(Possibly NSFW) Is this boob situation normal?
Asked by
MilkyWay (
April 19th, 2011
Okay, I’ve noticed that one of my boobs, the left one, is slightly bigger than my right one. It’s not too much of a difference but I’m still concerned. Is this normal? Why does this happen?
Thank you.
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63 Answers
Sits & watches with an enormous gormless grin on his face.
Have you gained weight recently? Women always have slightly uneven breasts. Some women as they gain weight the difference becomes more obvious. Also, some women while pregnant notice it more, and then after pregnancy are left permanently more uneven after losing the pregnancy weight. Of course you would want to make sure, God forbid, there is not some huge tumour in there, but you would know that just by feeling it.
More often than not, one is larger than the other.
Thanks guys. Phew!
But does anyone know why this is?
My right side gets most of my attention (being right-handed and all) so my left boob is a bit jealous and it’s a cheap bid for attention. That, and it wants to proudly display the silly frog tattoo it sports. That’s the scientific explanation.
@queenie Our bodies are simply uneven. Our faces are slightly larger on one side than the other (supposedly the more even your face the more attractive according to studies). One hip is a little wider than the other (you might notice your pleats on your pants open a little more on one side). One leg a little longer than the other (this is why good taylors measure your hem legnth from the floor up, not an inseam legnth). One foot a little bigger than the other. More hair growth on one side than the other. Some people are more out of whack than others.
We need pictures to be able to give an informed opinion.
Your not alone, it’s completely normal.
Yes, it is normal. My left breast is slightly smaller than my right. It also produced less milk than my right breast when I nursed my children.
People are hardly ever symetrical. My left hand is about ¼ inch longer than my right.
I think your boob size has something to do with how much you use your arm on that side. I am right-handed and it is my leftie that is smaller.
Nah, I am righty and my left breast has always been bigger. My right foot is bigger, my right hip is bigger. When I gain weight in my stomach the left side of my belly button is a little fatter, oy.
If the human body were symmetrical, we’d be dead. Trust me, they’ve done some tests. Symmetry is “perfect” and nothing “perfect” can live in the perceived universe.
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Whoa, 16?
Then I change my answer. Yes, it must be normal.
Don’t want no trouble with the law. Also, that “sexy inside” avatar should come with a warning.
Perfectly normal, unless… it is a sudden change.
If all of a sudden one breast increases a lot in size, you would want to get that checked out.
@bob_ Should I change it?
@queenie Yes, you should change it. What would your parents think?
Have you actually measured them?
Unless there’s a significant size difference, they might actually be the same size. Sometimes perceptions can be affected by visual contexts.
Although this isn’t a visual perception, a wad of paper seems to always feel larger in my left hand than it does in my right. Hmmm, no wonder: I just checked, and my left hand is about 3/16” shorter than my right one.
@Brian1946 No, I haven’t measured them. They just look and feel slightly different than each other.
Just to say, I was referring to boob talk in general, so i’m in the clear…....shuffles off quietly.
I think if one compares any members of their anatomical pairs closely enough, they’ll see slight differences.
I didn’t even notice the difference in my hand sizes until I just now measured them.
@ucme It’s like a legal minefield in here, isn’t it?
@bob_ Gotta tread carefully before you make a right tit outta yourself.
@queenie That’s the spirit, i’m a dirty bastard but I have my principles XD
I flagged myself and asked the mods to delete my remark when I found out she’s a minor. Just saying.
Absolutely completely normal. We are seldom completely symmetrical, especially when we are young and just developing.
It’s totally normal, @queenie. Also keep in mind that you’re still young, and your breasts are likely still growing. They might even out as you get older.
One of my breasts is slightly larger than the other; you can’t notice it, though I can tell. I’ve pointed it out to a couple of guys, and they had no idea until I said something about it.
I have a friend with one breasts actually almost one cup size larger than the other. She buys bras that come with removable pads, and takes out one of the pads. She doesn’t wear them all the time, though, and when she and I were talking about it, I looked at her chest and couldn’t tell that they were different sizes.
Like others have said, the human body is rarely totally symmetrical. I’m willing to bet that one of your feet is slightly larger than the other, one of your arms slightly longer, one of your legs slightly longer. No one notices.
And if it turns out that your breasts are noticeably lopsided and it makes you uncomfortable, there are plenty of solutions to make you feel better about it. But know that no one is perfect.
@seazen_ I always had my suspicions that you had a lolita complex. lol jk
It’s pretty normal. I happened to me when I was going through a change in weight.
All I can say is that I wish there was a boob situation going on around me right now.
@queenie My lawyers and I appreciate your graciousness, and offer our moral support in all manners that are legally permissible.
Totally normal, and it’s apparently normal for the left one to be bigger, rather than the right. I have no idea why.
@erichw1504 yes I do still have a couple of them, for now. And yes the left one is noticeably bigger.
According to my SO, mine are exactly the same.
I don’t think it matters, though.
@Jude As long as they taste the same.
@Adirondack.. They’re both magically delicious!
It’s entirely normal. Mine seem about the same, and they both droop the same amount too, LOL.
@queenie This is normal for all people/animals…it is also the reason some guys say they “hang to one side”...the testies are rarely even.
Mine hang one behind the other for speed.
Do you go out with a lot of right handed guys?
Gosh, I love Social questions!
survey says that’s perfectly normal and no detriment whatsoever to ones attractiveness
Bra tip: always fit the bigger boob. Some bras are better than others for mismatched breast.
I haven’t read all the posts here but I would put money on the fact that you have been told repeatedly it is perfectly normal. We are not symmetrical. Some women have quite distinct differences between boobs.
Thanks guys… I think this was my first “up close and personal question” so thanks for being nice too ; )
Hey, how can we discuss boobs and not be nice? Some of us got ‘em and the rest love ‘em!
I’ve heard it’s due to your heart being closer to one side than the other. Something about blood being pumped more readily to one boob than the other.
What’s ”Jailbait———————————————————————->”?
I am pretty sure that mine are the same.
“If I only had a hearrrrrtt!!”
Major Flashback. In college they showed DeepThroat somewhere on campus to debate what was obscenity and what wasn’t. I just remembered a woman in that film was not symetrical to say the least.
@Esedess A nickname that was given to me by some people on here.
@MilkyWay Ok. I guess mostly I was just confused with the avatar as a reference point (if that’s what ”————>” is pointing at).
@Adirondackwannabe LOL! I understand the term. Thank you though.
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