@seazen_ the number of followers of a religion means nothing except it’s ability to overpower said people. The religions of today have reached the numbers they have by brute force. For example, centuries ago if you didn’t believe in the ruling religion and were caught not believing, you converted, were tortured until you converted or were killed. I think it’s fair to say there were a decent amount of people who saved their lives by converting. So on and so forth adding to the religious population.
And your ”But what if there is? See you on the other side buddy. Don’t come screaming to Zen…” statement is a facile argument, I’ve heard this countless times from countless people and it still holds no weight to me. Because it simply implies you, and everyone else who’s said that to me, believe because you are too afraid not to believe or question. Which leads into my next point.
Life is about questions, finding answers and truth. Religion is about control, fear and limiting freedoms all while using 2,000 year old tales (1,400 in the case of islam) with no proof to rule the lives of it’s followers. And today it all adds up to say that people have been following for so long, not always out of free will, we might as well too, just in case.
And if turns out I am wrong there is a god, which I very much don’t believe there is, then I will be a man and deal with it knowing I have lived a life filled with free thought, knowledge, and exploration as a human being and not a blind subject.
That’s not necessarily directed at you personally, but to the statements you have made.
@filmfann just quickly, the Church which ruled much of the world in centuries past was the primary source of education. A couple things they believed and taught, was the earth was flat and was the center of the universe, and if you argued against the Church’s teachings you were in trouble. That’s where those come in into my message above.
The bible also makes references to the four corners and edges of the earth, as well as pillars. and as a sphere has no edges or corners…
I grew up in a Catholic home, went to a Catholic school and have very religious relatives. So I have read a fair amount of the Bible in those years.
The more I read about religions and learned about them, the more it was forced upon me, the less I believed. Up until about age 15 through today and forever more, where I believe none of it.
and as @ragingloli pointed out, the big bang theory does not match up with creationism.