[NSFW] How long can you go on masturbation alone?
Either you don’t have a partner, or your partner refuses to have sex with you. How long can you go before you have to find a real person to make love to? How long before your desires are so much dominating your thinking that you can barely think about anything else?
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36 Answers
I could probably go forever. I’m thinking about if Mr. Fiance was unable to have sex with me for some physical reason. As long as I get hugs and kisses, I think I’d be cool.
It is true that everyone needs sexual release, but it does not matter how that release happens. Suppose you were on an island alone, you’re not ever going to die because of not having sex with another.
You may want to, but it is not a requirement. You can go forever with just self-control
I can go on masterbation alone until the end of time if I take myself out for dinner and a movie first.
@DrBill Uh. Speak for yourself. I take that to mean that you can go without any sex other than masturbation for the rest of your life.
@wundayatta – I think @DrBill means that physically, people can survive without sex. Whether you’ll be okay with it mentally or emotionally is another question.
The question isn’t about physical.
@wundayatta – I know that’s not what you’re asking, but I just wanted to say that I see where (I think) @DrBill is coming from.
it is all a matter of self-control, physically no one has to have sex ever. Mentally is a personal matter, if you have no self control it is a mental issue, not a physical one
I’m married. I go without sex as a matter of course. His job takes him out of town for weeks at a time, months sometimes. I miss having company, but not sex with another person, so I guess I could go forever without it. If certain people showed up at my door while he was away, it would be difficult, though. That list of people live thousands of miles away, though, so temptation isn’t even close at hand….(pardon the pun). I DO miss having sex with him specifically, though, but not sex in general.
I went 10 years lol. Had a late start when it came to actual sex
Well, we went 8 and a half months with just that while my husband was deployed last year, so I can at least go that long (as can he). :-) He’s totally worth the wait and there’s no way I’d pass up what I have with him to go find someone else just because we couldn’t have sex for an extended amount of time for some reason.
When I was single, I could go as long as necessary. I’m not into casual sex though, so that probably plays a lot into it.
Forever, as long as my hand doesn’t fall off.
A couple weeks, at least. I hope I don’t have occasion to test out durations too much longer than a few months.
I once had to go without (2 or 3 times a year) for a couple of years. Bad things happened. It drove me crazy. Literally. A couple of months and I start getting lonely, and then I start getting crazier and crazier.
Pretty long. I’m not one for casual sex and I’ve been single for quite a while now.
No problem. I have a zen approach to that. I could go forever.
Two months.
( and if I may, how long before I get back to masturbating after sex? less than 24 hours average )
I went 7 years without actual sex before and ended up masturbating less and less as the years progressed, but I think for men its different.
I really don’t know. I’ve generally been in relationships always.
The question is about how long you could go on masturbation alone. Almost everyone here has taken that to mean, how long could you go without the sexual release of intercourse or sex with a real person. Yeah, sure, we don’t need it to survive or even to be emotionally stable. That is, most people could be reasonably happy if forced to go without. Maybe they wouldn’t want to go without or maybe they wouldn’t even care. It depends on how strong their sex drive is and if they could sublimate it to something else.
But if I think about how long I could go without sex with a person vs. how long I could go without making love to a person it puts it in a new light. It becomes less about will power and self control and more about human connection. Casual sex would not fill this need for me and I wouldn’t be interested. The important thing for me is the physical expression of my love and how that sustains me emotionally and spiritually. The important thing for me is sharing myself with my lover and having him share himself with me. It’s not just getting off on each other, it’s feeling a oneness.I couldn’t live very happily without it. But good sex is worth waiitng for. Bad sex or impersonal sex is the same as masturbation. It gets you off, it feels good (sometimes) but afterwards you feel empty.
Not sure I can give a number because it depends on so many factors. I have the will power to wait indefinitely but I think a lonely feeling would set in at about 6 months? Hopefully I never need to find out, lol.
I would be happy to go on with it forever.
I could go forever with it. I usually don’t like to have sex with anyone that I’m not in a relationship with, so masturbations suffices most of the time!
By, “how long” do you mean without having a nervous breakdown? Or just without making an idiot of yourself in front of your adorable physician? god help me not to do that. lolz
I dunno, I lasted the first 17 years of my life. Probably couldn’t repeat that unless I was in jail or something.
Ages and ages. For me sex is more about my feelings toward a person than a need that I have all the time. Sex does feel good, but the part I enjoy the most is the feeling of connectedness with a specific person that I care about. I could go without sex a lot longer than I could go without, say, cuddling.
Sex… I forgot what that was…
I have found masturbation to be a very lonely experience. Not only that, but it can make the isolation worse. So when I do it, it is to kind of fill a hole that it can only fill very inadequately. Yet it does keep my body from completely losing it for some time.
I went for the first twenty years of my life without making love to anyone. Only masturbation. But that’s not at all the same. Until I was 13, I didn’t think about sex or relationships at all. Then for about three years, it was fine to just masturbate, but after that, I got very depressed that I had no love who wanted to share that kind of intimacy with me. It got pretty bad.
Maybe there are people who are fine having a “release” without having anyone to do it with. I find that it quickly gets kind of sick if I’m not having sex with my wife very much. I start using porn, and then things kind of get out of control.
Maybe I’m super sensitive to not being connected to someone on a very intimate level. Marriages can go in and out of connection, and mine is no different. What is different is the importance we place on sex. That makes it very difficult for me some of the time, and if I turn to masturbation… well, after a while, that gets me even more isolated.
I haven’t been single for more than a couple of months at a time since I was 20. I do not do well without a good strong primary relationship. I guess I’m surprised at the answers. I knew my need to be in a strong intimate relationship were pretty high, but I had no idea how people could tolerate the lack of such a thing for so long without going crazy.
I’m my own best partner. I know exactly what to do and never get my feelings hurt if I’m just not in the mood.
It isn’t a complete replacement for a genuine relationship, but until the right one of those comes along, I’m fine playing solo. It’s safer and more satisfactory than settling for just anybody only for sex.
Q: How long can you go on masturbation alone?
A: You mean before you need to find a circle jerk?
I think my longest stretch, after that first time, was about 2 years.
When I broke that dry spell, I was so unhappy with myself I went another 6 months.
When I masturbate I’m often able to give myself a lot more pleasure than anyone I’ve been with has been able to. So physically I guess I’m fine.
Emotionally or whichever, well maybe I’m a horrible person lol, but I never really found sex, or making love, to be a way to really connect with someone. Maybe I’m doin it rong lol. Or the other person is. Or both. But eh, you want something done right, do it yourself. XD
If I feel lonely, sex really isn’t an answer, I have found other means that fill this void, and involves friends, or people I’m dating. (which I haven’t for a while)
What about when your husband has premature ejaculation and there’s a new baby who is colicky , then another baby, and another baby and I try to work within this world somehow but even the 2nd time is only 1 minute longer. And he srabbles at my lady bits more like a fly walking on you that is just annoying. So I masturbated for 15 years until we divorced. That next guy never knew what hit him!
I have someone…But not for sexual activity, but the closest done is french kissing….I guess…But meh I could last awhile, but since the hormones in a pubescent body is still going…I can’t last more than a- ......Meh I just need to distract myself XP taking myself out to eat, hanging out with friends, drumming, music, etc…
Two Months. Then I go crazy.
I manage to hold up pretty well until about the 6 month mark. Then I turn into a teenage boy.
Ummmm… I am guessing indefinately… I will let you know if it changes.
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