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Transgenders: in some places tolerated, in others revered - how about in your society?
Nepal’s transgender community has sent blessings to Prince William and Kate Middleton ahead of their wedding and offered to send someone to the ceremony.
Transgender people in Nepal, mostly men living as women who are known as “hijras” or eunuchs, are considered auspicious at weddings in South Asia, where they are often paid to sing, dance and give blessings to the couple.
Now over 70% of you are American, statistically – especially now with the whole google/twitter/facebook thing for each question. Americans: how do you feel about transgenders?
World: How are transgenders accepted in your society? How do you feel about them?
Do you distinguish between men/women transgenders – is one more acceptable to you?
Do you think of all cross-dressers as just transgenders sans operation – or perhaps you give it little thought?
For the bold: it’s late at night, a few drinks in the pub – you go home with someone who turnes out to be transgendered. Your reaction is?
I am asking a variety of questions here to help you answer – you may choose one or all. Thank you.
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