Who's the new Jelly in the Fluther castle?
Why, it’s erichw1504! Congratulations! It is well deserved.
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75 Answers
Congrats on the 20 grand! Time for another bash in the mansion!
Congratulations on the 20K!
Congrats. You make a great addition to the mansion.
Always bizarre, always interesting, congrats!!!
Thank you for your answers; Congratulations on your achievement.
~stands behind podium~
Thank you, thank you everyone for attending this celebration. It was a long, winding road, but I finally made it! This is the greatest day of my internet life. I couldn’t have done it without all of you jellies! This proves I am dedicated to Fluther and will continue to provide 100% serious answers.
~holds up 20k award to a roaring, cheering crowd~
@Cruiser, @Jude, @ANef_is_Enuf, @syz, @Adirondackwannabe: Thanks! You guys are great.
@JilltheTooth: That’s how I roll, thanks!
@dxs A special thanks to you for pushing me over the 20k line!
@wundayatta Thank you!
Oh, ppththppfftht <raspberry noise>
Wow! Congrats @erichw1504 ! I hope to be there one day!
Enough with the pomp and circumstance! Get down from the podium – I’m waiting for you to start being drunk and inappropriate!
Fun, fun, fun, til @erichw1504 takes his rhyming passions away! lol
I really in-joy your ‘games’ and your witty and playful presence. Cheers!
Sex On
:0) Congrats & Pancakes to you on your 20K @erichw1504!
You have Tiger Blood & are Winning! ;P
Congratulations, @erichw1504! It is an honor well-deserved.
Baking you brownies – do youwnat them with nuts or palin?
Mazel Tov @erichw1504! A fine accomplishment!
@janbb I’d rather not have any Palin in my brownies, I’ve seen enough of her on TV. So, nuts
are fine.
Also, since it’s 4/20, can you make them special?
lands right side up on the 20th floor!
Shake that Martini, shake it up good
now he is part of the flutherhood!
Well deserved recognition for all your great answers.
@erichw1504 Oy – need to proofread better! Giving you a choice between nuts or palin was not really a choice!
This is the department of redundancy department.
Congrats @erichw1504! I look forward to seeing your answers all of the time! Even though I could never get your “carfor” joke :P
@KatetheGreat I thought I already told you this. A car is a motorized vehicle used to get from one place to another in a much faster way.
@erichw1504 Ahh! My life is complete. I never knew this.
@erichw1504 – YAY! Congratulations! You just took to this place, didn’t ya’?
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
Happy Birthday!!!!!
I mean…
Happy 20k! :) If only it was $20k!
A royal wedding AND erichw1504! There is so much going on in the castle.
Congratulations on the 20K milestone!
Wow! 20k and I’m late to the party! Congratumalations @erichw1504, you make me laugh every day!
Late again but any who….
Many congratulations on the 20K.
Congrats on 20k, @erichw1504! Definitely well deserved. :D
@erichw1504 Here’s your pressie : ; P
Guess we’ll always be out to annoy each other for some reason….
What’s your wish?
I am away from my computer, but this message is automatically generated when another deserving Jelly enters the 10K, 20K or 30K arenas.
Congo Rats to (place name here)! You are a wonderful contributer and help make this a wonderful site!
Take pride in this! You couldn’t get here unless a lot of Jellies found your comments helpful!
Congrats @erichw1504! You bring a lot of fun to Fluther. :)
@queenie I almost always find a light hearted look at something helpful!
Sadly, I don’t know you very well but @erichw1503 said you were a hell of a nice person – so that’s good enough for me.
Congratulations @erichw1504!!
Congratulations, awesomesauce!
Congratulations, you one helluva mofo! Let’s celebrate by making a baby and naming him Socks. WOO.
Wow. 20K
Now that’s truly impressive. And you timed it just right for 420. That takes true genius and forethought. I’m humbled and impressed.
Congratulations X20 to a funny friendly fantastic Jelly.
Who wants to play the rhyming, alphabetical 5-word “Describe @erichw1504” game?
Always clever; makes Fluther better!
Cheers \_/ to you :-)
@erichw1504 ohh…looks like something else, too. just wondering…
No I mean it resembled something else…
whats that?
it’s an ambiguous Rorschach test… @erichw1504 is rockin’ out, I’m thirsty and @dxs… needs to get…
You’re big time now!! In the Castle!! Whoa!
w00t! A job well done. Congratulations.
@Blueroses but I love posting in these celebration things you get so much lurve haha
@erichw1504 Congratulations. 20k of lurve and all well deserved.
@erichw1504 Congratulations Honey, you’re always so funny ^_^
@queenie Thanks! You look like a bunny and you owe me some money.
@erichw1504 Aww, gosh. Thanks ^_^ and over here there are no banks….
@queenie lives in a place with no treasurer?
Pirates will surely plunder at their leisure.
@queenie You’re very very welcome and smell like a bottle of talcum.
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