it a bad thing to make yourself less human?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) April 17th, 2011

Throughout my entire life I have been bullied and outcast, and I naturally developed an excellent ability to bottle up my pain and anger automatically, it happened without my thinking of doing it. I also locked up some emotions, such as hurt, compassion, empathy, love, lust, and the want to ahve someone close to me.

Being a cold person isolated from most people is completely fine with me, and these emotions that I removed would only make me weaker.

I also once every month or two, whenever I start feeling emotions like this spend a couple hours zoned out, usually pacing back and forth, searching throughout my thought process to seek out these emotions and remove them, that way I can continue thinking in a precise, logical manner without these things to cloud me.

Why is this such a bad thing? I have not experienced any bad from this, only good.

eventually I would like to become like this guy.

lol just kidding.

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