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Is the reason why pot isn’t viewed the same as other medicine is because it is over prescribed?
It seems on one hand pot gains ground, here in Cali it is reduced to no more than an infraction if you have X amount for personal use. But you also have cities limiting the number of pot dispensaries and cannabis clubs. I wondered if pot will ever be seen in the same light of other medicines are? If not I wonder if it is because it seem to be over prescribed? Many I know who have cannabis cards several of them seem to have it for conditions of which there are already medicines for such as sleeplessness, anxiety, appetite suppression, etc. Or maybe what is suppose to be avoided or at least not liked about other medicines such as drowsiness, being buzzed, or tacitly inebriated is desired with pot making it seem taken more for recreation than illness and that is what is shooting it in the foot from being universally accepted in the US?
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