Want to play the "If celebrity x were y, then he/she would be z" game?
It sounds way more complicated than it really is.
Here’s an example.
So, if (celebrity) Tom Hanks (x) was a piece of wood (y), he would be Tom Planks (y).
Get it? You can use any celeb that you want!
Catch: the names have to rhyme!
Oh, and the person who posts has to finish with a name and the person below them makes up a post about the celebrity.
I’ll start with one: If Tom Cruise was beat up by a gang, then he’d be Tom Bruise.
(Bill Clinton.)
And then the next person would say, “If Bill Clinton smoked marijuana, he’d be Chill Clinton.”
Observing members:
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382 Answers
If Keanu Reeves felt sick to his stomach, then he’d be Keanu Heaves.
(Brad Pitt)
ah, thanks
If Brad Pitt expectorated alot, he’d be Brad Spit
(Shelly Long)
If Shelly Long were a smoker, she’d be Shelly Bong.
(Christian Bale)
I knew you were going to go there…
If Christian Bale did poorly in school, he would be Christian Fail…
(Mickael Keaton)
If Michael Keaton took a trip to the Sun, he would be Michael Heatin’.
(Natalie Portman)
If Natalie Portman were a brand of cookies, she would be Natalie Voortman
(Jack Nicholson)
If Jack Nicholson were Elmo, he’d be Jack Tickleson.
Lame, but whatever.
Mike Huckabee.
If Mike Huckabee swallowed a bee, he’d be Mike Suckabee.
(Rachel Wood)
^ This.
If Rachel Wood was a talented actress, she’d be Rachel Good.
I think she’s good, though, but whatevs.
Chuck Norris.
If Chuck Norris turned into an animal, he’d be Duck Norris.
Steven Tyler
If Steven Tyler were a helium balloon, he’d be Steven Mylar.
Angelina Jolie.
@AmWiser Now we’re back to the drawing board since you failed to provide us with a new celebrity! ~
If @troubleinharlem washed with a lot of soap, she’d be Bubble in Harlem.
Jack Black.
If Jack Black was made of building blocks, he’d be Jack Stack.
Ben Stiller
If Ben Stiller was a murderer, he’d be Ben Killer.
Angelina Jolie.
I’m back on track:D
If Angelina Jolie was a priest, she’d be Angelina Holy.
Heath Ledger
oooh! good one @erichw1504
If Heath Ledger was a river rat, he’d be Heath Badger.
John Wayne.
If John Wayne got run over, he’d be John Payne.
Kate Winslet
If @troubleinharlem Needed a shave, she’d be Stubble in Harlem.
Art Garfunkel. Queenie: I got you covered
@seazen_: Hardy har har. xD
If Art Garfunkel was an alternative fish, he would be Art Gar-punkel.
Bill Gates.
It should be a rule that if you forget to put a new celebrity, then the next person gets to do one of your username and make fun of you!
If Kate Winslet was a fruit, she’d be Date Winslet.
Lady Gaga
When Lady Gaga was younger she was called Baby Gaga
If Sade was swimming, she’d be called Wade.
Elton John
If Elton John went into drug dealing, he’d be called Elton Don.
Sylvester Stallone
If @queenie was rude, she’d be called @meanie.
George Clooney
If George Clooney went mad, he’d be called George Looney.
Sylvester Stallone
If Sylvester Stallone had nobody, he’d be called Sylvester Alone.
If Oprah suddenly became depressed, she’d be called Moprah.
Ryan Gosling
If Ryan Gosling needed dental care he’d be Ryan Floss string
Bill Gates
If Bill Gates made millions selling ceramic dishes, he’d be called Bill Plates.
Steve Jobs
If Steve Jobs fixed his front door, he’d be known as Steve Knobs
Judi Dench
If Judi Dench didn’t use deodorant she’d by Judi Stench.
Lucille Ball
If Lucille Ball tripped, she’d be known as Lucille Fall.
Joe Jonas. (someone make up a good one for him, I hate him)
If Joe Jonas worked the corner at nights, he’d be called Hoe Jonas.
Meat Loaf
If Meat Loaf were a vegetarian, he’d be called Beet Loaf.
Sharon Stone
If Sharon Stone had an exact look alike, she’d be known as Sharon Clone.
Matt Damon
If Matt Damon was a fish, he’d me called Matt Salmon. (close enough?)
Reese Witherspoon
If Reese Witherspoon and Matt Damon were necking, I’d say Get a room.
Ben Afleck.
If Reese Witherspoon was made of candy, she’d be called Reese’s Withersppon (count?)
Will Smith
If Reese Witherspoon became a retard, he’d be known as Reese Withergoon
Will Smith
@seazen_ Your’s, in no way, abides by the rules.
If @troubleinharlem were into geology she’d be Rubble in Harlem.
Steve Buscemy (fix your typos guys)
If @seazen_ were a jerk, he’d be @sleazin_. I can do this too! xD
If Steve Buscemy had a cold, he’d be Steve Bus-phlegmy.
Bruce Springsteen.
If Steve Buscemy went into a mission of turning lead into gold, he’d be known as Steve Alchemy
Will Smith
If he was happy he’d be known as Will Bliss
Florence Nightingale
If Will Smith got in trouble with the law he’d be Will Pleads the Fifth
Hannah Montana
If Hannah Montana was sweating, she’d be called Fannah Montana.
George Lopez
If Hannah Montana went mad she’d be known as Hannah Banana
Florence Nightingale
If Florence Nightingale wore a light bulb suit, he’d be called Florence Brightingale.
Halle Berry
If Halle Berry went on a sailing trip, it’d be Halle Ferry
George Lopez
If George Lopez ate a million tacos, he’d be called Gorge Lopez.
Conan O’Brien.
If George lost his candy dispenser, he’d be George No-Pez.
Lindsey Lohan
If Lindsey Lohan was herself, she’d be called Lindsey Hohan.
Rob Lowe
If Rob Lowe were a glass maker, he’d be Rob Blow.
Don Juan
If Don Juan was a bird enthusiast, he’d be Don Swan.
Johnny Depp
If Johnny was a cheerleader, he’d be Johnny Pep
Gilbert Gottfried
If Gilbert Gottfried was a comic strip character, he’d be called Dilbert Gottfried.
Barack Obama
If Barack Obama was made fun of on the playground, he’d be Barack YO-Mama
Sandy Duncan
If Barack were to move to a different state, he’d be Barack Alabama
Sandy Duncan
You both thought of Sandy Duncan?!
If she played in the wizard of oz she’d be Sandy Munchkin
Mandy Patinkin.
If Mandy Patinkin got sand up her bikini, she’d be called Sandy Patinkin.
Vin Diesel
If Vin Diesel got spots and was ill, he’d be Vin Measle
Robin Williams
If Robin Willams was a big crybaby, He’d be Sob-in Williams.
Lou Dobbs
It’s back. Sorry about that. If Lou Dobbs drowned in the ocean he’d be Lou Bobbs
Kevin Bacon
If Kevin Bacon was not really an actor, he’d be called Kevin Fakin’.
Jane Lynch
If Jane Lynch turned into a robber, she’d be known as Jane Pinch
Jim Carrey
If Jim* Carrey had a beard, he’d be called Jim Hairy.
Steve Carel
If Steve Carel had things that annoyed him, he’d be Peeve Carel
Whoopie Goldberg
If Whoopie Goldberg had diarhea she’d be, Poopie Goldberg
Donald Trump.
If Whoopie brought down the Titantic, she’d be called Whoopie Iceberg
Yoko Ono
If Yoko Ono played card games, she’d be called Yoko Uno.
Donald Trump
Since Donald isn’t happy with anyone he should be Donald Grump.
Sarah Palin.
If Sarah Palin tries to become president again, she’ll be called Sarah Failin’.
Courteney Cox
If Courtney were answering @wundayatta’s box questions she’d be known as Courtney Box…If she were Jewish, maybe she’d be known as Courtney Lox and when she was in that Springsteen video, she was known as Courtney Fox!
Bruce Springsteen
If Bruce Springsteen was an agreeing man, he’d be called Truce Springsteen.
Anthony Hopkins
If Anthony Hopkins were not successful as an actor, he’d be Anthony Flopkins.
Bill Murray
If Bill Murray saved rescued a dying cat, he’d be called Bill Hooray!
Charlie Sheen
If Charlie Sheen didn’t do drugs, he’s be Charlie Clean…
Al Gore
If Al Gore was a delicious campfire treat, he’d be called Al S’more.
Chris Brown
If Chris Brown stopped being funny, he’d be Chris Frown
Drew Carey
If Drew Carey wore a tutu and could fly, he’d be called Drew Fairy.
Mariah Carey
If Mariah Carey were a virgin, she’d be Mariah Cherry.
(You guys are having way too much fun with this.)
Bob Hope.
If Bob Hope became Catholic, he’d be Bob Pope
Bill Cosby
If Bill Cosby created puddin’-pop-flavored cupcakes, he could be called BIll Frosting.
(let’s go with that.)
Farah Fawcett.
If Farah Fawcett was a dentist, she’d be called Farah Flossit.
Gene Simmons
If Gene Simmons were more feminine , he’d be Gene Womens
William Shatner
If William Shatner was a steam roller operator, he’d be called William Flattener.
Leonard Nimoy
If Leonard wasn’t Jewish (he is) he’d be Leonard The Goy.
Jessica Alba
If Jessica Alba was part of the media, she’d be Pressica Alba
Elvis Presley
If Elvis Presley shook his hips anymore, he’d be called Pelvis Presley.
Buddy Holly
If Buddy Holly’s belly shook like a bowl for of jelly, he’d be Buddy Jolly.
Rowan Atkinson
If Rowan Atkinson were in crew, he’d be Rowin Atkinson.
Prince Charles.
If Prince Charles liked crepes stuffed with cheese, he’d be Blintz Charles
waiting for a new name so I can jump into the game
If Princess Diana had used autotune she’d be Princess Rihanna
Gordon Ramsay
If Gordon Ramsay spoke the word pig in pig latin, he’s be Gordon Amhay
Lawrence Welk
If Lawrence Welk were an animal he’d be called Lawrence Elk.
Simon Cowell
If Simon Cowell was much nicer, he’d be Simon Pal
Luke Perry
If Luke Perry was a nuclear scientist, he’d be called Nuke Perry.
Jason Priestley
If Jason Priestley treated everyone horribly, he’s be Jason Beastly…
Jerry Seinfeld
If Jerry Seinfeld was a jolly good fellow, he’d be called Merry Seinfeld.
George Costanza
I’ll resist the urge to use “Can’t stand ya”
If George Costanza starred in a remake of a family western show, he’d be George Bonanza
Michael Richards
If Michael Richards lived in Alabama, he’d be called Michael Prichards.
James Franco
If James Franco was a woman honored in England, he’d be Dames Franco
Cosmo Kramer
What James looks like when he speaks into a camera, James Blanco. (I know, I cheated.)
Sugar Ray Leonard
If Sugar Ray Leonard had a cold, he’d be Booger Ray Leonard.
Kanye West
If Kanye were amusing, he’d be Kanye Jest
Jason Mraz
If Jason Mraz delved into a different genre of music, he could be called Jason Jazz.
Adam Levine
If Adam Levine became the lady in charge of a whore house, he’d be Madam Levine
Cosmo Kramer
If Cosmo Kramer was a coach, he’d be called Cosmo Trainer.
Edward Norton
If Edward Norton was really tired, he’d be Bedward Norton
Chrstina Ricci
If Christina Ricci had tourettes, she’d be called Christina Twitchy.
David Spade
If David Spade was the person I dream about, he’d be David _____ ooh, nevermind!
If David Spade wore leather products, he’d be David Suede
Chris Farley
If Chris Farley made Reggae music, he’d be Chris Marley
Patricia Heaton
If Patricia Heaton was abused, she’d be called Patricia Beaten.
Kevin James
If Kevin James was an underwear model, he’d be Kevin Hanes.
Ron Perlman
If Ron Perlman digs for gold instead of diving for pearls, he will be Ron Goldman
Annette Benning
If Annette Benning was an author, she’d be called Annette Penning.
Albert Einstein
If Albert Einstein was a fashion designer he’ll be Albert Ann Klein
John Malkovich
If John Malkovich was allergic he’d be John Hasanitch
Betty White
If Betty White flew the first airplane she’ll be Betty Wright
Harrison Ford
If Harrison Ford had an NPR radio show, he’d be Garrison Ford
David Sedaris
If David Sedaris was a star he’d be David Polaris.
Christian Slater
If Christian Slater was a troll, he’d be Christian Hater.
Cameron Diaz
If Cameron Diaz was a carpenter, she’d be Hammeron Diaz
Raul Julia
If Raul Julia was in the bathroom, she’d be called Stall Julia.
Nicolas Cage
If Nicholas Cage had anger issues, he’d be Nicholas Rage.
If @yankeetooter played an instrument, she’d be called @yankeefluter.
Mark Anthony
If Mark Anthony took off all of his clothes, he’d be Stark Anthony
Herman Munster
sorry for forgetting the name, that was funny @erichw1504
@erichw1504 Raul Julia is a man. I’m still snorting laughter over your response about Mandy Patinkin
If Herman Munster was from Frankfurt, he’s be German Muenster.
Alan Rickman
@Pied_Pfeffer Son of a…!
If Alan Rickman was a jerk, he’d be called Alan Prickman.
John Lithgow
If John Lithgow was frowning at this moment, he’d be John Withscowl
JK Rowling
If JK Rowling had the shape of a ten-pin and a head like Charlie Brown’s, she’d be JK Bowling.
Charlie Brown
If Charlie Brown was the King of the World, He’d be Charlie Crown
Linda Rondstadt
If Linda Rondstadt lived in Chicago, she’d (she is a girl right?) be Winda Rondstadt.
Michael Jordan
If Michael Jordan rode a bike everywhere, he’d be Cycle Jordan
Cal Ripken
If Cal Ripken was a robot, he’d be called Hal Ripken.
John Travolta
If John Travolta was arrested for criminal acts, he’d be Con Travolta
Ted Danson
If Ted Danson had a thick mustache in the 70’s he’ll be Ted Bronson
Charles Bronson
If Charles Bronson had tangles in his hair every morning, he’d be Snarls Bronson
Rhea Perlman
If Charles Bronson made frozen dinners he’d be Charles Swanson
Katie Couric
If Katie Couric lives in a foreign country, she’d be called Haiti Couric.
Bruce Willis
If Bruce Willis was is better shape, he’d be Spruce Willis
Jim Nabors
Since Jim Nabors left acting, he’s put on a ton of weight and does charity work. He now goes by ‘Slim’ Favors.
Ewan McGregor
If Ewan Mcgregor was feelin ill he’d be called Spewing Magutsup
Clint Eastwood
If Clint Eastwood is facing the opposite direction he’ll be Clint Westwood
Faye Dunaway
If Faye Dunaway bought a lot of rifles and pistols, she’d be Faye Gunaday
Liam Neeson
If Liam Neeson’s belly starts to bloat switching to comedy acting he’ll be Liam Gleason
Mark Hamill
If Mark Hamill goes off to live in the desert, he’d be Mark Camel
Carrie Underwood
If Carrie Underwood were a guy and didn’t shave the nether regions, she’d have Hairy Underwood
Ricky Gervais
If Ricky Gervais was a hedgehog he’d be called Pricky Gervais
Cheryl Cole
If Cheryl Cole was filled with Lucky Charms and milk, she’d be called Cereal Bowl.
Rick James
If Rick James was a detective, he’d be called Dick James.
Parker Posey
If Rick James was a lion, he’d be Licks Manes
If Parker Posey was a warm coat, she’d be Parka Cozy
Clay Aiken
If Clay Aiken decides to play as a guy he’ll be Clay Faiken
Bruce Lee
@mazingerz88 Or “I Be Fakin’”
If Bruce Lee was a fir, he’d be Spruce Tree
Maria Shriver
If Maria Shriver wed her chauffeur she’d be set to Marry her driver
David Beckham
If David Beckham turned out to be Kevin’s lost brother he’ll be David Bacon
Santa Claus
If Santa Claus married Monica Lewinski he’d be called Santa Monica
Frank Sinatra
If Santa Claus was a kitty, he’d be Santa Paws.
Peter Cottontail
If Peter was a Furry he’d be called Peter Gettintail.
Phyllis Diller
If Phyllis Diller was a saleslady she could be called Phyllis Schiller
Pee Wee Herman
If Phyllis Diller was a slut with a sexual disease she’ll be Syphyllis Drillher
Tom Jones
Ahem, what about Frank Sinatra, I did get their first! Come on, play fair people.
If Frank Sinatra was a drug commercial on TV everyday he’ll be Frank Fenestra
Cary Grant
If Cary didn’t take his Viagra, he’d be Cary Can’t.
Susan Sarandon
If Susan Sarandon invented plastic to wrap food with she’ll be Susan Saranwrap
Pee Wee Herman
If Pee Wee Herman were a tank he’d be called Pow Wow Sherman
Daffy Duck
If Daffy Duck gets beaten by Donald Duck in a wrestling contest he’ll be Daffy Suck
Tom Jones
If Tom Jones were anorexic he’d be called Tom Bones
Owen Wilson…....@mazingerz88 respect for tidying up the thread :¬)
If Owen Wilson were a tailor, he’d be Sewin’ Wilson
Jon Stewart
If Jon Stewart bought a new wardrobe, he’d be Jon Newshirt.
David Letterman
If David Letterman stops having sex with his office staff, he’ll be David Betterman
Isaac Newton
When Isaac Newton eats beans, he’s Isaac Tootin’.
George Carlin
If George Carlin grew gills, he’d be George Marlin and talk about the seven words you can’t say underwater.
Steven Spielberg
If Steven Spielberg was clumsy at drinking a lot of beer he’ll be Steven Spillbeer or Steven Spielburp
George Lucas
When George Lucas catches a cold, he turns into George Mucus.
Carrie Fisher
If Carrie Fisher were a Genie, she’d be Carrie Wish-er
Bob Barker
If Bob Barker went to Transylvannia to get Dracula’s signature he’ll be Bob Harker
Kirk Douglas
If Kirk Douglas was a porn star he’d surely be called Dirk Digglas
Kylie Minogue
If Kylie Minogue wrote, produced and directed an interesting feminist stage act, she may be called, Kylie Vagina Monologue
Marlon Brando
When Marlon Brando goes free ballin, he’s Marlon Commando.
Johnny Rotten
you guys are still going at this? wow.
when Johnny Rotten gets very old he’ll be Johnny Forgotten
Jeff Bridges
@troubleinharlem Yep, you’re game is brill!
Long day, but I’m baaack!
If Jeff Bridges were a potato chip, he’d be Jeff Ridges
Ryan Seacrest.
If Ryan Seacrest had a plane, he’d be Flyin’ Seacrest.
Albert Brooks
If Albert Brooks was a corner, he’d be Albert Nooks.
Mila Kunis
If Mila Kunis was a game, she’d be known as Mila Draconis
Love her as the voice of Meg on Family Guy:D
Henry Winkler
If Henry Winkler had an enlarged prostate, he’d be Henry Tinkler.
Rob Lowe
If Rob Lowe was a gardening tool, he’d be Rob Hoe.
Jesse Eisenberg
If Jesse Eisenberg were a hoarder, he’d be known as Messy Eisenberbg.
Wilt Chamberlain
If Wilt Chamberlain was an old female hotel worker he’ll be Wilted Chambermaid
John Leguizamo
If John Leguizamo really needed money, he’d be John Beguizamo.
Justin Timberlake
If Justin Timberlake went water skiing, would he be Justin Riverswake?
John Malkovich
If John Malkovich drank a lot of dairy, he’d be called John Milkovich.
Jennifer Anniston
If Jennifer Anniston clucked all the time, she’d be Hennifer Anniston
If @yankeetooter smelled bad, she’d be called @stankytooter.
Ray Romano
I did it again
If Ray Romano got castrated, he’d be Ray Soprano
Fred Flintstone
If Fred Flintstone ate too many Peppermint Patties, he’d be called Fred Mintstone.
Daffy Duck
We’ve already had Daffy Duck, but hey, who cares?
If Daffy Duck was a porn star he’d be called Daffy Fuck
Joe Pesci
If Joe Pesci didn’t clean up after himself, he’d be called Joe Messy.
Macaulay Culkin
If Macaulay Culkin were in a bad mood, he’d surely be called Macaulay Sulkin
Burt Reynolds
If Burt Reynolds was terse with everyone he met, he’d be Curt Reynolds.
Loni Anderson
If Loni Anderson were a pasta, she’d be called Macaroni Anderson.
Pierce Bronson
If Pierce Bronson went around biting people in the shin, he’d be Fierce Bronson.
Gary Coleman
If Gary Coleman worked as a stripper, he may be named Hairy Poleman
Jessica Alba
If Jessica Alba was a strange type of lettuce, she’d be Cressica Alba
Estelle Getty
If Estelle Getty were a large, cold, out of focus creature, she’d be called Estelle Yeti.
John C. Reilly
If John C. Reilly told a catalogue of lies, he’d be known as John C. Really??
Nancy Reagan
If Nancy Reagan was not a Christian, she’d be Nancy Pagan.
Jimmy Carter
If Jimmy Carter had too many beans for dinner, he’d be called Jimmy Farter.
Bill Hader
If Bill Hader were in drag, he’d be Bill Masquerader.
Monty Python
If Monty Python went around saying “Aaaaaa” alot, he’d be Fonzi Python
Henry Winkler
If Henry Winkler watered the lawn, he’d be Henry Sprinkler.
Frank Zappa
If Frank Zappa were a daddy, he’d be Frank Pappa
Ron Howard
If Ron Howard was scared of the dark, he’d be called Ron Coward.
Adam Sandler
If Adam Sandler were always asking for money, he’d be Adam Panhandler
Lorne Greene
If Lorne Greene were female, he’d be called Theresa Greene
Tommy Lee Jones
If Tommy Lee Jones were skeletal, he’d be Tommy See Bones.
Richard Whidmark
If Richard Whidmark shit his pants, he’d be called Richard Skidmark. Too easy.
Richard Simmons
If Richard Simmons was into kinky sex, he’d be known as Dick Strapons
Paul Newman
If Paul Newman drove fast cars, he’d be called Paul Vroomin’.
Hugh Jackman
If Hugh Jackman was overweight, he’d be known as Huge Assman
Tobey Maguire
If Tobey Maguire gained weight he’d be Tobey Sparetire
Kevin Costner
If Kevin Costner used a lot of yeast, he’d be Leaven Costner
Daniel Radcliffe
If Daniel Radcliffe was a dog, he’d be called Cocker Spaniel Radcliffe.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
If Joseph Gordon-Levitt sped on the highway, he’d be Joseph Gordon-Rev-it
Brendan Frasier
If Brendan Frasier moved v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y, he’d be Brendan Glacier.
Paris Hilton
If Paris Hilton was getting tipsy, she’d be called Paris Tiltin’.
Robert Pattinson
If Robert Pattinson was a kitty sleeping in the window, he’d be Robert Catinsun
Robert Palmer
If Robert Palmer was a subdued kind of guy, he’d be called Robert Calmer.
Morgan Freeman
If Morgan Freeman was just released from prison, he’d be Morethan Freeman
James Earl Jones
If James Earl Jones got rickets, he’d be James Curl Bones.
Nancy Pelosi
If Nancy Pelosi was always asking questions, she’d be Nancy Nosy
Henry Ford
If Henry Ford was a sharp weapon, he’d be called Henry Sword.
Danny McBride
If Danny McBride were female, she’d be called Fanny McGroom
Brett Favre
If Brett Favre played guitar, he’d be called Fret Favre.
Carmelo Anthony
If Carmelo Anthony were roasted on a stick over a bonfire, he’d be Marshmallow Anthony.
Tommy Emmanuel
If Tommy Emmanuel got a sex change and had a child, he’d be called Mommy Emmanuel.
Larry Bird
If Larry Bird were a cow, he’d be Larry Curd.
Davey Crockett.
If Davy Crockett carried things in his clothes, he’d be Davy Pocket.
Jim Bowie
If Jim Bowie liked to cut the grass, he’d be called Jim Mowie.
Sammy Hagar
If Sammy Hagar was always overacting, he’d be Hammy Hagar.
George Washington
If GW were the grand canyon, he’d be Gorge Washington
Joel McHale
If Joel McHale was terrible at life, he’d be called Joel McFail.
Chevy Chase
If Chevy Chase held back water in Louisiana, he’d be Levee Chase
Mitch Hedberg
If Mitch Hedberg bought a used mattress, he’d be Mitch Bedbu-r-g
Donald Duck
If Donald Duck was related to Donald Trump he’d be Donald Bucks.
LeAnn Rimes
If LeAnn Rimes never spoke, but communicated with motions, she’d be LeAnn Mimes.
Dolly Parton
If Dolly Parton were a creepy Japanese pedo’s dream, she’d be Loli Parton
Steve Irwin
If Steve Irwin wore dead animal skins, he’d be Steve Furwin.
Minnie Mouse
If Minnie Mouse drank lots of Tanqueray, she’d be a Ginny Souse.
Stephen Hawking
If Stephen Hawking followed people everywhere they go, he’d be Stephen Stalking.
Steven Spielberg
If Steven Spielberg were a revivalist, he’d be Believin’ Spielberg
Graham Norton
If Graham Norton suffered osteoporosis, he’d be Graham Shorten.
Humpty Dumpty
If Humpty Dumpty was in a bad mood all of the time, he’d be Grumpy Dumpty.
Little Bo Peep
If Little Bo Peep cleaned the floor with an old, straw broom, she’d be Brittle Flo Sweep.
Mother Goose
If Mother Goose always brought up the rear, she’d be Mother Caboose.
Mack the Knife
If Mack the Knife married, the little woman would be Mrs. Mack, the Wife.
Frank Sinatra
If Frank Sinatra was an island in Indonesia, he’d be Frank Sumatra.
Bobby Darin
If Bobby Darin were a female stripper, she’d almost certainly be called Booby Darlin
John Travolta
If John Travolta were a brothy soup containing noodles filled with meat, he’d be WonTon Travolta.
Kevin Spacey
Bobby Darin’s a guy, by the way
If Kevin Spacey was one of the Chilean miners he’ll be Cavein Crazy
Macaulay Culkin
@yankeetooter Duh, no shit Sherlock, I just bent the rules a little that’s all.
@troubleinharlem Mind if I resuscitate it into life again?
If Macaulay Culkin ate lots, he’d be Macaulay Bulkin
Orlando Bloom
If Orlando Bloom was motel in central Florida he would be Orlando Room.
Woody Allen
When Woody Allen gets up in the morning, he’s probably Woody Allen.
Sly Stallone
Geesh! Sorry everyone, I’m just tired…give a girl a break
excuses, excuses and still no name
that was only a comment, not an entry in the game
If @Blueroses keeps asking for a name, they’ll be known as Who?roses.
Abraham Lincoln
hee hee illegal use of mockery, but forgiven because of cuteness
If Abraham Lincoln’s job was emptying porta pottys, he would have been called Abraham Stinkin’
Cary Grant
If Cary Grant was always complaining about the freshness of his milk, he’d be Dairy Rant.
Fred Rogers
If Fred Rogers played the role of the dodger in Oliver Twist, he’d be Fred Dodgers
Tommy Lee Jones
If Tommy Lee Jones had kidney rocks, he’d be Tommy Pee Stones.
Sarah Jessica Parker
If Sarah Jessica Parker got a tan without putting sunscreen on, she’d be Sarah Jessica Darker
Colin Firth
If Colin Firth made people sneeze where ever he went, he’d be Pollen Firth.
Mr. T
If Mr. T wet himself, he’d be Mr. P
Christian Bale
If Christian Bale worked for the postal service, he’d be Christian Mail.
Bill Bixby
I f Bill Bixby became a plumber he’d be Bill Fixby.
Keanu Reeves
I think this was the first name given..
If Keanu Reeves was always laying on the ground in the fall, he’d be Keanu Leaves.
Samuel Jackson
This thread is too fun to let die…!
If Samuel Jackson was the face guy for beer, he’d be Samuel Adams.
Ralph Fiennes
If Ralph Fiennes were a pair of Levi’s, he’d be called Ralph Jeans.
George Bush
If George Bush got squished, he’d be George Mush.
Kirsten Dunst
Careful now . . .
If Kirsten Dunst were full of herself, she’d be Burstin’ Dunst.
Toby McGuire
If Toby McGuire decided to serve his country, he’d be Toby Squire
Paul Bettany
If Paul Bettany was a cat, he’d be called Paul Pet-a-me.
Tom Hardy
my favorite author
If Thomas Hardy were always late, he’d be Thomas Tardy.
Somerset Maughm
@yankeetooter Not Thomas Hardy, Tom Hardy.
If Somerset Maughm was a chill dude, he’d be called Somerset Calm.
Hank Aaron
If Hank Aaron went on a cruise and drowned, he’d be Sank Aaron.
Steven Brahms
If Steven Brahms was a number 2, he’d be Even Brahms.
Mark McGrath
If Mark McGrath didn’t like showers, he’d be Mark McBath.
Guy de Maupassant
If Guy de Maupassant were a shopaholic, he’d be Buy de Maupassant.
Mahatma Ghandi.
If Mahatma Ghandi was a delicious treat with an accent, he’d be Mahatma Cahndi.
Julius Caeser
If Julius Caeser had a urine fettish, he’d be Julius Pees-her.
Roberto Clemente
If Roberto Clemente hardened after time, he’d be called Roberto Cement.
Anna Torv
If Anna Torv studied the human body she’d be known as Anna Tomy
Benito Mussolini
If Benito Mussolini was Mexican, he’d be called Burrito Mussolini.
John Noble
If John Noble dissapeared, he’d be Gone Noble.
Al Capone
If Al Capone had a boat, he’d be called Sail Capone.
Joshua Jackson
If Joshua Jackson bought the fast food chain McDonalds, he’d be Joshua MacSon.
Leonardo Da Vinci
If Leonardo Da Vinci didn’t like Christmas, he’d be called Leonardo Da Grinchy.
Jennie Garth
If Jennie Garth sat in front of the fireplace a lot, she’d be Jennie Hearth.
Maureen Stapleton
If Maureen Stapleton were Canadian, she’d be Maureen Mapleton.
Pierre Trudeau
If Pierre Trudeau were a counterfeiter, he’d be Pierre Falsedough.
Alfred Hitchcock
If Alfred Hitchcock was a watchmaker, he’d be Alfred Hitchclock.
Charlie Chaplin
If Charlie Chaplin was a motorcycle, he’d be called Harley Chaplin.
Barry Bonds
If Barry Bonds was a shrimps dish in New Orleans he would be Barrie Prawns.
John Quincy Adams
If John Quincy Adams ran a “house of ill-repute,” he’d be John Quincy Madams.
Josh Groban
If Josh Groban was Arab, he’d be called Josh Turban.
Bob Saget
If Bob Saget had a tail, he’d be Bob Wagit (I didn’t go for the low-hanging “fruit”).
Billy Joel
If Billy Joel was an exotic dancer, he’d be called Billy Pole.
Luke Evans
If Luke Evans were a mistake, he’d be Fluke Evans.
Ludwig van Beethoven.
If Ludwig van Beethoven wore a hairpiece to a farm on a rainy day he’d be called Mudwig van Beethoven.
Star Jones
If Star Jones were bar-b-que ribs, she’d be Star Bones.
Danny DeVito.
If Danny DeVito was foreign, yet familiar, he’d be called Uncanny DeVito.
Michelle Pfeiffer
If Michelle Pfeiffer were serving lots of time for heinous crimes, she’d be Michelle Lifer.
Uma Thurman
If Uma Thurman was a hot beverage container, she’d be called Uma Thermos®.
Val Kilmer
If Val Kilmer were always taking stuff that wasn’t his, he’d be Val Pilfer.
Judd Hirsch
If Judd Hirsch loved beer, he’d be called Bud Hirsch.
Jim Parsons
If Jim Parsons hung from branches in a tree, he’d be Limb Parsons.
Alan Alda
If Alan Alda decided to ditch his friends, he’d be called Bailin’ Alda.
Kaley Cuoco
If Kaley Cuoco was always acting crazy, he’d(?) be Kaley Loco.
Loretta Swit
If Loretta Swit were daft, she’d be Loretta Twit.
Florence Henderson
If Florence Henderson was tons of water flooding in, she’d be Torrents Henderson.
Linda Lavin
If Linda Lavin was a road construction worker, she’d be called Linda Pavin’
Katy Perry
If Katy Perry asked a lot of questions, she’d be Katy Query.
Taylor Swift
If Taylor Swift went out to sea, she’d be called Taylor Drift.
Beyonce Knowles
If Beyonce Knowles had lots of plans for her lofe, she’d be Beyonce Goals.
Plain White T’s
If Plain White T’s were my lover, he’d be my Main Night’s Squeeze!!!
Vanilla Ice
If Vanilla Ice was overflowing herbs he’d be Vanilla Spice .
Katie Couric
If Katie Couric took her show on the road, she’d be Katie Tour Chick.
Dan Rather
If Dan Rather got booted from CBS, he’d be Dan Rather Not.
Harry Houdini
If Harry Houdini wasn’t allowed to play basketball, he’d be Harry TooTeeny.
Michael Jordan
If Michael Jordan likes two-wheeled vehicles, then he’d be called Motorcycle Jordan.
Bart Simpson
If Bart Simpson were a jelly filled pastry, he’d be Tart Simpson.
I took the high road on that one, lol!
Peter Griffith
If Peter Griffith was an abuser, he’d be called Beater Griffith.
Ned Flanders
If Ned Flanders were the Director of Marketing, he’d be Head Branders.
Buzz Lightyear
If Buzz Lightyear was deaf on his left side, he’d be Buzz RightEar.
Charlie Brown
If Charlie Brown was hanging around the ‘hood he would be Charlie Downtown.
Bugs Bunny
If Bugs Bunny was a stand-up comedian, he’d be called Bugs Funny.
Hank Hill
If Hank Hill were spending $50—$70 bucks all the time, he’d be known as Tank Fill.
not really funny, I know!
Yosemite Sam
If Yosemite Sam loved being the center of attention, he’d be called Yosemite Ham.
Philip J. Fry
If Philip J. Fry were very timid, he’d be Philip R. Shy.
Gore Vidal.
If Gore Vidal told stories that put people to sleep, he’d be Bore Vidal.
Peppermint Patty
If Peppermint Patty wore the “fashionable” animal-print fabrics, she’d be Leopardprint Patty.
Jude Law
If Jude Law was a New York Yankee playing in Camden Yards, he’d be Booed Law.
Lucy VanPelt
If Lucy VanPelt got a bucket of water thrown at her, she’d be Lucy VanMelt.
Ellie Golding
If Ellie Golding was some leftovers from my fridge I recently threw out, she’d be Smelly Molding.
Lucy Lui
If Lucy Lui was a silly acting person, she’d be Goosey Lui.
Kelly Rippa
If Kelly Rippa pole-danced, she’d be Kelly Strippa!
Lady Gaga
If Lady Gaga was a comedienne, she’d be called Lady Haha.
Regis Philbin
If he ever retires, Regis Philbin will be Regis Hasbeen.
Anderson Cooper
If Anderson Cooper ate too much fiber, he’d be called Anderson Pooper.
Ronald McDonald
If Ronald McDonald had dyslexia, he’d be Donald McRonald.
Sylvester Stalone
If Sylvester Stalone were a vibrant South American icon, he’d be Sylvester Peron.
C.S. Lewis
If C. S. Lewis was an accountant, he’d be called C. S. Jewish.
Spongebob Squarepants
If Spongebob Squarepants were compensated for posts on Fluther, he’d be Spongebob Paidplants (aka Plaidpants).
Bruce Hornsby
this post is getting really slow
Then somebody needs to make part dos!
If Bruce Hornsby had an erection, he’d be called Bruce Horny.
Deuce Bigalow
If Deuce Bigalow sold his “services,” he’d be Deuce Gigolo.
Fernando Lamas
If Fernando Lamas was an English teacher, he’d be called Fernando Commas.
Kate Beckinsale
If Kate Beckinsale liked to watch the boys walk by, she’d be Kate Checkin-Male.
Gregory Peck
If Gregory Peck were a crappy actor, he’d be Gregory Dreck.
Jean Paul Sartre
If Jean Paul Sartre was a junk man, he’d be Jean Haul Sartre.
Carole King.
You know you guys can go to Part 2 of this thread.
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