What is the difference between the SATS and CAHSEE testing?
i just want to know because theres different testings..ones CAHSEE and ones SATS or SAT9..i dont really get the point of taking them both..whats the difference?
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20 Answers
CAHSEE testing is only done in the state of California. You have to take it to graduate from high school.
SATs are tests taken by high school students all around the country (and some international students too). Colleges use your score to determine how good of a candidate you are for attending that particular school. Colleges will never see your CAHSEE scores.
diana are you serious!!!!! cahsee stands for California High School Exit Exam and thats is just for california. while the sats are State Assiment Tests which optional !!!!!!!!!!!
aaahah wifey i didnt really get it lol
But if you don’t pass the CAHSEE, you’re SATs won’t matter either (seeing as how you won’t be graduating from HS).
Isn’t CASHEE a cereal? Y’all are confusing!
what if we past CAHSEE but not SATs
If you pass the CAHSEE then (congrats!) you get to graduate from HS. Now, your SATs matter. The colleges you apply to will ask to see your test results and also the results for any AP exams you took.
And just to let you know, there is no cut off on the SATs that mean “you fail.” Your score just gets lower and lower (which is bad). The high school can’t hold you back as a super senior if you do poorly on the SATs. BUT, the higher your SAT score, the more colleges like you.
Hope this helped.
Your high school guidance counselor will have accurate information on both these tests. Stop in and have a chat. I know nothing about CAHSEE, but the SAT1 test is for college-level verbal and math aptitudes. The scores range from 200 (paying the fee and breathing) to 800 (a perfect score.) So the best one can do is 1600 (800 in both verbal and quantitative parts of test)
Some colleges no longer require them, preferring to look at your course choices, extra-curricular and outside activities, writing sample, recommendations, interests, etc. And colleges that still factor the scores in do just that, factor them in w. all the other info on your application. This is 4 yr program. Two-year degree (Associate of Arts=AA) is less rigorous.
Read SAT Info
What grade are you in now?
@gailcalled: There’s a 3rd section now, so it’s out of 2400.
And as an ex-SAT tutor of 3 years I’m happy to offer any more tidbits.
@nik: Oh, glad to learn that. I have fallen behind. Happy to pass the torch to you, nik..
I believe the poster might be talking about the SAT as in the Stanford Achievement Test, not the Scholastic Achievement Test that the acronym is mostly known for. Sometimes it is called the SAT9 or SAT10. I remember taking these in high school in California. While this SAT is used mostly to assess students, the CAHSEE is to make sure you’ve learned the minimum of the material needed in order to graduate high school in California.
hey diana right now you are taking STAR NOT SAT!!!!!
Oh. Are you y’all classmates or something?
ahah wow wifey nice going..confusing people much eh?
cool, it all makes sense.
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