Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Is the Richard Gere story true? How did it start?

Asked by filmfann (52571points) April 21st, 2011

That story about Richard Gere and the gerbil has been around for at least 15 years. Is there any truth to it? If it isn’t true, how did it start?
And how do you prove something like this didn’t happen?

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17 Answers

SuperMouse's avatar

I have no idea how it started but most everyone I knew in California knew someone who knew someone who was at the emergency room that night! I never met a single person who claimed to actually be there, but there were either a ton of people there or the three people who were knew a lot of people! I think the most interesting question is how or whether one could prove a negative. As a side note, in my experience, this rumor is much less widely circulated here in the mid-west.

Buttonstc's avatar

Before Jerry Penacoli went national, he was a reporter at a local TV station in Philly when I lived there and somebody started the same type of nonsense about him.

I just ignore this urban myth stuff. It’s just stupid sensationalism.

And whoever started this didn’t even have the brains to realize that a flimsy cardboard tube would collapse from the attempts at insertion. Total brainless dimwits.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Ha! I heard this when I was in middle school, so it’s been at least 25 years!

HudsonHero's avatar

I remember hearing about it in middle school too. There was also one that Cindy Crawford was a man who had a sex change. I like to check out this site to check out urban legends to see if stories are true or not.

ratboy's avatar

No matter how authoritatively or how frequently this story is debunked, it will remain an article of faith for me. It ought to be true and, if the crazy cosmologists are right, there is a parallel world where a gerbil nibbles on Gere’s rectum as I type.

gmander's avatar

@ratboy – There will also be a world where a giant gerbil has inserted Richard Gere into its rectum.

filmfann's avatar

The joke I made up years ago was that Richard Gere first became interested in Cindy Crawford when he heard she had a mole.

I normally trust, but they aren’t actually debunking the story. They are simply saying there is no evidence. They also mention this activity isn’t done in the homosexual community, and I believe it is.

But my question also asks how a celebrity handles a rumor like this. Gere has simply kept quiet about it. Pee Wee Herman at least made the proper denials.

seazen_'s avatar

I don’t like nasty rumours. We forget sometimes that celebrities are people, who have families – kids – and read these nasty things. In today’s age – a rumour can be tweeted or facebooked to hundreds of millions of people and the damage is done for ever – instantly – without being true. It’s enough that one idiot, one stalker – one crazed teen – decides to pursue this rumour and make the life of the target miserable. I have met with Mr. Gere and he is a genuinely wonderful person. He is thick-skinned and intelligent enough to make light of this (never-ending) rumour – but I truly wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemies.

It’s very different from a Paris or Lindsay who simply create their own crap – like their videos – or drunk-driving incidents – becoming famous for, well, nothing except being famous. This is an actor – not someone who intended to be a star or celeb mind you – simply an actor. And a humanitarian and philanthropist to boot. I say – move on – and remember what your Mama said: if you don’t have something nice to say… – certainly don’t start writing/repeating nasty rumours about someone.

chyna's avatar

It’s like the story that went around about Rod Stewart having to get his stomach pumped back in the 70’s for having swallowed too much semen. Then the story changed to Mick Jagger. Just evil rumors.

filmfann's avatar

I had heard that Rod Stewart story enough to believe it was true. Imagine my surpise to find out it isn’t.

chyna's avatar

@filmfann Do you know how much a person would have to swallow to have to get their stomach pumped? I would think it would almost be impossible unless someone was gang raped.

filmfann's avatar

@chyna No. No I don’t. I don’t know how much. How many times do I have to repeat that?

Buttonstc's avatar

I wish a medical person would weigh in here but I’ll explain this as simply as possible.

For those who believe that this is practiced by gays, here’s a little dose of reality. Supposedly it’s done because of the sensations provided by the gerbil trying to claw it’s way out.

There’s one little problem with that. It’s totally illogical since the anal canal has no nerve endings once past the anal sphincter. That would make this a pointless endeavor if it’s supposedly being done for pleasure.

It’s true that ER personnel see people coming in with all types of bizarre objects stuck in their asses. But the only sensations they received from it was in that inch or so of sphincter at the beginning. Imagine their disappointment when they realized that and find it’s lost up there.

Has anyone ever succeeded in inserting something the diameter of the average TP or paper towel cardboard? I imagine so, but it would require a huge amount of lubrication. And it would have to be a solid object rather than hollow flimsy cardboard which would just not stand up, especially with lube all over it.

Can we use our logical minds here folks?

faye's avatar

Not to mention the medical care you would need after stool leaked into your abdominal cavity thru the frenzied slashes. Also Buddists wouldn’t do that. And I think Richard, or Ricky as I call him, is too smart for that crap!

Aster's avatar

You know what a swimming noodle is? A urologist I know , a very good one at that, told my daughter that people come in with all kinds of things “up there” and he is just floored by some of the objects. One of them being a swimming noodle. He said they “all have elaborate stories of how such objects got in” and he just nods his head like he believes them and acts very professional and sympathetic.

aprilsimnel's avatar

When I was waaaaay too young to have been reading such things (seriously, don’t ask), I read a book called Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * *...but were afraid to ask. by Dr. David Reuben. He had an entire chapter in the 1969 edition about homosexuality and boy! the stuff he claimed men put up the pooper. Light bulbs. Golf balls. Screwdrivers.

Not that what he said wasn’t true, but the chapter reeked of judgement and titillation. Anyway, I’ve since heard that in the 2006 edition, that chapter has been considerably rewritten. I take it those stories have also been expunged. I would hope so.

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