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rebbel's avatar

Are you game for the games game?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) April 17th, 2011

Who wants to join in and play the games game?
The rules are complicated, but hey, you are Jellies!
The first answerer may name 1 game (whatever game).
The second answerer may name…..., also just 1 game.
The third can name 3.
And so on.
The 38th answerer must name 5 games (from which 1 must be already been given by answerer 1 to 37).
Game on!!

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33 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

World Of Goo

Jeruba's avatar


rebbel's avatar

Uh oh, it is going to get exciting now, already two answerers…., i wonder who will be number three….

I will have to Google those two game names before i can give you your points, but already lurve for the effort!

World of Goo: 1725 points
Candyland: 22005 points

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Monopoly, Parcheesi, Twister

rebbel's avatar

Well done, @Pied_Pfeffer .
Unfortunately your score is only 267 points :-(

AmWiser's avatar

Scrabble, Uno, Clue, Mr. Potato Head… tehehe! Loved that game.

chyna's avatar

Life, checkers, chess, Chutes and Ladders, Operation.

rebbel's avatar

Although i appreciate both your replies @chyna and @AmWiser , the rules state that you can only name one game :-)
(you being the 4th and the 5th answerer)
But i am not the worst game show host and reward you both with and lurve and 1500 points each!

XOIIO's avatar

@rebbel So how do the points work?

chyna's avatar

I got confused because you said the 3rd can name 3. Then @AmWiser named four, so I named five. I’m blaming @AmWiser and that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. So to go back and only name one:

rebbel's avatar

@XOIIO They work arbitrary.
@chyna You are right (about @AmWiser ), but you should maybe have known better as to follow a wrong and go wrong yourself??? (tilde)
But…., strong comeback with Life!

AmWiser's avatar

What the___? No fair! The rules are haphazard at best. So if the 3rd can name three, how many does the 4th name? I am soooo cornfused. @rebbel, yesss!, you are the worst game show host…ever~ Okay I’m better now:) So I’m going to name only one, right?


XOIIO's avatar

@rebbel but how do you decide how many the person gets? is it how much you know of the game?

rebbel's avatar

1st: 1
2nd: 1
3rd: 3
4rd: 1
5th: 1
6th: 3
And so on, @AmWiser .
For Battleship i can give you…....., 6 points.

@XOIIO It is really not to me to explain in depth how the reward system works, but in big lines it comes down to sheer randomness.

AmWiser's avatar

@rebbel 6 is that all. Dang!

chyna's avatar

How many points do I get with Life? It should be a lot more than Battleship. Who plays Battleship anymore?~

rebbel's avatar

1500 minus 4, @chyna!
@AmWiser I am so sorry, i was wrong, it should be 4…

AmWiser's avatar

grrrh! I’m getting really perturbed now.

AmWiser's avatar

Okay, I’m back now and I’m #6.
Scrabble, Uno, Clue.

rebbel's avatar

Scrabble has triple word value, so that makes 981, plus 1 for Uno, and….., awww, that’s too bad, Clue goes for -978.
Spades: i’ll come to that later, i have to browse some data for that one.
Edit: I am back. Of course, it is 11 (or 1).

Jeruba's avatar

For an entertaining display of the exercise of arbitrary power and meaningless awarding of points, I give 14,287 to @rebbel.

rebbel's avatar

Out of 10,that’s a pretty neat score. Thank you, @Jeruba!

YoKoolAid's avatar

Hungry Hungry Hippos

rebbel's avatar

Since they are huge, i have 4×1001 = 4004 for the Hippos, @YoKoolAid !

AmWiser's avatar

Checkers, Super Mario, Farm Ville

ratboy's avatar


rebbel's avatar

@AmWiser From the top of my head: 9405
@ratboy 11103

Berserker's avatar


Can we also name video games?

Jeruba's avatar

Twister’s been said.

rebbel's avatar

Twister: 1966 points
All games are allowed.

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