Is there a trait that you admire in other people, mainly because you don't have that same trait?
For my part, I admire people who take the time to read every detail of an email or a response on here…you can tell that they do. And I know that I don’t. I read the first line…then bang! Respond! And that’s bad on me. I’m working on it guys…
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27 Answers
I admire my husband for fixing mistakes quickly and then being able to believe they never happened.
I admire patience, too. How the hell can people just coast in the slow lane doing 60 on the highway?! Ridiculous.
People who are musical. I can’t sing, can’t dance, can’t remember the notes -FACE, and Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge, kind of slow. Don’t even throw that left hand in there!
People that can mingle in a crowd of people and make appropriate small talk and still feel comfortable. I am fine one on one, and I’m fine in a group of people I know, like a small gathering at a friend’s house, but in a group of strangers, I really admire those that can network and mingle and chat it up.
Yeah @jca, me too. I get into a group and they’re discussing in serious terms the results of “Dancing with the Stars…” and I just want to break in with “Do you know what Hubble just photographed???” I admire them but…not sure I want to be One Of Them, you know?
Hey ya, Symbeline!
I may appear as a warrior with a big ass sword just ripping shit apart through old school beat em’ up genres with a fantasy flair, you know like, The King of Dragons. But that just happens when I want to be funny and am not serious.
Some people really are like that when it matters though. Me, I’m actually a huge, insecure, cowardly weakling who flies under the radar. I lost so many quarters, should have just saved em up to buy a game genie.
wtf am I talking about
Yeah. Lots of people have guts, but guts brought forth by wisdom. I wish I could feast from that wonderful can o’ beans.
Very GQ @Dutchess_III – I’m sure there are many admirable traits I admire and lack simultaneously, however, I’ll simply use your details example as mine, only vice versa, i.e., I read too much, read into too much, and sometimes don’t know when to let up and let go. Being very detail-oriented, and anal, is a very fine line. I walk it: and usually fall off.
My next incarnation will be Anal_Zen.
Wow, @Symbeline I just read every single detail of what you said, in a major attempt to change and….I still don’t….undersand. You’re fiery and cool to me….
Ewww @Anal_Zen!
@Dutchess_III Some people have this thing where they take shit from nothing. I admire this a lot, because it seems to me that said behaviour is a proof that they know where they stand, and that for me, who takes shit while trying to think if it’s shit or not, it means I don’t know where I doth stand.
In another life, I was never a paladin. Probably some evil witch, or at least, a prostitute.
I admire those with patience, because I have none. I also admire those with the ability to let annoying/rude shit roll off their backs, because I have a really difficult time with that.
@Symbeline trying to understand what you mean (re-reading carefully….) Me thinks that people who take shit from nothing are doing just that. I think that it’s better to determine if “shit” is nothing, or worth something. I don’t think that making general shit into “something” is a good trait, or noble….wait did you make a lot of money in your other life?? (HEY! That means I just read @Symbeline whole post! Yay!)
Nevermind you @WillWorkForChocolate. I’m busy now.
I admire anyone who can generally let incidents, insults, criticisms and others’ nasty attitudes just roll off them. I am working hard to develop this in myself, as I take many things far too personally still.
I also admire people who can accept situations for what they are and don’t create expectations of them going bad or getting worse. Being more present, I suppose, is what that is. “Constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop” is as much of a fantasy as any fairy tale.
And on another level, I admire people who have hair like yours, @WillWorkForChocolate, as mine is baby fine. You have such lovely hair (saw your picture on the Fluther Group pics recently and marvelled over it)!
Satisfaction with “average” things or at least not being unhappy enough with them to change.
The ability to say what’s on your mind.
I I have a hard time telling people what I’m truly thinking. I guess I believe it’s better to keep my mouth shut then to offend anyone.
@WillWorkForChocolate You and I should trade!
@Dutchess_III Well yeah, we have to think through stuff indeed. What I mean is, people who strike seem to have it all figured out. How do they do it?
But there I am going, duuuuh which part of the sword goes into people. It pisses me off lol.
I admire people that can say no. I’m a major people pleaser. :/
I have a hard time letting insults pass…. @WillWorkForChocolate wait….did you just call me a TWIT???? Gimme a chance to pick myself up girl! Actually, I think I’m fairly good at letting insults pass! (( )))
@Symbeline what do you mean by “people who strike..”?
@jonsblond like this: “No. I’m sorry. I have other plans.” If they dare to ask what those other plans are, then they’re being rude and nosy and they know it. Which is why most people don’t push it. An I don’t recall a moment when you ever did anything but call me out! So, maybe you aren’t as bad as you think! Heh! Keep up the good work!
I mean people who take the reins, and know where they’re going.
@Dutchess_III lol. You really did make me laugh out loud. Thanks for the compliment. You are correct though, I have trouble telling friends and family when I don’t want to do something. Another example would be when my mom wants to give me something because she’s trying to downsize. I end up taking whatever it is because I don’t want to hurt her feelings. I’m getting much better at that now though. We just don’t have the room for more crap in our new home.
@aprilsimnel Aww, that’s so sweet of you to say! My hair is definitely a trial sometimes though… be careful what you wish for! When I was a teenager, I wished for bigger boobs, then lo and behold, two babies gave me saggy DD’s. Shoulda kept my mouth shut, methinks.
@Dutchess_III Yes, I called you a twit. Whatcha gonna do about it, huh? Come on girlie, let’s rumble!! <3
@jonsblond I have trouble saying no, too. Especially to my mom. She nags and nags about us needing to buy healthier, organic, gluten free foods… so today I went 100% organic at the store then called her to tell her to never harrass me about going organic again. Cost me $100 more than it should have. Just for one week’s worth of groceries.
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