What odd smells do you like?
I love the smell of freshly printed paper out of a printer or copy machine, wet dirt, turpentine, semen, bleach, house paint, skunk in moderation, and old books.
What odd smells do you like?
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61 Answers
Gun oil, dogs’ paws and puppy breath, the charred remains of a campfire dampened by the rain, moth balls. And yes, there are some books that smell wonderful.
Exhaust fumes from a diesel bus (reminds me of a Greyhound Bus cross-country trip undertaken as a child with family).
I’m sure there are other odd smells I like, but I’m not quite awake yet to recall them.
I love the smell of horses.
I enjoy the smell of fear that exudes from a recently chastised (by myself) jehovas witness. Run heathen run XD
Library books, rubber cement, the top of a baby’s head, my kids breath when they were babies/small children.
Paper (one of the best smells in the world)
The smell of rain on concrete on a hot day.
Ooh or a recently rained-in forest! Yes!
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I like the smell of a freshly opened box of clay that I will throw on the potter’s wheel.
Hope in a bag…XD
The smell of a candle that’s just been blown out. Smells like birthday.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning… The smell, you know that gasoline smell… Smells like… victory
Gasoline. Tastes good too. Just kidding.
Also, @queenie has an odd smell that I like.
Wet old canvas,
cherry pits,
old books,
my baby’s head,
The smell of a brand new website.
the smell of a freshly laid tarmac road, freshly cresoted telephone poles, my man!
The smell of my wife’s freshly baked cornbread, right out of the oven, is one of the best smells on earth.
Southern-style, of course.
I love the smell of horses too @marinelife
I also love the smell of a freshly lit cigarette and, although I have never smoked in my life, if my friends are going outside for a fag I will always go with them just to enjoy the smell.
Pine trees in the high desert with a breeze blowing through them.
A home in the middle of being built. Mostly the frame, no insulation or walls.
Turpentine, cordite, musty books, barns…
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@noelleptc By the looks of your avatar you have sniffed one too many.
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@noelleptc That’s true. I once licked one. Let’s just say the experience was unforgettable.
Wood smoke, especially when accompanied by the smell of a nice slab o animal flesh being grilled.
Freshly tilled dirt
That fresh smell of sunshine that lingers on your skin and hair on a warm day
That musty barn smell
Lumber, which is why I enjoy going to Lowes or Home Depot so much.
The inside of an old fashioned cardboard school box full of new pencils and crayons. I used to breathe deeply on the first day of school when I was a kid because it smelled so fresh and new.
Not that unusual, but baby powder scented infant toys. My daughter had a soft little pastel colored clown toy that smelled like baby powder. Along those same lines, Dreft detergent.
My artificial Christmas tree. We always had an artificial tree, so that smells more like Christmas to me than anything pine scented.
@Blackberry Mmmm! Nothing like smelling a good ol’ skunk in the morning.
Gasoline, Elmer’s Glue™ and Magic Markers™.
The intoxicating odour that is the aromatic delight hidden neath the underarm of a Russian “lady” shot putter. Reminds me of the days I visited my cousins best friend’s dad’s farm. Mucking out pigs so I was.
Hoppes #9, “Taste of the Wild” High prairie Canine ,dog food
Baby peepee don’t laugh:0
Craft stores which are becoming extinct:(
I forgot Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol
Expo markers
The hot air that comes out a computer vent
The damp smell of an unfinished basement
Fresh cut grass
The smell of an approaching rain storm
The musty air in an old shop
Scotch tape….it smells like Christmas to me.
@erichw1504 It’s only because it smells similar to marijuana lol.
Gun oil, the smell of fresh plowed dirt, pine shavings, and horse shit.
I hear that gasoline has some sort of chemical that is addicting to smell, as does ethyl alcohol.
I also like new-car smell, that new shoe smell NOT those shoe fresheners, THOSE ARE VILE!!! and that black tarry trackish smell similar to the new shoe smell. anyone lost?
I also like the smell of books, when you flip all the pages and get that papery smell.
I used to like the smell of my cat’s breath (or at least not really mind it) but then we switched cat foods and now it’s rancid…
When I first arrived in Dublin, I discovered that when the Guinness factory gets cooking, the whole city can smell like hops. Originally the smell repulsed me, and I likened it to overly-ripe potatoes. But, over the months that I’ve been here I’ve come to enjoy it, and now I smirk every time I smell it.
Ooh @Blackberry it does, I remember years ago thinking that.
My cats’ breath right after they eat. I don’t know why it just makes me feel happy.
Old wood, old books, puppy breath (smells like coffee!), must, the smell of really old unkept-up cars, new books, my husband’s head when he hasn’t washed his hair for a few days, the smell of my husband in general.
My father worked in a tire shop, so the smell of rubber is pleasing to me.
Cat’s fur
The remembrance of both sets of grandparent’s homes. They were both quite different and very distinct. Maybe a little bit of coffee, soap, old lady perfume, bacon and old wood.
Old wooden garages with a little bit of motor oil and turpenine.
Moist earth
Vinegar (always reminds me of coloring Easter eggs at Grandma’s house)
The smell of a concert (multi sets of deoderant and cologne, mixed with clove cigarettes, beer, hairspray, night air, hot dogs, a wee bit o’ pot smoke and sweat). Even though the actual products are different and the proportions are different, all concerts have that same smell to me.
A match being lit.
Campfire ashes with water poured over them, the next morning.
Camping tents. Whatever that material is, it has a wonderful, distinctive smell.
Dog feet (smells like buttered popcorn or fritos)
A certain kind of mulch that is made from cocoa bean husks. Kind of composty, kind of chocolatey at the same time.
The newspaper
Elementary school cafeterias. I always loved that smell of mac and cheese and fish sticks and mashed potatoes all mixed together.
Antique stores
Fresh cut wood/everything about a woodworking shop
The smell of the icy air right before it snows/similar to the smell of my freezer
My kids
@deni – Oh yeah, worms! The smell of one of those styrofoam containers of bait worms brings back some childhood memories.
I love the smell of urinal cakes.
The smell of compost.
Autumn leaves after rain.
Fruit cake when you are mixing it with all those spices and the like.
Vinegar when you sprinkle it on hot chips.
4711 – makes me think of my mum.
Clean, fresh sheets.
Puppies and kittens and babies… they all smell delightful.
Stew cooking in the pot.
Tomato plants.
@dxs I used to clean a men’s bathroom for my job. Also, I’m not above using the men’s room in an emergency.
Next time I bust into a men’s room out of desperation, I will sniff a urinal cake, just in case I am missing out on some olfactory goodness.
Don’t sniff the urinal cakes:
“The original formulations were of naphthalene and later paradichlorobenzine (pDCB), both now known to be hazardous to health by inhalation.” -Jimmy Wales
**This public safety announcement was brought to by: Americans For The Arts
I swear I wasn’t really gonna sniff a urinal cake @everephebe but now I know you care, you really care.
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