Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me______ Part 17?
Asked by
AmWiser (
April 19th, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Thanks to the Mods, we can continue this thread weekly. Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully all most Jellies will join in.
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Composing members:
443 Answers
TJBM is happy we restarted this…
True, very extremely happy ; D
TJBM is happy too.
True, a bit tired, though
TJBM changes their profile pic frequently…
I change it about twice a season.
TJBM feels comfortable knowing that not any of their anatomical pairs (arms, legs, breasts, etc.) are exactly the same size.
False, mine are all the same size.
TJBM is getting a haircut soon.
False, although I need to…
TJBM is racing to post first…
errr, I am just going to observe for a while . . .
FALSE—I am as close to normal as anyone on Fluther!
False, I prefer happy and healthy piggies to bacon.
TJBM has some residual snow where they live.
True…short answers, grr…:)
TJBM cracks me up…
Maybe true? Let’s test it:
Q) How did Simba’s dad die?
A) He couldn’t Mufasenough.
Did you crack up?
TJBM likes boobies.
Um, I’m not sure.
TJBM cracks me up. (You know who you are!)
True/false oh I dunno….
TJBM was bathed in sunshine today
False…clouds and occasional rain
TJBM loves hot baths…
True, though right now I would prefer a cool shower, it’s sooo hot.
TJBM thinks I am too nice.
You are very nice, but too nice would be if you let people mistreat you, and I don’t know if that’s true.
TJBM think my avatar looks like a pair of angrily luminescent eyes! ;-o
Nope.It looks like a beautiful green swallowtail. ;)
TJBM knows how to be a good friend.
True. Very true.
TJBM has been scuba diving before and loved it.
TJBM swears out loud when they’ve hurt themselves.
TJBM never swears…
Oh, so false!
TJBM has more than 1 tattoo.
TJBM can’t believe @queenie has arms for legs.
TJBM has no piercings.
TJBM once wore a dog collar as a necklace.
TJBM is nicknamed Spike…
TJBM doesn’t like to watch the stars.
TJBM has visited another solar system.
False…someone has?
TJBM likes Milky Ways…
TJBM is from another country.
TJBM has traveled to other countries
True (the tax rate is amazing, and the price of gas is so low…!)
TJBM moons people…
TJBM has thrown a milkshake at someone before.
@yankeetooter I didn’t even know they used gas anymore.
False, but it would be fun.
TJBM has a relationship with peanut butter.
True-a hate filled one! (actually, they don’t, but don’t tell everybody, @erichw1504)
TJBM has gotten their chocolate stuck in someone else’s peanut butter…
Nope, because I live alone.
TJBM has tooted a yankee before.
False, lol!
TJBM was born in 1946
TJBM’s name is Kate and is also great.
TJBM was born in 1504.
False…1500, but I lie about my age…
TJBM shared their birthday in a recent post…
True, June 5th, 1504.
TJBM has an IQ below 90.
False (140, actually)
TJBM doesn’t believe in IQ tests…
I believe that they exist, but I can see where the results could have an adverse effect on one’s education, or other aspects of their development.
TJBM grew up in a secular home.
TJBM can do the Forrest Gump dance.
False…I have two left feet
TJBM likes shrimp…
TJBM picks on people a lot!
False…only those I really like!
TJBM likes being picked on…
Only with those whom I have established a mutual-picking-on relationship.
TJBM has been in a church outside of where they live.
TJBM regularly visits Starbucks.
False, (Coffee will kill you, lol!)
TJBM spends too many bucks…
True. But I’m usually wise about it.
TJBM owns something extremely valuable.
False, material possessions aren’t that important to me…
TJBM has a cool phone…
False- I am the antithesis of cool. The only reason my phone can be even called a cell phone is because I use it here in jail. ;-)
TJBM is done crafting their reply.
True, or you wouldn’t be reading it…
TJBM likes homemade crafts…
True, as soon as I hit the “Answer!” button.
TJBM will not be TJBM.
False- I am TJBE.
TJBM has at least one door or window open.
Nope I’m in the library and they like to suffocate us.
TJBM Has been on for at least 3 hours straight today.
TJBM is truly beneath me ;¬}
Ha, I wish I was beneath someone!
TJBM is going out somewhere today.
True, unfortunately.
TJBM’s favorite superhero is Vibe (see my avatar).
Totally ;)
TJBM doesn’t like hot weather.
False, we don’t get too much of it here in england town, so it’s much appreciated when we do.
TJBM did something sporty today
False. Had to work all day.
TJBM feels uncomfortable watching two men kiss passionately.
False. It’s whatever…
TJBM is going to run away with me to a far off island in the middle of nowhere. I need out of here!
False, i’ve no idea where you live. Besides, the wife would fucking kill me :¬(
TJBM will go to bed earlier than usual tonight
TJBM is a resident of the U.S.
TJBM is eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
@pshizzle err, you’re supposed to answer the question immediately above your post!
@pshizzle No need for an apology dude, not important really. Just thought i’d show you the ropes.
Welcome to the madhouse by the way :¬)
Nope. Pasta with Red Sauce.
TJBM is searching for safe flint & tinder dental implants to ignite the gases in his or her burps and effectively breath fire.
Wot the duce!?! I wish that were true….
TJBM made someone smile today
TJBM has been stalked by an Easter Bunny before! I just got stalked by one in the mall D:
True, but the trap I set earlier should take care of the ravenous rabbit once and for all…
TJBM has a secret scheme he or she can not reveal to the world as society is not yet ready to comprehend its visionary greatness.
True, it’ll cost you six squillion dollars mwwwwahh!!
TJBM looks in the mirror & thinks damn, i’m hot!
TJBM likes Reeses!
TJBM saw the movie E.T. when they were a kid…
False. It looks scary.
TJBM has broken a bone recently.
TJBM broke their finger in 5th grade…
TJBM has watched a good movie recently.
True, called ‘Bunny and the Bull’.
TJBM is wondering what the fascination is with this game in all its incarnations.
TJBM will make a typo on purpose.
TJBM will experience the end of the world as we know it in person.
False, I already am. I saw my dad cry. …my dad cry 0_0
TJBM likes sensitive men…
False, I do like sensitive girls though…....
TJBM is going for a swim….
TJBM lives on the other side of the Atlantic.
True :( I hate it here.
TJBM plays a lot of video games.
False, I don’t like video games.
TJBM likes reading. ( And not math textbooks for revision)
And lots of it.
TJBM loves to randomly burst out into song
True. I pretty much do it for a living.
TJBM has shot a gun before.
True. My uncle’s rifle.
TJBM likes cooking…
True. I love cooking for other people.
TJBM is using a laptop.
False, I’m usually on fluther via iPhone
TJBM knows a person who has hoarding tendencies
False. At least, no one who hoards to the point where s/he can’t go into his/her home.
TJBM has read any of Junot Diaz’s works. (If you haven’t you totally should! I read his book Oscar Wao for school, but love it so much!!)
True. I read one of his short stories in a literary journal.
TJBM is writing a novel.
True. I am writing one right now! 6 chapters down.
TJBM doesn’t like to write.
False. I write screenplays. :)
TJBM doesn’t like to read.
False. I love to read, it’s how you get smart and keep the old gray matter fluffy and fit.
TJBM can ride a horse bareback at a gallop
TJBM can’t ride a horse bareback.
True but I can ride other things bareback lol ;)
TJBM would like to go bareback
TJBM has itchy feet.
False. But..I have dry hands.
TJBM is wearing all white today projection
False. I’m wearing all black today!
TJBM is wearing black as well.
False. I’m wearing blue.
TJBM is wearing a color other than blue, black, or white.
Nyet. It’s about 65º here.
TJBM would rather live somewhere else.
True. I want to live in my home country soooooooooooo bad. @Brian1946 Ahh, I like the use of Russian!
TJBM speaks Russian.
Nyet, but my step-daughter does. My language is Japanese.
TJBM is a polyglot, too.
No, I’m only about a mono.1glot (I speak about 1.1 languages).
TJBM is familiar with some of the fauna near Lake Baikal.
False. I am only familiar with my own local fauna.
TJBM is confused about what to have for dinner
False, had haddock
TJBM loves seafood
False. I’m a veggie.
TJBM only speaks one language.
True. A few odd words of Mandarin and spanish. Dos Coronas, tress tacos, BANO!
TJBM is over 6 feet tall
TJBM is a shortie.
I’m a mediumie (5’11”).
TJBM remembers what nuclear power plant had a level 7 meltdown, 25 years ago this month.
TJBM has eaten Emu
False. Sounds gross!
TJBM can tell me what South American tribesmen think human flesh tastes like.
I think they think that it tastes like Soylent Green.
TJBM can name a movie that’s about something that happens in South America.
Apocalypto. And human flesh supposedly tastes like cassowary and pig, according to a cannibalistic tribe in Papua New Guinea.
TJBM can successfully name the 5 largest mountains in the world.
Let’s start making this game educational! ;) Anyone else in?
Uh…Fuji, Everest, Whitney, uh, uh, Kilamanjaro, (sp?) uh….the Matterhorn?
You better tell me now! :-)
TJBM is caucasion
My guess is Chinese, Hindi, and English.
TJBM has flown in something other than a jet airliner.
TJBM has flew an airplane before.
True. TJBM has been up in a hot air balloon Sooo fun!
Nope, although I wouldn’t mind being able to do that someday.
TJBM knows what Lhotse (world’s 4th highest mountain) means in English.
False….what does that mean?
TJBM loves eggie….....
True. I don’t know what it’d be like without you! Haha.
TJBM learned something new today.
False, but I will in a while….
TJBM has great boobs
TJBM had a tornado fairly close to them last night.
False (some big storms, but nothing like that)
TJBM is okay?
I’m okay, you’re okay.
TJBM likes see through curtains in their house
TJBM recently heard tornado sirens.
False. England Town is hardly tornado alley.
TJBM can sing like a bird
True (chirp, chirp)
TJBM likes to whistle.
True-ish….it helps me pee.
TJBM will have a meal in the next hour or so
False (more like two hours)
TJBM will eat lunch out…
TJBM knows exactly what to do when there’s a tornado warning.
False. I don’t really think about it that much, since I don’t live in Tornado Alley and in fact live in a valley, where we live with the belief that we’re safe from most natural disasters.
TJBM has experienced an earthquake (not the tiny sort that barely rates on the Richter scale, I mean a real one).
False, I don’t live in a seismically active area.
TJBM thinks volcanoes are fascinating.
I’m in California, we have a few ‘dormant’ but potentially active volcanos. Mt. Shasta and a few others.
TJBM is still drinking coffee.
False, I don’t like coffee
TJBM likes someone who loves coffee…:)
True – who doesn’t?
TJBM is reading a really good book
True, two actually
TJBM always reads several books at the same time…
TJBM recently ate a peanut butter Jelly Belly jelly bean sandwich and it is now in their belly.
False…not crazy about peanut butter and jelly…
TJBM likes blackberry preserves…
tjbm whispers, then YELLS!!!
TJBM yells when they get angry…
TJBM likes the New York Yankees.
False-hate the Yankees! (despite my username, which has nothing to do with baseball)
TJBM likes baseball (Did I do this one already?)
TJBM likes the Tallahassee Tooters.
False-never heard of them
TJBM is trying to figure out the origins of my username, lol!
TJBM once tooted a tooting Yankee.
Hmmm…I used to know a horse named Yankee, but I never tooted when riding him. lol
TJBM’s favorite color is Purple
False-dark blue
TJBM has blue eyes…
@erichw1504 : it comes from my Civil War buff friend Helen, who sang in the choir in my old church. I would sometimes play my soprano recorder with the anthem when it called for a C-instrument. She thus dubbed me “yankeetooter”. I though I would put you out of your misery…it’s not the most exciting story, though…
False, poop brown.
TJBM is celebrating 4/20.
False-what’s 4/20? (besides today’s date)
TJBM has 20/20 vision…
oooh! poop brown! Come up with a different way to describe your eyes, man! The eyes are the window to the soul…lol!
True. 420 is the code for possession of drugs.
TJBM is not felling well
@yankeetooter Well, I guess my soul smell likes poop then.
False, feelin’ fine.
TJBM’s significant other is having a birthday soon.
I hope not! Maybe your mind is always in the gutter…
False-I only have a potential SO, and his isn’t for about four months or so…
TJBM hates celebrating birthdays…
True, if it’s my own.
TJBM is going to see a movie this weekend.
Possibly-not sure what’s out yet…
TJBM will recommend a good movie to see…
True: Source Code.
TJBM has a full belly.
True-just had Chipotles…
TJBM likes Mexican food…
I heard that was good
TJBM thinks I will stay at exactly 20,000 lurve for the rest of the day.
False…I’ve already given you a couple of GA’s after the fact.
TJBM has read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
@yankeetooter Son of a…!
TJBM likes to play the game 20 Questions.
Not anymore, I over used it.
TJBM is wiccan
TJBM likes to play spin the bottle with their mom.
TJBM thinks that’s nasty.
TJBM will agree too…
TJBM wants to play spin the bottle with someone special
True (and I have the person in mind, lol!)
TJBM knows of whom I speak…
True ;) go get him
TJBM is also looking for love
TJBM likes to play hopscotch with their pet turtle on a rainy day
False but I can ask my neice if I can borrow her pet turtle squirt to play
TJBM has some chalk to use for hopscotch
True, if I borrow some from school…
TJBM knows turtles can’t jump…
TJBM is sad that Sarah Jane has died.
False. Not familiar with who that is.
TJBM has been bullied on Fluther before.
False. Nobody bullies me, NOBODY!!!
TJBM likes to play kick the can in the dark alley near the adult bookstore.
True. It’s my favorite pastime. ;)
TJBM has hung out in an alley just for the sole purpose of being creepy.
True. Every Tuesday.
TJBM has a unique tradition.
Not exactly!
TJBM has posed for a calendar before.
True, that’s me on the cover.
TJBM has posed for a magazine before.
True. It wasn’t anything raunchy though, and I am proud!
TJBM has posed for a sculptor before.
True- it was for a mug sculpture when I was busted for DUI in 1527.
TJBM plans on celebrating 420 today.
@KatetheGreat What magazine and can we see it online?
TJBM is not a non-smoker.
@erichw1504 It was for a Russian opera magazine from when I was 10! I’ll try to find it.
TJBM would rather be judged by their personality than their looks.
TJBM is skirting the issue…
I was talking about her avatar.
TJBM wonders what “crotoons” is.
False (if you mean croutons)
TJBM likes Caesar salad with croutons…
It’s on your avatar.
TJBM is now hungry thanks to @yankeetooter.
Ah! the powers of observation I have…Not! (I don’t know-just looked up a saying about coincidences and used it for my avatar)
False (We just had a potluck at school)
TJBM thinks coincidences are not always accidents.
TJBM likes to juggle.
False-I can throw something up and catch it, but that’s about it…
TJBM has two jobs…
False. Unless you count taking care of a pregnant wife.
TJBM has a secret.
True (Congratulations, by the way)
TJBM knows my secret…
False. I’m an open book, no skeletons in my closet.
TJBM loves mexican food!
True (I’ll try again, lol!)
TJBM can guess my secret…
True: you have cooties.
TJBM once hacked up a hairball.
False…my cats have
TJBM played the game “Ants in the Pants” when they were a kid…
False. I don’t even know what that is. Is it like that board game Cooties?
TJBM is having a bad day. :(
False, it’s 10pm here in england town & I had a kick ass day thanks.
TJBM owns a bicycle
True. The actual question should be do I use it? No
TJBM plays the violin
False….I can do bunny shadows though XD
TJBM considers themselves fit/athletic
TJBM likes to drink flavored water
True, but I prefer plain water or a Dew…
TJBM will guess how old I am…
True- my guess is that you’ll turn 17 on the 2nd of June, 2011.
TJBM has changed their avatar within the last week.
True, I change the bugger as often as my socks!
TJBM Hasn’t read a book in the past month.
False. I am constantly reading. I <heart> my Kindle.
TJBM prefers the tactile experience of books to an e-reader.
True. However, I hate the feeling of cheap paper that’s really old. It gets a sort of musty smell that drives me nuts! I still like it better than e-reading, though.
TJBM has an I-pad/tablet thing that s/he carries around everywhere.
False, I’m not into that stuff and won’t get my mobile back for a month, due to it being confiscated whilst I’m revising.
TJBM has exams soon…
True. And then I am out for the summer! :)
TJBM is going to be in college this fall.
True, reminds me of Kill Bill.
TJBM has at least one cuddly toy on their bed.
False. I wish I did!
TJBM sleeps near a weapon.
True, the wife has a mean right hook :¬)
TJBM listens to music in bed….only sometimes.
True only sometimes ; )
TJBM has insomnia…
TJBM knows someone who has insomnia.
True. I know several someones who struggle with insomnia. I’m grateful I don’t.
TJBM is the sort that needs 10 or more hours of sleep each night.
False. I’m really unhealthy and I only get 4 hours!
TJBM wants to have kids or more kids if you already have some.
True. We have 3, sometimes 4 kids (we foster)..and I wish we could adopt more. (I’m not able to have any more babies)
TJBM knows someone adopted.
True. Myself! And a lot of my family. @geeky_mama That is so sweet that you foster and adopt. I was adopted at the age of 14 and it changed my entire life.
TJBM is adopted as well.
No, I’m not.
I say that with biological children, we choose the parent. With adopted children, we choose the child.
TJBM knows what the English equivalent of the Russian acronym CCCP is.
True! I definitely should. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
TJBM knows how to curse in Russia.
No, but I’m sure if I went and yelled dammit! it would count. :) But I don’t know any Russian, so that would be the extent of my swearing.
TJBM will be defeated!
Can I go on? ....Thanks
TJBM thought there were monsters under their bed when they were younger.
False. I didn’t have a bed when I was younger.
@Brian1946 In Russian, it is Soyuz Soyvetkikh Sotcialistichestik Respublic
TJBM likes minty ice cream.
@KatetheGreat So Soyuz is Russian for union?
So true- mint chocolate chip is probably my fave flave.
TJBM would love to change their surname to Sheen or Trump. ;-p
@Brian1946 Yes it is.
False. I despise them both.
TJBM likes hot peppers.
I like small quantities of them with some Asian dishes.
TJBM finds this clip to be geographically informative. ;-)
True. That’s hilarious! Mother Russia!
TJBM drinks a lot of vodka.
False I’m underage.
TJBM is underage too.
True. But that doesn’t really stop me.
TJBM has been to Asia.
True- we trekked around the Annapurna (#10 on your list) massif in Nepal.
TJBM knows what happened above Tunguska in 1908.
TJBM will tell me what TJAM is talking about.
True, my mommy is augustlan. I can’t escape her parental authority.
TJBM knew that.
False.I want proof ; P
TJBM wants some proof too..
False, I don’t need proof.
There is a thread somewhere that’s has a list of referrals or family members. I’ll post it when I get home
TJBM has a family member or a friend on fluther.
nope, just me.
TJBM puts helium in their tires.
False – i just use it to speak funny
TJBM speaks French
TJBM likes Brioche Rolls…
but where is the proof? A simple Vrai would have done it…
True but I prefer pain au chocolats
TJBM spends a lot of time in the bath
TJBM is a monsieur…
TJBM is an expert at martial arts.
La méduse-dessous de moi parle français…;)
False. I no speaka French.
TJBM has multiple personalities.
Not in the clinical sense, but I do notice that I behave differently depending on the person I’m around. I’m usually more hyper around my sister, because we feed off of each other’s enthusiasm, etc. I think most people are like that.
TJBM carries a Zippo lighter on his/her person at all times.
False, just a lighter…sometimes.
TJBM is eating a lovely fresh cone of pure vanilla ice cream with a chocolate flake, oozing with raspberry sauce….
False, but that sounds yummy.
TJBM still wants more proof that augustlan is my mom.
TJBM will tell us their favourite ice cream flavour….
True my favorite ice cream flavor is raspberry swirl with dark chocolate chunks.
TJBM just popped open a fresh can of Mountain Dew.
False, too busy lickin this ice cream…
TJBM likes to have dessert before dinner…
False I never have dessert, i’m sweet enough already ;¬}
TJBM owns a pink umbrella
False, not really my style.
TJBM wears a tutu to work.
False, don’t have a tutu or a job.
La medusa sotto di me parla italiano
True “just one cornetto, give it to me” XD
TJBM has been to Spain
Laugh out loud! Falsos,no he estado en España
la jalea debajo de mí se va a almorzar….
ooh, talk dirty some more you horny creature! Yes I know how old you are XD
que no entendía…
la medusa debajo de mí se siente caliente… como yo
Falso, yo qiero los muchachos!
La medusa debajo de mi habla ingles, por favor
You need some practise… but okay.
TJBM is feeling horny.
False, just confused
TJBM will watch a movie today
False, my schedule is too busy…
TJBM will watch the season premier of Doctor Who on Saturday…
OMG! I didn’t even know that was on! hangs head in shame TRUE!
TJBM loves @ucme ‘s sense of humour.
TJBM is feeling tipsy today.
True – it is home time and it is a holiday
TJBM has two easter eggs at home
TJBM is celebrating Easter this weekend.
True, church tonight, tomorrow night and Sunday
TJBM likes chocolate bunnies…
TJBM changes their profile picture at least 3 times a week…
False, at least twice
TJBM has never owned a pet
TJBM once had a Chia pet…
Les meduses sota de mi es pot llegir aquesta frase.
True, I can read that sentence.
TJBM is lysdexic.
la gelea sota meu sap català
LOL what.
TJBM will tell me what @queenie said.
False ^.
TJBM likes quesadillas.
TJBM wants to leave work early
Very true.
TJB forgo th las lette
TBM is missing something off his Peanut butter sandwich…
True, jelly!
JBM orgot he irst etter his ime.
Fa se for ot t e mid le let er
TJBM needs a haircut
False, just got one two days ago!
TBM frgot te scond ltter.
TJM fogot th thrd leter.
TJM wil neer tie of ths joe
Te-tk me ae on ts oe
T o u t f l.
Geez, I come back and it’s a total mindfuck.
MBJT reversed ylno every rehto word.
MBJT si gnisrever yreve drow.
TMJB rdeplace teh ltas lrette as teh sdecon lrette.
UNKC itb seqmbdf sfi mtfuufs xiju ufi ghpmmpxjo msfuu…
solve that one, @erichw1504
False….dont have the time.
TJBM has had a broken heart….
True…has one now
TJBM will still try to solve the above puzzle…
True, I tried. Give us a clue?
TJB< replacef thr lasy lettet witj thr keu tp thr lefy og iy om thr keyboarf.
sure, @erichw1504, just try putting letters in the statement that come before the letters typed…
TJBN shouls bw ablw ti solvw thw puzzlw noq
False…..i can’t, i just can’t.
TJBM makes a delicious pasta.
TJBM has been on TV.
True (when I was a kid)
TJBM still has a tube (non-flat screen)TV
TJBM typ$ w!th @ lot of $pec!@l ch@r@cter$.
here we go again
TJ@2 wi3$ t4#e wi8) num7)ers
The jelly underneath me will utilize immense words.
TheJellyfishBelowMyself plans to utilize words of miniscule proportions.
Teh Jellah Fih Belah Meh like tah tahlk ihn ah weir ahhxent.
Tru dat
The jellah benief maself lox swi-iss cheese
MJBT dwitches eht tirsf dna tasl setterl drouna.
Huh? lol
TJBM loves Eggs Benedict. Heart attack on a plate but sooo worth it every now & then! :-)
False, but Dirk Benedict (face) was good in The A Team ;¬}
TJBM will be dining out this evening.
False, although I’ll probably grab some carryout after church.
TJBM likes Chinese carrout…
Oh so true!
Kung Pao me baby!
TJBM has a receding hairline, the crop circle widens. lol
TJBM believes in aliens…
TJBM eats like a chipmunk.
False. I eat like a horse most of the time. I have to be REALLY sick to go off my feed! lol
TJBM likes making sandcastles
True, but they always collapse.
TJBM hates getting sand in their shoes…
true. Haven’t been to one in years.
TJBM agrees with Rasputia what she talks about going to the water park.
TJBM is fooling.
True ; D
TJBM nac daer siht…
Oui, je peux lire cela
TJBM peut lire et parler le Français
Faux. Not good at that.
TJBM это понимает.
True, now it is
I had to translate it
TJBM can speak multiple languages
True. A lot of them!
TJBM has a strange addiction.
I currently seem to be addicted to Babybels!
TJBM has been to Yorkshire.
TJBM has been to Brazil
les méduses en dessous de moi aime française.. ; )
True, learning the language now
La méduse-dessous de moi veut visiter la France
True, again.
TJBM doesn’t know what me and @creative1 are talking about.
TJBM had to jump out of bed this morning and rush into something
TJBM slept much later than they intended…
TJBM colored easter eggs
False, that’s later today.
TJBM planned on doing something already, but didn’t.
False. I am on call for work this morning, so, waiting for a 9a.m. phone call to plan my day.
TJBM likes English Toffee coffee
False. I don’t drink coffee. But I love English Toffee, and Toffee Nut Cookies..
TJBM is putting together Easter Baskets today.
False. I’m writing a paper that is my final assignment for my Greek theater course. I don’t have time to do anything Easter-related!
TJBM is taking a break and doing nothing work-related today (I seriously wish I could).
True. I’ve not done anything this week!
TJBM has to work on Monday.
False. My store is closed Mondays.
TJBM can water ski
False, Iv’e never tried to be honest…
TJBM can’t swim…
True. I can float, but I don’t know how to swim. It’s never been that important to be to learn to do so.
TJBM can’t ride a bike.
False, I love cycling. Used to do it all the time..
TJBM is taking a break from revision.
sort of.
TJBM will wake up late tomorrow, If he bothers to wake up at all.
True, I have nowhere to be, and nobody is going to visit me.
TJBM goes on Easter egg hunts
Yes, but only to watch the bunnies hatch! ♥♥
TJBM doesn’t have a Yarnlady avatar.
TJBM will go to chat with us. And become a YARNLADY.
TJBM is confused with all the Yarnladies. I’m never exactly sure who I’m talking to.
False. I am the yarnlady.
TJBM is completely confused and would like an explanation.
TJBM will explain this to me.
True. A lot of us jellies were in the chat room and we all thought it’d be funny to do something crazy. I suggested changing all of our profile pictures to something crazy, seazen provided inspiration, showing us it had been done before, and our precious Seelix proposed that we used YARNLADY’s picture. I was in the park at the time, drinking, and Fluthering at the same time. I saw a squirrel and that sparked another crazy level of the joke. We then began to post questions about how we would go about making scarves for our squirrels. We all posted various questions about yarn and squirrels, and confused a mass of people. It was all in good fun. YARNLADY found out and she thought this was hilarious. Some that were included in this plot and execution were Seazen, Seelix, Symbeline, MyNewtBoobs, MzLizzy, everphebe, Hypocrisy_Central, Vunessuh, Cruiser, Haleth, and sooooo many others.—Sorry if I forgot to mention you, there were so many of us yarnladies!
TJBM thinks this is absolutely ridiculous.
True, but in a hilarious way. I was wondering what was going on with the question about yarn for scarves for squirrels. I love you all and your hilariousness.
TJBM thinks all the yarnladies are hilarious geniuses.
True. Kinda wish I had been home last night.:(
TJBM thinks the frivolity will carry on all day today.
True. I plan to carry the legacy!
TJBM will join us yarnladies!
True ; )
TJBM is the happiest they have ever been in a looong time ; D
True. I had the best night ever even though I was in the park, drunk and fluthering about yarn.
TJBM loves yarn.
True, I do now.
TJBM thinks last night was fun. how long did people actually stay in there?
True. It was the greatest night ever spent on Fluther!—I stayed in the chat all night, people popped in and out, but most of them left about 3–5 hours after you.
TJBM is knitting a scarf for a squirrel.
What is this strange multi- Yarnlady thing going on? LOL
Yarnlady has been cloned.
TJBM cares to explain this phenomenon?
Hey, read the description of the event above! :) It’s a lot to retype.
TJBM loves chatting like me
TJBM likes to roll like Borat.
TJBM prefers showers to baths
False but they are more convenient at times.
TJBM is worried about something right now.
True…but that’s a bit of a constant condition.
TJBM remembers the Cadbury commercials where the Bunny said: “bock bock”
I do, and IIRC, that campaign also had a “bocking” lion wearing bunny ears.
TJBM wore bunny ears on Easter.
TJBM has made a scarf for a squirrel.
TJBM think of things to ask next for their next TJBM response in their sleep.
False. i just got out of the shower so im ready to go :P
TJBM had a good night sleep?
False. I am not a knitter, too tedious, I like instant gratification. lol
TJBM thinks Vultures are really cool birds projection..watching some Turkey Vultures eating a dead squirrel right now.
@Coloma eew False. I hate vultures.
TJBM likes eagles…
Ture. an eagle is our school mascot.
TJBM had a good easter weekend
Very true, I love chocolate ; D
TJBM had loads of candy over the easter break.
False, just a little bit.
TJBM got a massive Reese’s Easter egg for Easter.
False, not Reese’s.
TJBM got a malteser, smarties, Cadburys, Snickers and Milkybar egg ;)
TJBM got better candy than @queenie.
False. I’m not a candy supremacist.
TJBM knows what the basis is for determining on what Sunday Easter is observed.
TJBM frgt ll f th vwls.
False, unlike TJAM.
TJBM nac daer siht ylisae…
TJBM alwayz replacez their s’s with z’z.
TJBM want Easter to be moved to the second week in April.
False. I live in the great white north and the later the Easter the better. Easter tends to be too cold here..
TJBM has spent Easter in a country that doesn’t celebrate Easter Holidays.
TJBM bolds every other word.
False. It confuses my eyeballs.
TJBM is irritated by unnecessary italics.
False, only missing letters. It drives me crazy.
TJBM has peanut butter but no jelly, and wants a sandwich.
Don’t need a sandwich and NEVER needed jelly.
TJBM can do without jelly.
True, not so fond of the jelly or jam as we brits like to call it
TJBM has a sore tummy from too much chocolate
False I love chocolate but not enough to stuff myself sick.
TJBM knows how to do tilesetting.
True, do it often with my dad.
TJBM can eats tons of chocolate without being sick.
False but I do love chocolate
TJBM would love some Godiva Chocolate
I don’t know what that is, but hey. Can’t refuse chocolate ; D True.
TJBM will give me some.
False – it costs a bomb
TJBM likes swimming
TJBM has gone swimming up in the mountains.
Of course, at the hot springs.
TJBM has gone spelunking
False. I want to someday, and it’s on my bucket list.
TJBM has a bucket list, too.
TJBM italics every other word.
TJBM wants to spay and neuter Republicans.
False. I am apolitical, could care less.
TJBM is on a natural spring high
TJBM makes every other word small.
False. <sigh> I’m so over the funny word tricks. Clearly I am no fun. I must be old before my time.
TJBM is a curmudgeon (like me).
TJBM likes to type in Monospace.
False, I don’t even know how to do that!
TJBM is looking forward to having a blast with some summer lovin’ ;^)
False! ...true
TJBM has secret.
True, from almost everyone.
TJBM can’t wait until tomorrow night.
False, I can’t wait until tomorrow morning. I have a second interview.
TJBM likes gelatto
Never had it, actually.
Good luck on the interview!
TJBM likes jello.
True, I do, especially whatever flavor red jello is.
TJBM knows what the present protocols are for starting a new TJBM thread.
True, but I will wait for @AmWiser to start it since she’s been the hostess with the mostess.
TJBM is enjoying better weather than me.
We’re expecting SNOW here. Friggin’ SNOW in late April. I could just cry…
False, snow has been knocking at my door. Plus it’s been rainy and cloudy for almost two weeks
TJBM lives in a nice warm sunny place.
True. I hate it sooooo much. The humidity is killing me. @geeky_mama want to trade places? Haha. I’d kill for snow right now.
TJBM has frizzy hair.
True, unfortunately, and I can’t stand humid places. My hair does better in drier areas, like Colorado :)
TJBM knows how to deal with frizzy hair in a humid climate
True. But I don’t give a shit anymore. I’m sooooo moving to Colorado one day. I need to live in a dry state!
TJBM got a tan over the weekend.
Well, be prepared to have a bottle of lotion at your side. It takes a while to get use to the dryness and even then your skin might be so dry that it looks like a alligator laid down on your legs.
False, it was too cold and rainy.
TJBM misses thunderstorms
False. There’s one going on right now! But I love it. No hot, blistering, gross sun.
TJBM grew up in a very cold place.
True- I grew up in Verkhoyansk, Canada. ;-)
TJBM can name most of the Canadian provinces.
100% false.Epic fail on Canadian geography. lol
TJBM ate fast food today OMG, I feel like shit. haha
False (but cafeteria food-almost as bad)
TJBM can’t stand McDonald’s.
McDonald’s is a next-to-last resort for my wife, and it’s a no resort for me, as far as eating goes.
But it doesn’t quite sink to the level of “can’t stand” for me, because I reserve that for places I’d never want to be in under any circumstances, like a jail cell, slaughterhouse, or any dangerous enclosure.
TJBM has been to a place worse than McD’s.
True…Taco Bell
TJBM se quieres Taco Bell.
Falso. No quiero Taco Bell
@KatetheGreat I’d trade places with you but I’m not sure you’d like being a mom to 4 kids bwah hahahaha
TJBM has eaten raw horse and prefers Micky D’s to raw horse.
No, and yes
Who would want to eat a horse?
Nevermind I just looked it up.
TJBM likes the smell of freshly laundered clothes.
@geeky_mama 4 kids? Sounds grand! I grew up with 8 brothers and sisters, and I took care of them. But no kids for me :D
TJBM is ready for the weekend already.
TJBM has off every weekend…
False. I work the most on weekends at my river store and the season is just gearing up, May-Oct. It’s tourist time and everyone needs life jackets and rafting gear and kayak paddles and gold pans.
TJBM has a great smile :-D
True and False – I smile a lot but my mouth and teeth are a bit wonky
TJBM is looking forward to the Royal Wedding
False. I could not care less. I mean, good for them, but I don’t plan on watching it on tv or anything.
TJBM cares more about sports playoffs than the royal wedding.
False – don’t actually care about either!
TJBM keeps their baby teeth in a box
TJBM believes part 18 should begin soon.
True! Going, going, gone….
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