The pills are only helpful for SHORT TERM weight loss.
As already mentioned, they REALLY mess with your emotional/mental stability. That same rollercoaster effect happens with your weight. Well respected documented medical studies have shown that yo-yo dieting (constant up and down weight loss patterns) are significantly WORSE for your overall health than simply being overweight.
As soon as you stop taking the pills, you’ll start to gain the weight back. Then you reach a certain gain and decide to go back on the pills. You lose the weight, stop the pills and guess what? It becomes an endless destructive up/down yo-yo cycle.
Years ago they thought they had found the magic combo of two drugs which could be taken together longterm. Read about the Phen/Fen situation for yourself. People ended up dead from or permanently debilitated from a fatal heart condition precipitated by the combination of the two.
There is no magic pill. If you start down that road, you’ll eventually regret it.
Your best bet is to find a competent nutritionist to develop a balanced plan that you can adopt for life.
Unless someone is morbidly obese and qualifies for surgery, typical medicine really doesn’t have any magic solutions for sustained weight loss and any HONEST Dr. will state that. The best they can do is suggest a balanced diet. And most medical school curricula devote little time to diet and nutrition.
You’re better off going to a nutritionist who has specialized in this field.
The average MD is great for running tests to pinpoint any abnormalities and treating for those. But if there are no abnormalities, there aren’t any magic pills that will do the trick without doing far more harm in the long run.
The multi-million dollar drug and diet industries would very much like to convince us and our Doctors otherwise, but the plain fact remains that there are no easy quick solutions that can work for any length of time.
Weight Watchers is at least based upon a pretty well balanced diet without extremes but it’s gotten more complex and commercialized over the years.
A competent nutritionist could do the same.
From your description it doesn’t look as if you’re that horrendously overweight. You’re tall for a woman and obviously athletic so you’d do well to get some study done to determine your muscle to fat ratio.
You might also want to do a little research on a model named Emme (sp). You may find her story interesting.