Social Question

MilkyWay's avatar

Do you feel comfortable sharing your birthday online?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) April 19th, 2011

Do you and would you feel comfortable sharing your birthday online? I thought of this as I wanted to know some fellow jellies birthday so I could wish them a happy one.

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76 Answers

yankeetooter's avatar

What about just day and month?

MilkyWay's avatar

Yes, that’s enough to wish a friend a happy birthday ^_^

deni's avatar

July 9! Best birthday eva.

yankeetooter's avatar

August 7th…

zenvelo's avatar

I have the same birthday as Queen Victoria and Bob Dylan….May 24.

yankeetooter's avatar

Same as my dad’s, @Skaggfacemutt !

AmWiser's avatar

August 21 and I want presents!
Preferably Wine:D

Brian1946's avatar

Mine is December 22nd, and the year is a very cleverly disguised secret that no other Flutherer shall ever know! ;-p

I defy anyone to guess what year or even in what century I was born.

BTW, what’s your birthday?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

August 24 – - The same as the Mount Vesuvius eruption, not the same year.

ucme's avatar

Nah i’m fine with it, Oct 13. I share that birthday with Maggie “bloody” Thatcher :¬(

MilkyWay's avatar

@Brian1946 Mine is the 2nd of June : )

Randy's avatar

Jan 26, 1987

Blondesjon's avatar

@Randy . . . puppy. you and i need to do drinks one day . . .

Brian1946's avatar


What effect, if any, does New Year’s Day have on celebrating your birthday?

Mariah's avatar

Yep. And it’s this Monday! :D

Vunessuh's avatar

March 22nd.

@Skaggfacemutt We have the same birthday! :)
@yankeetooter And I have the same birthday as your dad! AH!

erichw1504's avatar

Same as Marky Mark, June 5th.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@Brian1946 Well I was the first born in the county so I believe my mother received some nice gifts and we made the news and paper. When I was younger, I remember some years where certain family members were miserable and hungover for my party, and some didn’t show up at all. Nowadays it’s usually fun to celebrate my birthday. I go out to bars or clubs and ring in the new year and my bday with some close friends. Its nice.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir: We’re both January babies! Best birthday month ever! I’m Jan 12th. :)

Brian1946's avatar


Ah, a spring baby!

Has anyone ever nicknamed you “Vernal” or “Equinox”?

gailcalled's avatar

New Year’s Eve. The worst day or night of the year for a celebration. Next time, I’ll be born in June.

MissAnthrope's avatar

November 17.

Seelix's avatar

May 21. Same day as Mr. T.

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CaptainHarley's avatar

May 27, 1943… and day-um proud of it! : D

KateTheGreat's avatar

My birthday is December 21st! The supposed “end of the world” falls on my 20th birthday! Hahahahahahaha. But in no way do I believe that rhetoric.

marinelife's avatar

I don’t.

YoBob's avatar

I have no problem sharing my birthday as I am not at all sensitive about my age. However, I can’t help but be concerned about the potential for the answers to questions of this sort to actually be a thinly disguised attempt to data mine information that is commonly used in security verification questions.

downtide's avatar

I agree with @YoBob – I’m happy to share my birthday in a private message but not in a place where it can be googled by any passing bot or scammer. My age, if you’re curious, is in my profile.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Not much can be done without the year, your full proper name, etc.

tinyfaery's avatar

March 1st

Brian1946's avatar

I can see where it would be a good idea to be cautious, which is why I don’t use my birthday for any passwords or security answers.

How about we post our birthdays British/Canadian style, just to confound any data miners? ;-p

jonsblond's avatar

January 4th

Seelix's avatar

There’s a Canadian style?

downtide's avatar

@MissAnthrope but they can get the year if they’re clever. I just posted my age in another question.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Yes, but.. my point is.. even so, what are they going to do with a birth date and just a birth date? They don’t know your name, your social, your address, or really any other information that would be useful for stealing one’s identity. It’s like if we had a thread where we divulged our middle names. What could anyone do with THAT by itself, you know?

Brian1946's avatar


E.g., wouldn’t June 21, 1980 be written as 21 June, 1980 or 21/6/80 in Canada?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I share my birthday with Tori Spelling, Janet Jackson, Pierce Brosnan, David Boreanaz and Liberace.

May 16th.

Mark it on your calendar! I like chocolate…

Jude's avatar

May 14th! I was born on Mother’s Day! I will be 39 in less than a month. =)

Brian1946's avatar


Please be careful with that info. I once caught Steve Garvey, Diane Sawyer, and Lady Bird Johnson trying to hack into my checking account. ;-o

deni's avatar

@downtide but….they don’t know your name….? how is a birthday shared by a billion people secret information at all? its just a day of the year.

Seelix's avatar

@Brian1946 – Not for my generation, at least. As long as I’ve been filling out forms and things, it’s been MM/DD/YY(YY). But it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that it had been done the British way in the past.

Actually, come to think of it, I would think that Francophones would do the 21 June thing, since it’d be 21 juin in French.

Jude's avatar

I want birthday spankings when the time comes ‘round. Yep. :)

Rarebear's avatar

No. I’ve experienced identity theft twice

Brian1946's avatar


“Actually, come to think of it, I would think that Francophones would do the 21 June thing, since it’d be 21 juin in French.”

Ah, so the Quebecois also use that format? I guess Symbeline would post it in that way.

DominicX's avatar


Me too! August 24th, 1991. Mt. Vesuvius eruption and my parents’ anniversary.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@diavolobella That pancake on your head makes you look younger…

Seelix's avatar

@Brian1946 – I would think so, but I’m not sure. I’ve never really spent any time in Quebec.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@diavolobella Nice fashion statement.

@WillWorkForChocolate Does that make it Double Chocolate.

Berserker's avatar

I’d love to say October 31st, but unfortunately, it’s the third of March.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Symbeline . . . lol. i guess that makes you more this than this?

MilkyWay's avatar

Hey, thanks guys ; D I’m jotting them down right now in my diary. I wasn’t really much bothered about your age, should have said that when I asked the question but…yeah.
I forgot

john65pennington's avatar

I feel very uncomfortable that I cannot share my birthday cake with everyone. With 67 candles you know it will glow !!!!

Facade's avatar

Yesterday =)

CaptainHarley's avatar


Mine is next month, and I got ya beat by ONE! LOL!

CaptainHarley's avatar


Happy Birthday, hon. May you be blessed with many more of them! : D

Berserker's avatar

@Blondesjon Nah I’m still more the last picture. :D

Coloma's avatar

Dec. 26th. I missed Xmas by about 10 hours. :-)

DeanV's avatar

This happened a few years ago, so I guess I’m okay with it now.

I like to keep my age somewhat under wraps, but birthdays I don’t care about. If people want to wish me happy birthday they can go right ahead.

diavolobella's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I’m hoping I get a new pancake for my birthday this year, this one is getting a little stale

dxs's avatar

I share a birthday with Tom Cruise.

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