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ucme's avatar

Which superhero (in your opinion) has the best/worst costume?

Asked by ucme (50052points) April 18th, 2011

In terms of aesthetics/gadgetry/coolness….the whole nine yards basically. Oh & for those you don’t think are up to much, how would you improve the design? Random nonsense it’s true, but hey….i’m still keen to hear =0)

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26 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

Worst: Green Lantern (it’s 100% CGI).

KateTheGreat's avatar


Worst costume choice ever.

mrentropy's avatar

In a time when most superheroes were running around with letters of the alphabet or critter silhouettes on their chests, it was nice to see one dude running around with a gigantic skull. So I’ll go with The Punisher having the best costume, even the simple t-shirts from the second and third Punisher movie.

As a second place I’d go with Moon Knight. It’s kind of simple.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Wonder Woman’s is terrible. Who can run in high-heeled boots and a bustier without worrying about tripping over and the girls falling out?

Ghost Rider’s is the best, IMO, not that he needs the protection of a leather outfit, but there you go.

mrentropy's avatar

As far as the worst costume, I’d have to give that award to The Wizzer. He’s probably the only superhero to have a golden chicken sitting on his head and it wasn’t even one of those parody comics.

Blondesjon's avatar

WORST: Aquman worst hero period

BEST: She Hulk boing alert

erichw1504's avatar

@aprilsimnel Here’s the newest Wonder Woman suit, which is definitely terrible.

marinelife's avatar

Best Costume: Krypto The Super Dog.

Worst Costume: The Thing.

RareDenver's avatar

Spiderman without a doubt the coolest that’s me by the way dressed as Spiderman and the worst has to be Captain America just too, argh

Blondesjon's avatar

Never knew from one issue to the next what side Lobo was going to play on but he had a pretty cool look.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Batman has the best,Powdered Toast Man has the worst.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I forgot about him, @lucillelucillelucille! Poor guy. One light mist and he’s (no longer) toast!

Blackberry's avatar

That picture of Superman with the black lightning suit.

Blackberry's avatar

The worst is Wolverine with the ugly blue and yellow suit.

erichw1504's avatar

Another great costume.

Blondesjon's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille . . . grab firm hold of my buttocks

Scooby's avatar

Hong Kong Phooey! :-/
On both counts…..............

ucme's avatar

Cheers folks, good stuff right there.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Best: Batman
Worst: Wonder Woman and Captain America

Zaku's avatar

I think they are all mostly pretty similar.

Iron Man and Batman tend to look pretty good and have practical suits with armor, weapons and gadgets.

I searched for a worst and found Maggot who wears a giant slug on each shoulder! OMG.

TrkReznor's avatar

Without a shadow of a doubt, Aquaman.

Berserker's avatar

I love all those super sexy outfits that characters like Vampirella, Lady Death and Purgatory have, but I have to say, The Punisher wins just for having a big ass skull on his chest. Chapel and Spawn I think are also pretty cool for being all creepy looking.

As for the worse, unless it’s Batman, I think it’s silly to wear gitch over tights. Therefore, Robin wins this one. Although the Power Rangers would if they were a comic. Or the Scoutmaster, if he was actually real, and not something The Simpsons made up just to make fun of the old Batman episodes. Getting far away from super heroes here though…

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